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Everything posted by bobinindia

  1. does the new folder have write permission?
  2. Creating text with imagettftext When the text comes back it isn't very clean. Is there something I can do to keep the edges of the text smooth. I set the imagepng to no compression(0). $mask = imagecreatetruecolor($x,$newy); $tcolour = imagecolorallocate($mask,254,255,255); imagefilledrectangle($mask, 0, 0, $x, $newy, $tcolour); // Or draw other background. imagecolortransparent($mask, $tcolour); $color = rgb2hex2rgb($colour); $one = $color[0]; $two = $color[1]; $three = $color[2]; $txtcol = imagecolorallocate($mask, $one, $two, $three); imagettftext($mask,$fontsize, 0, 0, $y, $txtcol, $font, $txt); //stopcache is a timerelated number. $imurl = "images/transtext/".$stopcache.".png"; imagepng($mask, $imurl, 0); imagedestroy($mask);
  3. I just ran a couple of tests and it appears that default is 9. php 5.2.5
  4. Any one know what the default compression is for imagepng? in the manual it mentions the range from 0-9 but doesn't mention what it does by default. JPEG is 75% in it's scale 1-100.
  5. I have a div element that positions correctly in all browsers except IE. This seems to be a bug. Anyone know a fix? CSS below: div.boldy { position: absolute; top:320px; left:550px; }
  6. This is more of a MySQL question. You may do better in that forum. artist_id UNIQUE may be part of it.
  7. Resolved. Thanks for the ajax tip Madtechie. I put <body onload="ayaximageresizer()"> with no return to the page. The php script that it called did its job. Great. Been on my mind for a while that one!!
  8. I have some images that need to be resized soon after uploading. Sooner than a minute so I think this rules out cron jobs. Is there a way to get the upload script to trigger the resizing process without the user having to wait for it to complete before the next page is fully opened? Hopeful?
  9. Thank you thank you It was the structure. Char 1 and primary key with duplicate dates. Thanks again pikemsu28 and fenway too.
  10. I tried \r\n and no luck. I still think the format of the export file from excel may be the problem. export as csv(windows), csv(ms-dos) and text(tabbed delimited) i have tried. Any others that might work? I am using phpmyadmin to load the file and I am using Mamp whch means I am on a mac. These may be influencing factors that I am unaware of.
  11. i am a beginner really myself but as no one is answering. I don't think you need to mention the table twice vidsys1_programflv_list.video_client should just be video_client Passing thought. Good luck
  12. I assuming this is a typo: $session should be $_SESSION. you mention this as a table name: vidsys1_programflv_list Is video pages also a table name by any chance?
  13. CREATE TABLE `birthdays` ( `birthday_reg_date` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `birthday_child` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `birthday_parent` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `birthday_age` varchar(11) NOT NULL, `birthday_party_date` varchar(15) NOT NULL, `birthday_contact_number` varchar(15) NOT NULL, `birthday_email` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `birthday_visited` char(1) NOT NULL, `birthday_action` text NOT NULL, `birthday_status` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`birthday_reg_date`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Thanks
  14. Once it thinks it has had an id of 5000 it will still auto increment from there even if you empty the table. If you need the ids to start from 1 again you may need to re create the table.
  15. 17-Mar-08,Ja****ree,Son,1 yr,7-Jun,9884****,,Not Visited.,Had called and enquired. It_s the first b'day and will invite more than 150 ppl. Just gave details of our offer.,Not interested as we will not be able to accommodate everybody.,, ,,,,,,,,,,, 17-Mar-08,N****i,,,27-Mar,97*******3,,Visited,Enquired and gave her all the details.,Was satisfied and had her get together successfully.,, ,,,,,,,,,,, 20-Mar-08,**e,Y**m,5 yr,31-Mar,9*****360,,Visited,Gave her all the details.,"Said she will get back. On 26th, she said she had decided on another venue.",, ,,,,,,,,,,, Here are the first three records. Can't put the phone numbers/names in a forum so to save time only three records
  16. SO I tried that and the first row is empty and the second row has the first row of data. The rest didn't make it Looking inside the csv shows me the encloses values has nothing. There are only commas. also no \r is there.
  17. I am trying to load a csv file to my Mysql database. For some reason only the first line comes through. I have tried tab delimiter, comma csv and txt files load data infile 'file.txt' into table birthdays is my line og SQL in phpmyadmin i change it to csv when it is a csv. Maybe there is a btter method of exporting from Microsoft Excell Baffled MySQL 5.0.41
  18. simply needed to rebuild the cron by issueing crontab /etc/crontab from the command line after altering the cron. Thanks for all the thoughts
  19. i change that each time i try for a couple of minutes ahead. I am stupid but...
  20. Still no luck trying both those lines. This is what is in the crontab: # The periodic and atrun jobs have moved to launchd jobs # See /System/Library/LaunchDaemons # # minute hour mday month wday who command 08 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -q http://localhost:8888/process/testing/onetime.php Nothing else. Maybe I have to do it somewhere else though it is meant to still work in Tiger. We might be moving away from a php issue here.
  21. Nothing happens is sure as i know the script works when i open it in my browser, It runs a thumbnail script since you asked. The problem must be the path to the script or my cron syntax. Also how do you see the logs for cron? Thanks
  22. the root is /Applications/MAMP/htdocs so i made my cron 06 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -q /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/process/testing/onetime.php and nothing happened. ???
  23. I have been googling all day. I am sure it is sooo simple. I have a script at http://localhost:8888/process/testing/onetime.php I want it to run as a cron job. 10 1 * * * /usr/bin/wget -q localhost:8888/process/testing/onetime.php What is wrong with this. Is there some path info missing or something else Thanks
  24. I want to run a php script as a cron job on my local machine. I don't get the path system. If my php file is in applications as it is with MAMP what is the path to execute the script with cron? OS X tiger. Very simple I suspect.
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