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  1. You can use mysql_free_result() to free more memory, and make the script run faster I think.
  2. Unless you have a really crappy server, or a large script which I doubt in this case, it is SMARTER to use the *. Maybe the query is faster for one column, but by what? 0.00000000000000000000000001?
  3. I am making a little game with a bunch of scripts that people need to put together the pieces to create words... Here is the entire thing <?php ;$string="";;$string=str_replace("","hell",$string);$string.="o";;$L = "l";;$LL="l";; ;$O = substr("l".md5("o048sd3b0"),0,1);;$L.="lLLLLl";;$LL=strlen( "l345.506");;$L=substr($L,0,1);;$L=substr($L,0,1);;$LL=substr("l".$LL,0,1); ;if($L==="l"){$string=$string;};;if($LL==="l"){$string=$string;}; ;$string=substr($string,0,2);$string=$string."ll"."o";print ucfirst("he".substr($string,1,3));?> they must use all pieces of a code given, to win a prize. One person has put everything together just like this <?php ;$string="";;$string=str_replace("","hell",$string);$string.="o";;$L = "l";;$LL="l";; ///////<<<<<<<< DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING FROM HERE ;$O = substr("l".md5("o048sd3b0"),0,1);;$L.="lLLLLl";;$LL=strlen( "l345.506");;$L=substr($L,0,1);;$L=substr($L,0,1);;$LL=substr("l".$LL,0,1); ;if($L==="l"{$string=$string;};;if($LL==="l"){$string=$string;}; ;$string=substr($string,0,2);$string=$string."ll"."o";print ucfirst("he".substr($string,1,3));?> And it doesnt work, some error comes up Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in C:\wamp\www\shorttext\index.php on line 5 ;if($L==="l"{$string=$string;};;if($LL==="l"){$string=$string;}; If this code is confusing, all it does it print the word "Hello";
  4. You must first add a column called position... Then for each record, make it from 1 to 10 or to 20 depending the number of records you have. You have to do this once, and use the ORDER BY sql command. Now when you add a new record, get the highest value in the Position field, and give the new record the highest current position plus 1. Now when you delete a record, lets say its the 3rd position you delete, then make every record lower than 3 plus 1. If you are moving the number 3 up, then get the 2nd record and make it - 1, and the 3rd plus 1... Cant explain, but ive done this before...
  5. Also, I mean I couldnt be that bad right?
  6. Haha, thankyou guys I realised the errors... This was made in FireWorks, so the PNG file as you can guess is at it is....
  7. The reflection for the site name in the banner is just terrible.
  8. I started designing again Also can you guys rank me? On a scale from 1 to 10 10 being the best IGN clone sort of layout http://antiup.net/view.php?id=45111396370ign%20clone.png Portfolio concept 1 http://www.antiup.net/view.php?id=49111965344layout1.png Counter Strike Layout http://www.antiup.net/view.php?id=34911815724Counter%20Strike%20Clan%20Layout.png Flash Games Layout http://www.antiup.net/view.php?id=80213365551FlashGamesLayout.png I am really terrible, I know that much. But i will get better.
  9. I have done this before, but ya it depends how advanced you are. The Framework and Scheme needs to be thought out pretty well...
  10. Put the SET column1 = this value, column2 = this value ...ETC
  11. I think you can also do <?php // Your query on top of the page $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table"); do{ $row['field_1']; }while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)); do{ $row['field_2']; }while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)); $field_1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); echo $field_1['field_1']; ?>
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