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  1. Hi I have an editxml.php file that takes this code: Hi <img src="RLW_001.jpg" title="Please click on photograph to purhase" caption="RLW_001.jpg" link="" /> and when run, turns it into this code: <img src="BST 001.jpg" title="Please click on photograph to purchase" caption="BST 001.jpg" link="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('/Payment_page.php?name=BST 001.jpg&album=Brighton speed trials 2006','myWindow','width=300,height=660,toolbar=no,location=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');NewWindow.focus(); void(0);" /> I need to change the editxml.php so that it creates a xml file like this <img src="ECO_007.jpg" title="Please click on Photograph to purchase" caption="ECO_007.jpg" link="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/Payment_page2.php?name=ECO_007.jpg&album=Ecofair_2006" target="_self" /> Ignore the filenames (i have taken them from different sources) Here is the editxml.php code that needs changing: <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php $file = "images.xml"; $descriptor = fopen ($file, "r"); $contents = fread($descriptor , filesize($file)); $album = ''; $pos1 = strpos($contents, 'javascript:NewWindow'); if ($pos1 == false) { $pieces = explode('link=""', $contents); $op = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pieces); $i++) { $tnpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'tnPath="'); if ($tnpos !== false) { $titpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'ssp_director/albums/', $tnpos); $titpos += 20; $titend = strpos($pieces[$i], '/', $titpos) - $titpos; $album = substr($pieces[$i], $titpos, $titend); //echo $album; } $halves = explode('<img src="', $pieces[$i]); $fileid = substr($halves[1], 0, 7); if (count($halves) > 1) { $halves[0] .= '<img src="'; $pos1 = strpos($halves[1], 'unavailable'); if ($pos1 == false) { $halves[1] .= "link=\"javascript:NewWindow=window.open('/Payment_page.php?name=" . $fileid . ".jpg&album=" . $album . "','myWindow','width=300,height=730,toolbar=no,location=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');NewWindow.focus(); void(0);\""; } else { $halves[1] .= 'link=""'; } } $op .= $halves[0] . $halves[1]; } fclose($descriptor); unlink($file); //$descriptor = fopen ('images.txt', "w"); $descriptor = fopen ($file, "w"); fwrite($descriptor,$op); echo 'done! '; echo count($pieces); echo ' pieces processed'; fclose($descriptor); } else { echo 'This file has been processed already'; } ?> </body> </html> I guess the javascript newwindow code needs replacing, i have tried but can't quite get it right. If anyone out there can show me what to change i would be so so grateful. Many thanks Mike
  2. Sorry about the lack of tags. Well i added the Ecofair to the _2006 code in my xml file and it worked. So i know that it can work, but i still have the problem of generating the images.xml file correctly. It is still shortening my thumbnail file name. Still need help please Mike
  3. Hi Revraz Ok so i am he original newbie. How do i echo the album? Mike
  4. Hi, Can anyone tell me why my filename is being chopped in half when i run my editxml.php command The problem line in the code is: name=ECO_001.jpg&album=_2006' it should read name=ECO_001.jpg&album=Ecofair_2006' This is the code that is created after running the editxml.php command. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <gallery> <album title="Ecofair 2006" description="Photographs from the 2006 Ecofair in Burgess Hill" lgPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/Event/albums/Ecofair_2006/lg/" tnPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/Event/albums/Ecofair_2006/tn/"> <img src="ECO_001.jpg" title="Please click on Photograph to purchase" caption="ECO_001.jpg" link="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('/Payment_page.php?name=ECO_001.jpg&album=_2006','myWindow','width=300,height=700,toolbar=no,location=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');NewWindow.focus(); void(0);" /> </album> </gallery> Here is the editxml.php code <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php $file = "images.xml"; $descriptor = fopen ($file, "r"); $contents = fread($descriptor , filesize($file)); $album = ''; $pos1 = strpos($contents, 'javascript:NewWindow'); if ($pos1 == false) { $pieces = explode('link=""', $contents); $op = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pieces); $i++) { $tnpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'tnPath="'); if ($tnpos !== false) { $titpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'Event/albums/', $tnpos); $titpos += 20; $titend = strpos($pieces[$i], '/', $titpos) - $titpos; $album = substr($pieces[$i], $titpos, $titend); //echo $album; } $halves = explode('<img src="', $pieces[$i]); $fileid = substr($halves[1], 0, 7); if (count($halves) > 1) { $halves[0] .= '<img src="'; $pos1 = strpos($halves[1], 'unavailable'); if ($pos1 == false) { $halves[1] .= "link=\"javascript:NewWindow=window.open('/Payment_page.php?name=" . $fileid . ".jpg&album=" . $album . "','myWindow','width=300,height=700,toolbar=no,location=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');NewWindow.focus(); void(0);\""; } else { $halves[1] .= 'link=""'; } } $op .= $halves[0] . $halves[1]; } fclose($descriptor); unlink($file); //$descriptor = fopen ('images.txt', "w"); $descriptor = fopen ($file, "w"); fwrite($descriptor,$op); echo 'done! '; echo count($pieces); echo ' pieces processed'; fclose($descriptor); } else { echo 'This file has been processed already'; } ?> </body> </html> A friend of mine wrote the code for me and it works fine on my old website http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/Event_Photos_Part_1.html As you can see when you click on the image it gets the image info and thumbnail and opens it in a new window. On my new site it is tripping up on getting the thumbnail. Thanks in advance Mike
  5. Ok i have moved the php file to my main public folder and it works. It seems that when i move it back to it's original location it fails. Just to clarify. The original location for the file is in a mysql database. I have two running databases on my website, one for wordpress and one for slideshowpro. I wonder why it is not working when it is placed in my slideshowpro folder. All was working well with the exact same setup when my hosts were easyspace Mike
  6. If i login to my control panel i am given the option to choose between php4, php5 and php5 fastCGI. I have tried them all with no success. I have a file called php.ini in my main directory. Mike
  7. Hi, i am getting this message even though i am only running this php code as a test. <?php phpinfo(); ?> My host is bluehost Can anyone let me know what i am doing wrong Cheers Mike
  8. Hello all I have a website that i have built myself, i am using a program called slideshowpro that displays slideshows of my photographs. A friend of mine wrote some php code to enable the user to click on the photograph and that would open a new window that would display the filename and thumbnail of the selected image with 2 options to purchase prints, once they clicked on purchase it would open a paypal page which would show the filename and price etc. Here is the webpage so you can check it out. http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/Event_Photos_Part_1.html Well this all worked fine until i upgraded slideshowpro. The ltest version has changed the way that it creates the xml file. Unfortunately my friend has cleared off to thailand (lucky him) and i am stuck trying to modify the code. I must say that i know nothing about PHP. Slideshow pro creates a folder called xml_cache. In this folder it has a number of xml files for each album or gallery. I only need to use one of the galleries images_gallery_2_900_598_0_80_1_80_60_0_50_1_54_41_0.xml This holds a number of albums. I am pretty sure that is only the edit xml file that need modification, i have tried to modify it but with no luck. If anyone can give me some help i would be most grateful. I have attached 3 files for you to have a look at. Just to clarify things, i have built a new site that is not live. the link that i posted is the old site which is still working. So i have 2 versions of slideshowpro running, on 2 diferent domains and isp's. I am going to post the code for all to view. Also i don't think anyone on the slideshowpro forums can help, everyone seems to be looking for a way to intergrate paypal. This is the edit.xml file <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php $file = "images.xml"; $descriptor = fopen ($file, "r"); $contents = fread($descriptor , filesize($file)); $album = ''; $pos1 = strpos($contents, 'javascript:NewWindow'); if ($pos1 == false) { $pieces = explode('link=""', $contents); $op = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pieces); $i++) { $tnpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'tnPath="'); if ($tnpos !== false) { $titpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'ssp_director/albums/', $tnpos); $titpos += 20; $titend = strpos($pieces[$i], '/', $titpos) - $titpos; $album = substr($pieces[$i], $titpos, $titend); //echo $album; } $halves = explode('<img src="', $pieces[$i]); $fileid = substr($halves[1], 0, 7); if (count($halves) > 1) { $halves[0] .= '<img src="'; $pos1 = strpos($halves[1], 'unavailable'); if ($pos1 == false) { $halves[1] .= "link=\"javascript:NewWindow=window.open('/Payment_page.php?name=" . $fileid . ".jpg&album=" . $album . "','myWindow','width=300,height=730,toolbar=no,location=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');NewWindow.focus(); void(0);\""; } else { $halves[1] .= 'link=""'; } } $op .= $halves[0] . $halves[1]; } fclose($descriptor); unlink($file); //$descriptor = fopen ('images.txt', "w"); $descriptor = fopen ($file, "w"); fwrite($descriptor,$op); echo 'done! '; echo count($pieces); echo ' pieces processed'; fclose($descriptor); } else { echo 'This file has been processed already'; } ?> </body> </html> And the old xml file created by slideshowpro (filename is images.xml) before running the edit xml command is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- XML Generated by SlideShowPro Director v1.0.5 http://www.slideshowpro.net --> <gallery> <album id="32" title="Brighton Ace Cafe Run 2006" description="Photographs from the 2006 Ace Cafe Run on Maderia Drive. Unfortunately due to a hard drive crash none of these images are available to purchase" lgPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/ssp_director/albums/Ace_Cafe_Run_2006/lg/" tnPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/ssp_director/albums/Ace_Cafe_Run_2006/tn/" tn="http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/ssp_director/album-thumbs/album-32.jpg"> <img src="ACE_001.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_001.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_002.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_002.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_003.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_003.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_004.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_004.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_005.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_005.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_006.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_006.jpg" link="" /> </album> </gallery> This is the new xml file created by slideshow pro (filename is: images_gallery_2_900_598_0_80_1_80_60_0_50_1_54_41_0.xml): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- XML Generated by SlideShowPro Director v1.1.7 http://www.slideshowpro.net --> <gallery> <album id="album-1" title="Robb and Lucy&#039;s Wedding" description="160 Photographs in Album" lgPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/p.php?a=" tnPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/p.php?a=" tn="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/p.php?a=R15FXiM6OT1uemwucmhjfm8nJys8PyY2Nio5LTciKyQ%2BJzA%2FPjM%3D" audio="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/album-audio/Lara`s Castle.mp3" audioCaption="Laura&#039;s castle by Yann Tiersen"> <img src="R15FXiM6Oj1uemwucmhjfm8nJyswOzouMj8xLTI%2BPyU%2BIy0mOicmNA%3D%3D" tn="R15FXiM6Oj1uemwucmhjfm8nJysxOyY0Nyo5LTciKyQ%2BJzE%2FPzs%3D" title="Please click on photograph to purchase" caption="RLW_001.jpg" link="" /> </album> </gallery> Cheers mike
  9. Hi Daukan Thanks for the reply, unfortunately i can not go back to the old version all the images are stored in a mysql database. Just to clarify things, i have built a new site that is not live. the link that i posted is the old site which is still working. So i have 2 versions of slideshowpro running, on 2 diferent domains and isp's. I am going to post the code for all to view. Also i don't think anyone on the slideshowpro forums can help, everyone seems to be looking for a way to intergrate paypal. This is the edit.xml file <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php $file = "images.xml"; $descriptor = fopen ($file, "r"); $contents = fread($descriptor , filesize($file)); $album = ''; $pos1 = strpos($contents, 'javascript:NewWindow'); if ($pos1 == false) { $pieces = explode('link=""', $contents); $op = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pieces); $i++) { $tnpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'tnPath="'); if ($tnpos !== false) { $titpos = strpos($pieces[$i], 'ssp_director/albums/', $tnpos); $titpos += 20; $titend = strpos($pieces[$i], '/', $titpos) - $titpos; $album = substr($pieces[$i], $titpos, $titend); //echo $album; } $halves = explode('<img src="', $pieces[$i]); $fileid = substr($halves[1], 0, 7); if (count($halves) > 1) { $halves[0] .= '<img src="'; $pos1 = strpos($halves[1], 'unavailable'); if ($pos1 == false) { $halves[1] .= "link=\"javascript:NewWindow=window.open('/Payment_page.php?name=" . $fileid . ".jpg&album=" . $album . "','myWindow','width=300,height=730,toolbar=no,location=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');NewWindow.focus(); void(0);\""; } else { $halves[1] .= 'link=""'; } } $op .= $halves[0] . $halves[1]; } fclose($descriptor); unlink($file); //$descriptor = fopen ('images.txt', "w"); $descriptor = fopen ($file, "w"); fwrite($descriptor,$op); echo 'done! '; echo count($pieces); echo ' pieces processed'; fclose($descriptor); } else { echo 'This file has been processed already'; } ?> </body> </html> And the old xml file created by slideshowpro (filename is images.xml) before running the edit xml command is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- XML Generated by SlideShowPro Director v1.0.5 http://www.slideshowpro.net --> <gallery> <album id="32" title="Brighton Ace Cafe Run 2006" description="Photographs from the 2006 Ace Cafe Run on Maderia Drive. Unfortunately due to a hard drive crash none of these images are available to purchase" lgPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/ssp_director/albums/Ace_Cafe_Run_2006/lg/" tnPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/ssp_director/albums/Ace_Cafe_Run_2006/tn/" tn="http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/ssp_director/album-thumbs/album-32.jpg"> <img src="ACE_001.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_001.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_002.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_002.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_003.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_003.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_004.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_004.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_005.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_005.jpg" link="" /> <img src="ACE_006.jpg" title="This photograph is unavailable to purchase" caption="ACE_006.jpg" link="" /> </album> </gallery> This is the new xml file created by slideshow pro (filename is: images_gallery_2_900_598_0_80_1_80_60_0_50_1_54_41_0.xml): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- XML Generated by SlideShowPro Director v1.1.7 http://www.slideshowpro.net --> <gallery> <album id="album-1" title="Robb and Lucy&#039;s Wedding" description="160 Photographs in Album" lgPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/p.php?a=" tnPath="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/p.php?a=" tn="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/p.php?a=R15FXiM6OT1uemwucmhjfm8nJys8PyY2Nio5LTciKyQ%2BJzA%2FPjM%3D" audio="http://www.michaelshuttleworth.com/ssp_director/album-audio/Lara`s Castle.mp3" audioCaption="Laura&#039;s castle by Yann Tiersen"> <img src="R15FXiM6Oj1uemwucmhjfm8nJyswOzouMj8xLTI%2BPyU%2BIy0mOicmNA%3D%3D" tn="R15FXiM6Oj1uemwucmhjfm8nJysxOyY0Nyo5LTciKyQ%2BJzE%2FPzs%3D" title="Please click on photograph to purchase" caption="RLW_001.jpg" link="" /> </album> </gallery> Cheers mike
  10. Hello all I have a website that i have built myself, i am using a program called slideshowpro that displays slideshows of my photographs. A friend of mine wrote some php code to enable the user to click on the photograph and that would open a new window that would display the filename and thumbnail of the selected image with 2 options to purchase prints, once they clicked on purchase it would open a paypal page which would show the filename and price etc. Here is the webpage so you can check it out. http://www.michaelshuttleworthphotography.co.uk/Event_Photos_Part_1.html Well this all worked fine until i upgraded slideshowpro. The ltest version has changed the way that it creates the xml file. Unfortunately my friend has cleared off to thailand (lucky him) and i am stuck trying to modify the code. I must say that i know nothing about PHP. Slideshow pro creates a folder called xml_cache. In this folder it has a number of xml files for each album or gallery. I only need to use one of the galleries images_gallery_2_900_598_0_80_1_80_60_0_50_1_54_41_0.xml This holds a number of albums. I am pretty sure that is only the edit xml file that need modification, i have tried to modify it but with no luck. If anyone can give me some help i would be most grateful. I have attached 3 files for you to have a look at. Many thanks Mike [attachment deleted by admin]
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