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Everything posted by adredz

  1. I found a tutorial from nettuts about Login system and it has a source code in it so tried implementing it in my site.. It is working now. However, it doesn't have a Registration system so I am making one. The thing is, as I have expected, my code is not working... It doesn't seem to know how to INSERT into the database. Here's the function that inserts data into the db. function register_User($un, $email, $pwd) { $query = "INSERT INTO users( username, password, email ) VALUES(:uname, :pwd, :email) LIMIT 1"; if($stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query)) { $stmt->bind_param(':uname', $un); $stmt->bind_param(':pwd', $pwd); $stmt->bind_param(':email', $email); $stmt->execute(); if($stmt->fetch()) { $stmt->close(); return true; } else return "The username or email you entered is already in use..."; } } Can you please help me pen point the error in this???
  2. Yah, it is workig now. weird... Thanks noobie! That's two strikes already :-)
  3. Hi, I have a video playlist that's made possible thru ajax. When I click an entry on the list, the background of my site disappears. I don't know what's going on and I am looking into it now hoping I could fix it. Just thought I could use some help here... Please, help me figure it out. Here's the link of the page of the site: http://robertnogueira.com/blog/daegan Please take note that the problem occurs on all browsers except chrome. On IE, ajax doesn't work at all...
  4. Wow that was quick! Thanks, you just saved my day! :-)
  5. Hi, I am so confused as to why the bottom scroll bar appears on the site I am building. Here's the site: http://robertnogueira.com I am going crazy I couldn't figure out why! Every div is properly sized...
  6. I made a code based on the info I collected from google. Here it is: <form method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name" /> Email Address: <input type="text" name="email" /> <input type="button" value="Send" onclick="submitTwice(this.form)"> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> function submitTwice(f){ f.action = 'welcome.php'; f.target='name'; f.submit(); f.action = 'http://www.blank.com/blank.php'; f.target='name'; f.target='email'; f.submit(); } </script> However it doesn't to work. Could please tell me what's wrong?Pls... Thanks!
  7. here's the scenario: I have a aweber optin. Once a visitor opts in, I wan't him to be redirected to my customized page with his name on it instead of the usual aweber audio page. I know how to display his name via php form, however I don't know how to integrate the script to aweber. I understand the optin code but I can't seem to figure out how to pass the value of name to my php script and let the optin do its thing at the same. Is there such a way to have two actions in one click of submit button? Thanks in advance!
  8. the iframe content is dynamic particularly the height. how do i make the div container of iframe to change dynamically with height of iframe? Pls help... Thanks
  9. Is there any way I can remove the header and footer of the external page I loaded into my website? Or if it's not possible, is there a workaround like covering it up with a fixed div? Or maybe there is another way other than iframe? Help pls..
  10. i have a div that has a onclick attribute. the problem is i can't right-click(to open to a new tab) on it and it won't display the target link on the browser's status bar. i know i can insert a <a> tag, but it requires a text for the link and it would make things complicated for me since i already have the background image of my div marked with text. any help?
  11. I have a list of products each boxed in a child division. The parent divisions are controlled through tabs implemented with javascript. So when a tab is clicked, it shows a number of child divisions. Each child division has an event handler which highlights the division when it is clicked simulating a radio-button-selected-state and this is accomplished through javascript again. I have another division which is at the same level of the parent divisions which acts as a submit button. Now what I'd like to happen is that, when the user clicks a child division it will send a number corresponding to the product to a javascript function so it will be available later on to be passed to another page. Then when the submit button is clicked, it will get that number and pass it to another page. I have everything setup except that I don't know how to pass it to another page. One way of passing a value to another page is through this: But what if the value of the product is available only through javascript method call? I tried this: However, it's not working. Am I missing something? I am sure there are other better ways to accomplish this task, so feel free to suggest one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Nailed it.. so this was all about wordpress Thanks rajiv for time
  13. I think this has something to do with wordpress since I had trouble implementing the same thing for my dynamic nav menu. I had to host the image to the internet to get the desired effect. I think may have found a solution while writing this...
  14. Actually the image i'd like to use for the active is the same as the hover's which is perfectly working. I tried it in IE with no luck...
  15. tried the full path.. doesn't work still. maybe it has something to do with WordPress, no?
  16. It's not working.. Tried removing the '' from the getElemeentById parameter: And replaced the function call method through the onlick attribute of div: It does have an effect, but it removes the bg instead of replacing it. It has successfully called the function right? If so what's the problem? The image path is certainly /images/itembg_on.jpg..
  17. Have a div that already changes its background onmouseover and onmouseout which was done through simple CSS. Now I want to add an effect that when the div gets clicked it retains the image used onmouseover. I implemented it via javascript but I can't seem to make it work. Here's my code: div html: js function: any help would be appreciated...
  18. lol I wanna shout for joy! you just saved my day Tazz! Thank you! works like a charm...
  19. Tazz, won't work. It's because page gets refreshed before javascript can access the the div/tab... The sessions way won't work too... is this how you access the value of the session: <div class="<?php if ($_SESSION['tab']==3){ echo "active"; }?>"></div> Is it correct?
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