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Everything posted by noober

  1. I don't think you have to use a cross-domain file with youtube. Are you embedding by using the iframe or "old embed code"? As for the other js errors on your page: cigicigi-ed.js needs to be loaded after jquery.
  2. How will paypal refuse a transaction that never actually occurred because it was never completed?
  3. It makes perfect sense that the inner div couldn't be any bigger than the container div. That's the exact reason why you would put div2 inside of div1. If you want both to be "free", don't nest them inside of each other. <div id="div1" style="position:fixed">some content</div> <div id="div2" style="position:fixed">big content</div> It's a shot in the dark, but I believe you might be able to make the inside div bigger than the container div, if you don't have overflow:hidden set in your css. I could be wrong though.
  4. You have a lot of text and links the same or similar color and nothing honestly stands out. I would suggest finding a good graphic designer to help you out.
  5. Haha. Duly noted. Thanks.
  6. Have a hidden form field that tells your ajax and SQL which page/id it's on, then you can insert the comment into the database. Each page will get the comments from the database on load, but on success of your ajax, insert the comment into the page by using .append() or whatnot. This will be "faking" the insertion of the comment for the user until it is reloaded.
  7. It works in Chrome and IE7-9 for me, but you usually see something like this when the container doesn't have enough width set. I don't think that's your problem, but they are obviously not floating correctly.
  8. Custom work? See if someone will do it for you on fiverr? lol. I'm not sure you want to have something that people need to double-click for it to work. I never double click anything unless it is an icon on my desktop.
  9. You would check the value of the input selected, then pop-up your message. Make the value for each radio different. <label><input type="radio" name="subscription_status" value="0" id="subscription_status_0")>Subscribe</label> <label><input type="radio" name="subscription_status" value="1" id="subscription_status_1")>Subscribe</label> Something like this would work in jQuery (I haven't tested it): $('#yourFormId').submit(function() { var myValue = $('input[name="subscription_status"]:checked').val(); if(myValue == 0){ //popup message 0 here } else{ //popup message 1 here } return false; });
  10. It's a shot in the dark, because I haven't done much with responsive design, but I would guess you wouldn't be able to accomplish this with css alone. You will probably need some javascript.
  11. It's not bad, but very basic looking and could use a lot of work in terms of the logo, and overall design. Your paragraphs look too "smushed" together. Increase your line-height for better readability.
  12. I just launched a new site today. Though the header needs to be designed better, what do you think? I'm trying to get this in a viral state of mind through facebook and hopefully twitter shares in the near future. I have to warn, there is the "F-word" used once on the front page. Thoughts? http://www.breakupmemos.com
  13. Looks good to me. Simple and easy.
  14. Try fiverr, tenrr or o desk. I'm pretty sure no one's going to spend their time programming that for free.
  15. You should have no problem doing this since both sites are on the same server. Just point the save path in your php code to the right folder.
  16. Hi, I'm not seeing any redirection. Could it possibly a way to deter you from taking the stream and putting it on your own page? That would be my quess if it is redirecting for you, and others.
  17. This is my setup: <div class="item-list"> <ul> <li class="first"><a href="/retailers# " id="Item1" class="Item1 inactive active">Item 1</a></li> <li><a href="/retailers# " id="Item2" class="Item2 inactive">Item 2</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="/retailers# " id="Item3" class="Item3 inactive">Item 3</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> My thoughts were to add the active class to the next anchor tag onclick, then remove the active class from the original element. My problem is that next apparently doesn't work, or I'm using it wrong. Using children and siblings don't seem to do anything either because I'm attempting to go through the classes in the li a, instead of the usual li tag itself. Any ideas of how I would iterate through without changing my html? Thanks. I test out selecting the next element with the below, though it doesn't work. $('.inactive.active').next('.inactive').css('border', '3px solid blue');
  18. nevermind. Thread was solved prior to post. Sorry.
  19. I believe the browser is automatically adding padding to the left side of your menu for some reason. Add: padding:0; to your "ul.menu_tabbed" class.
  20. You're off to a nice start but I feel it really needs a little something here or there to really make it pop.
  21. What "center text" are you talking about? I would suggest losing the of tables.
  22. I see top:8px added to subBox1 which leaves a gap in the top of your form div. Other than that, I can't see anything unusual or an element style that firefox added margin to, like you've said. Maybe you can be more specific as to which div(s) this is happening to?
  23. The youtube video in the sidebar is a bit bigger than the sidebar itself. Maybe the width of this element is too big, thus pushing your floated sidebar down below the main content. It could be a problem with the browsers you've mention having a problem with overflow:hidden. Adjust the size manually or try overflow:auto; ?
  24. I imagine it's not a common thing anyone ever would try but I'd have to believe you could load the page in an iframe to display at a specific id tag, thus removing the header. I'm not positive if it would work though.
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