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Everything posted by jrm

  1. jrm

    March 13th???

    Now, this works for me, as our week starts on Fri, not Sun, and takes in account of the day light savings time issues. This takes an array of dates from a mysql query, and displays them in a calendar style view $cDates = count($Dates); for($k = 1; $k <= $cDates-2; $k++) { $t = $k; $p = $t + 1; $start = strtotime($Dates[$k]["DTG"]); $stop = strtotime($Dates[$p]["DTG"]); $dayTotal = ($stop - $start)/24/60/60; $date = date("Y-m-d", $start); // starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) $temp = date("Y-m-d", $stop); // ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) $end = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 day",$stop)); echo "\n<table style=\"align:center;width:100%;\">"; echo "\n <tr>"; echo "\n <th colspan=\"7\" align=\"center\"><strong>"; echo "\n </strong></th>"; echo "\n </tr>"; echo "\n <tr>"; echo "\n <th>Fri</th>"; echo "\n <th>Sat</th>"; echo "\n <th>Sun</th>"; echo "\n <th>Mon</th>"; echo "\n <th>Tue</th>"; echo "\n <th>Wed</th>"; echo "\n <th>Thu</th>"; echo "\n </tr>"; echo "\n <tr>"; $offset = date("w", strtotime($date)); if($offset <= 4) // to add spaces to beginning of row { for($i = 0; $i <= $offset+1; $i++){echo "\n <td><br /></td>";} $count = $offset+2; } else { $count = 0; } while($date <= $end) { echo "\n <td>" . date("d M", strtotime($date)) ."::". date("w",strtotime($date)). "</td>"; $date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("$date +1 day")); // get the next date if($count >= 6) // to set next row { $count = 0; echo "\n </tr><tr>"; } else { $count++; } } for($i = $count; $i <= 6; $i++){echo "\n <td><br /></td>";}// to add spaces at end of row echo "\n </tr>"; echo "\n</table>"; }
  2. jrm

    March 13th???

    Thanks btherl for the info on the dst. After looking at it, I decided to look at past years, and the same thing happens every year that I have info for on those dst dates. Thank you also PFMaBiSmAd for the loop. Although I am having trouble making the format with it. I am still working on it.
  3. Does March 13 2011 not exist in the php Date object? I have included my code for a calendar to display info based on a week Fri-Thur. It does great except for Mar13. Also Mar 14, 2010 seams to be missing as well. What did I do wrong? function viewAllMerits() { $cDates = count($this->Cadet["Dates"]); echo "\n<br>class Merits::viewAllMerits::Dates=";print_r($this->Cadet["Dates"]); //echo "\n<br>class Merits::viewAllMerits:Merits=";print_r($this->Merits); for($k = 1; $k <= $cDates-2; $k++) { $t = $k; $p = $t + 1; $start = strtotime($this->Cadet["Dates"][$k]["DTG"]); $stop = strtotime($this->Cadet["Dates"][$p]["DTG"]); $phase = $this->Cadet["Dates"][$k]["Type"]; $dayTotal = ($stop - $start)/60/60/24; $weekTotal = ceil($dayTotal/7)+1; //to correct not printing partial weeks echo "\n<table style=\"align:center;width:100%;\">"; echo "\n <tr>"; echo "\n <th colspan=\"7\" align=\"center\"><strong>"; echo "\n Merits earned during ". $phase ." from ". date("d M Y", $start) . " to " . date("d M Y",$stop-3600) . " "; echo "\n <br />Days in phase:". floor($dayTotal); echo "\n "; echo "\n </strong></th>"; echo "\n </tr>"; echo "\n <tr>"; echo "\n <th>Fri</th>"; echo "\n <th>Sat</th>"; echo "\n <th>Sun</th>"; echo "\n <th>Mon</th>"; echo "\n <th>Tue</th>"; echo "\n <th>Wed</th>"; echo "\n <th>Thu</th>"; echo "\n </tr>"; //echo "\n<br>class Merits::viewAllMerits:weekTotal=$weekTotal"; for($i = 0; $i < $weekTotal; $i++) { echo "\n <tr>"; for ($j = 1; $j <= 7; $j++) { $dayNum = ($j + $i*7 - date("w",$start))-2; //Print a cell with the day number in it. If it is today, highlight it. if ($dayNum > 0 && $dayNum <= $dayTotal) { $temp = $start+($dayNum*24*60*60)-3600; //$newdate = date("Y-m-d",$temp); //$id = $this->multi_array_search($newdate, $this->Merits[$phase]); //echo "\n<br>id=";print_r($id); //$link = ($id == false ? "N/A": $this->Merits[$phase]["Detail"][$id[1]]["Total"]); echo "\n <td>"; echo "\n <table>"; echo "\n <tr>"; echo "\n <th colspan=\"1\">". date("d-M",$temp) ."</th>"; echo "\n </tr>"; echo "\n <tr>"; //need to develop pop up for details //$test = "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?outer=Cadets&id=" . $this->CadetID . "&inner=Merits\">$link</a>"; echo "\n <td>".$link."</td>"; echo "\n </tr>"; echo "\n </table>"; echo "\n </td>"; } else { //Print a blank cell if no date falls on that day, but the row is unfinished. echo "\n <td></td>"; } } echo "\n </tr>"; if ($dayNum >= $dayTotal && $i != 6) break; } echo "\n</table>"; } } data: class Merits::viewAllMerits::Dates=Array ( [0] => Array ( [Type] => Date of Entry [DTG] => 2010-10-19 [Comments] => ) [1] => Array ( [Type] => Orientation [DTG] => 2010-10-19 [Comments] => ) [2] => Array ( [Type] => 1st Phase [DTG] => 2010-11-19 [Comments] => ) [3] => Array ( [Type] => 2nd Phase [DTG] => 2011-02-18 [Comments] => ) [4] => Array ( [Type] => 3rd Phase [DTG] => 2011-05-20 [Comments] => PT PATCH ) [5] => Array ( [DTG] => 2011-07-19 ) )
  4. Solved it with this function: function isEnrolled($CadetRoster, $StartDTG, $StopDTG) { $timeframe = 60*60*24*240; for($i = 0; $i <= count($CadetRoster) - 1; $i++) { $DoEntry = strtotime($CadetRoster[$i]["DoEntry"]); $DoExit = (!empty($CadetRoster[$i]["DoExit"]) ? strtotime($CadetRoster[$i]["DoExit"]) : $DoEntry + $timeframe); if(($DoEntry <= $StopDTG) == True) { if(($StartDTG <= $DoExit) == True) { $Enrolled[] = $CadetRoster[$i]; } } } return $Enrolled; }
  5. I have been working on this problem for about a month and cannot figure it out. I had it working with MS Access for selecting one month, but I need to convert it over to php. So I start with this function: function EnrolledBetween($StartDTG, $StopDTG) { include "Connection.php"; $dropquery = "Drop Temporary Table If Exists test.t_CadetsDates;"; $dropresults = mysql_query($dropquery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run query : " . $dropquery . " : " . mysql_error()); $createquery = "Create Temporary Table test.t_CadetsDates Select Cadets.CadetID, Cadets.Last, (Select DTG From Cadets_be.CadetsDates Where SDID=11 and Cadets.CadetID = CadetsDates.CadetID) as DoEntry, (Select DTG From Cadets_be.CadetsDates Where SDID=6 and Cadets.CadetID = CadetsDates.CadetID) as DoExit From Cadets_be.Cadets Where Cadets.Last<>'Test' Order by Last, First, Middle;"; $result = mysql_query($createquery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run query : " . $createquery . " : " . mysql_error()); $query = "Select CadetID, DoEntry, DoExit From test.t_CadetsDates"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link) or die("\n<p>Could not run query : " . $query . " : " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { $CadetList = NULL; } else { for($j = 0; $j <= mysql_num_rows($result)-1; $j++) { $newrow = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); for($m = 0; $m <= mysql_num_fields($result)-1 ; $m++) { $CadetList[$j][mysql_field_name($result, $m)] = $newrow[$m]; } } } if(is_array($CadetList)) { //print_r($CadetList); $results = isEnrolled($CadetList,$StartDTG, $StopDTG); return $CadetList; } else { //echo "\n<p>$CadetList</p>"; return "N/A"; } } Which basically makes a pivot table from my Cadets_be.Cadets, Cadets_be.CadetsDates tables. And sends it to another function ( which I can not figure out) to put the cadets that were enrolled between the two dates into is Enrolled[]. The problem is that it is not a simple isbetween($StartDateTime, $StopDateTime). There are four dates to deal with. Can anybody direct me onto the right path?
  6. Yeah, I do not know what happened. But after about 20 mins, I pulled the intranet page and the data is there.
  7. I am having a problem with records being skipped when I pull this query from my intranet server: SELECT Cadets.CadetID, Cadets.SSN, Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle, Date_Format(Cadets.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as DoB, Cadets.PhaseID, Cadets.Number, Year(CadetsDates.DTG) as SelectYear FROM Cadets_be.Cadets INNER JOIN Cadets_be.CadetsDates ON Cadets.CadetID = CadetsDates.CadetID WHERE (CadetsDates.SDID=11 and Year(CadetsDates.DTG)=2008) AND Cadets.Last<>'Test' ORDER BY Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle; There are three records that get skipped, for privacy reasons(juvenile records) I can not give the information. I have also pulled the data from MySQL Query Browser, MS Access, and from the terminal on the mysql server and I get 43 records. On the intranet server, I get 39??? I thought that it was with the JOIN, but I pulled the data for those that were not showing, and there are corresponding records. What else could be the problem? Be fore warned, I wrote this when I just started to write PHP, and I just haven't gone back to redo it. My codeing and commenting have gotten alot better. <HTML> <HEAD> <Title>Cadet Roster</Title> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="themes/theme.css"> </HEAD> <BODY background="/themes/subtxtr.gif"> <?php include "Functions.php"; // Original: Mike McGrath (mike_mcgrath@lineone.net) web Site: http://website.lineone.net/~mike_mcgrath include "CadetNameFunc.php"; include "CadetImageFunc.php"; ?> <p><font size = 4><a href = CadetNumbers.htm target = Info >Return to Cadet Roster</a></p> <?php // Get Past or Present Cadet Roster and Year if Past if(isset($_GET['PorP'])) { $PorP = (int) $_GET['PorP']; //echo "<p>" . $PorP . "</p>"; if(isset($_GET['year'])) { $SelectYear = (int)$_GET['year']; //echo "<p>" . $SelectYear . "</p>"; } else { echo "No Year Selected. Current Year Selected"; $SelectYear = date("Y"); } } else { echo 'No Time Frame selected!'; exit; } echo "<p><font size =3>Report Generated at: " . date("F j, Y, g:i a") . "</font></p>\n"; // set the Query based on Past or Present switch ($PorP) { case 1: //Current Cadets echo "<table width = '100%' ><tr><td align = center>Current Cadets</td></tr></table>\n"; $query = " SELECT Cadets.CadetID, Cadets.SSN, Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle, Date_Format(Cadets.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as DoB, Cadets.PhaseID, Cadets.Number FROM Cadets_be.Cadets WHERE Cadets.PhaseID<5 AND Cadets.Last<>'Test' ORDER BY Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle; "; break; case 2: //Former Cadets echo "<table width=100% ><tr><td align = center>Past Intakes for Year: " . $SelectYear . "</td></tr></table>\n"; $query = " SELECT Cadets.CadetID, Cadets.SSN, Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle, Date_Format(Cadets.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as DoB, Cadets.PhaseID, Cadets.Number, Year(CadetsDates.DTG) as SelectYear FROM Cadets_be.Cadets INNER JOIN Cadets_be.CadetsDates ON Cadets.CadetID = CadetsDates.CadetID WHERE (CadetsDates.SDID=11 and Year(CadetsDates.DTG)='" . $SelectYear ."') AND Cadets.Last<>'Test' ORDER BY Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle;"; break; case 3: //Aftercare Residents echo "<table width=100% ><tr><td align = center>Current Aftercare Residents</td></tr></table>\n"; $query = " SELECT Cadets.CadetID, Cadets.SSN, Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle, Date_Format(Cadets.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as DoB, Cadets.PhaseID, Cadets.Number FROM Cadets_be.Cadets WHERE Cadets.PhaseID=5 AND Cadets.Last<>'Test' ORDER BY Cadets.Last, Cadets.First, Cadets.Middle;"; break; } ?> <br> <table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td align = middle width = 2% ><big></big></td> <td align = middle width = 15% ><big>Name</big></td> <td align = middle width = 5% ><big>SSN</big></td> <td align = middle width = 8% ><big>Phase</big></td> <td align = middle width = 10% ><big>DOB</big></td> <td align = middle width = 10% ><big>Date of Entry</big> <td align = middle width = 10% ><big>Est Date of Exit</big></td> <td align = middle width = 5% ><big>Viol Ct</big></td> <td align = middle width = 5% ><big>PNC Ct</big></td> <td align = middle width = 20% ><big>Remarks</big></td> </tr> <?php // Get the Roster // Start Cadet Roster $result = mysql_query($query, $link) or die("Could not run Cadet Query: " . mysql_error()); $count = 0; while ($Cadets = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $count += 1; $cadetid = $Cadets["CadetID"]; $Name = $Cadets["Last"] . ", " . $Cadets["First"] . " " . $Cadets["Middle"]; $CadetNum = $Cadets["Number"]; $fullSSN = str_split($Cadets["SSN"]); $Last4 = $fullSSN[7] . $fullSSN[8] . $fullSSN[9] . $fullSSN[10]; $Phaseid = $Cadets["PhaseID"]; $DOB = $Cadets["DoB"]=="" ? 0 : $Cadets["DoB"]; // for error checking echo "Getting Data for Cadet : " . $Cadets["Last"] . ", " . $Cadets["First"] . " " . $Cadets["Middle"]; switch(fmod($count,2)) { case 0: ?> <tr> <td align = center width = 2% > <? echo $count ?></td> <td align = center width = 15% > <a href="CadetDetails.php?CadetID=<? echo $cadetid ?>" onmouseover="popup('<? echo $imagepath ?>')" onmouseout="kill()" ><? echo $Name ?></a> </td> <td align = center width = 5% ><? echo $Last4?></td> <td align = center width = 8% ><? echo $CurPhase?></td> <td align = center width = 5% ><? echo $DOB ?></td> <td align = center width = 10% ><? echo $DoE ?></td> <td align = center width = 10% ><? echo $EstDoR ?></td> <td align = center width = 5% ><? echo $ViolCount ?></td> <td align = center width = 5% ><? echo $PNCCount ?></td> <td align = center width = 20% ><? echo $Remarks ?></td> </tr> <?php break; default: ?> <tr> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 2% ><? echo $count ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 15% > <a href="CadetDetails.php?CadetID=<? echo $cadetid ?>" onmouseover="popup('<? echo $imagepath ?> ')" onmouseout="kill()" ><? echo $Name ?></a> </td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 5% ><? echo $Last4 ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 10% ><? echo $CurPhase ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 10% ><? echo $DOB ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 10% ><? echo $DoE ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 10% ><? echo $EstDoR ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 5% ><? echo $ViolCount ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 5% ><? echo $PNCCount ?></td> <td bgcolor = lightgrey align = center width = 20% ><? echo $Remarks ?></td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </table> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Cadets_be`.`CadetsDates`; CREATE TABLE `Cadets_be`.`CadetsDates` ( `DateId` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `CadetID` int(10) default NULL, `SDID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', `DTG` date default NULL, `Comments` varchar(255) default NULL, `CurDTG` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `User` varchar(50) default NULL, `Computer` varchar(50) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`DateId`), KEY `CadetID` (`CadetID`), KEY `Cadets DatesSDID` (`SDID`), KEY `DateId` (`DateId`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Cadets_be`.`SpecificDates`; CREATE TABLE `Cadets_be`.`SpecificDates` ( `SDID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Classification` varchar(25) default NULL, `Level` int(10) default NULL, `CurDTG` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`SDID`), KEY `PhaseID` (`SDID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Cadets_be`.`Cadets`; CREATE TABLE `Cadets_be`.`Cadets` ( `CadetID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `CurDTG` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `CauseNumber` varchar(50) default NULL, `SSN` varchar(50) default NULL, `CRId` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', `Last` varchar(50) default NULL, `First` varchar(50) default NULL, `Middle` varchar(50) default NULL, `DOB` datetime default NULL, `PhaseID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', `Dorm` varchar(50) default NULL, `Number` int(10) default NULL, `TJPC_PID` varchar(50) default NULL, `UserName` varchar(50) default NULL, `Computer` varchar(50) default NULL, `PO` varchar(75) NOT NULL, `ChargeType` int(10) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (`CadetID`), KEY `CadetID` (`CadetID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
  8. What you are looking for is a combination of php/java/html. Add <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="15"> inside the <head></head> and then add a script in either php or java, whatever flavor you like, to get a timestamp, and run it thru a switch(). Or you can have just a random image from an array loaded. something like: <?php $Picture_array = array("image1.jpg","image2.jpg","image3.jpg","image4.jpg"); $Randomnumber= rand(1,4); $picture = $Picture_array[$Randomnumber]; ?> <html> <head> <meta http-eqiv="refresh" content = "60" > </head> <body> <image src="<?php echo $picture; ?>" width=180 height=180> </body> </html>
  9. jrm

    $_POST[] Help

    Probably need to move this post to the php section. But I still can not get it to check the $_POST["QTY_"...... correctly. I did change the second if else statement so that it is checking for an array or not. If if(isset($_POST["Qty_" . $Cats[]["Products"][]["Name"])) is false then return an error for that Product, and go to the next loop of the for($i=0;$i<=count($Cats[]["Products"])- 1; $i++). The output that I am getting is that $Request[] is being set and no quantity error is being reported, but an error of "Nothing Requested." if(isset($_POST["ReqstID"])) { $Cats = getCategories(); for($i = 0; $i <= count($Cats) - 1; $i++) { if(is_array($Cats[$i]["Products"])) { for($j = 0; $j <= count($Cats[$i]["Products"]) - 1; $j++) { if(isset($_POST["checkbox_" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["ProdID"] ])) { if(isset($_POST["Qty_" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"] ])) { $Request[] = array("ID" => $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["ProdID"], "Name" => $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"], "Qty" => $_POST["Qty_" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"]]); $Form = 2; } else { $error = $error . " : " . "Missing Quantity for :" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"]; $Form = 2; } } else { $Nothing = "Nothing"; } } if(isset($Nothing)) { $error = $error . " : " . "Nothing Requested."; $Form = 2; } } else { continue; } } } else { $Form = 1; }
  10. jrm

    $_POST[] Help

    I figured it out, needed to change the "break;" to a "continue;"
  11. jrm

    $_POST[] Help

    I am having a small problem with one of my "isset()" statements. Under "case 2", the third "if"statement, it will not goto the "else" part of the function. <?php include "InventoryFunctions.php"; include_once "StaffNameFunc.php"; include_once "MemberFunctions.php"; /* require_once "./login/settings.php"; include "MemberFunctions.php"; include "DailyLogFunctions.php"; checkLogin('1 2'); */ $error = Null; /* `Inventory`.`Request` `RequestID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `StaffID` int(10) default NULL, `DTGRequest` datetime default NULL, `DTGCreated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `User` varchar(50) default NULL, `Computer` varchar(50) default NULL, */ $StaffList = StaffList(); if(isset($_POST["Form"])) { $tForm = (int)$_POST["Form"]; $error = Null; switch($tForm) { case 1: if(isset($_POST["StaffName"]) and isset($_POST["Year"]) and isset($_POST["Month"]) and isset($_POST["Day"])) { if(strlen($_POST["Year"])>4) $error = $error . " : " . " Check Year Format, incorrect number of numbers. "; if(strlen($_POST["Month"])>2) $error = $error . " : " . " Check Month Format, incorrect number of numbers. "; if(strlen($_POST["Day"])>2) $error = $error . " : " . " Check Day Format, incorrect number of numbers. "; //$Time = strtotime($_POST["Time"]); $DTG = mktime(0,0,0,$_POST["Month"],$_POST["Day"],$_POST["Year"]); if(isset($error)) { $Form = 1; } else { $user = 3; $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $Computer = $hostname . ":" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $ReqstID = startRequest($_POST["StaffName"],$DTG,$user,$Computer); $Form = 2; $Cats = getCategories(); } } else { $Form = 1; } break; case 2: if(isset($_POST["ReqstID"])) { $Cats = getCategories(); for($i = 0; $i <= count($Cats) - 1; $i++) { if(count($Cats[$i]["Products"])==1) { $i++; break; } else { for($j = 0; $j <= count($Cats[$i]["Products"]) - 1; $j++) { if(isset($_POST["checkbox_" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["ProdID"] ])) { if(isset($_POST["Qty_" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"] ])) { $Request[] = array("ID" => $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["ProdID"], "Name" => $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"], "Qty" => $_POST["Qty_" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"]]); $Form = 2; } else { $error = $error . " : " . "Missing Quantity for :" . $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"]; $Form = 2; } } else { $Form = 2; } } } } } else { $Form = 1; } break; } } else { $Form = 1; } ?> <html> <head> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="./themes/theme.css"> <title>Hidalgo County Juvenile Boot Camp Intranet Access</title> </head> <body> <?php if(isset($error)){ echo "\n<p>" . $error . "</p>\n";} ?> <form class="form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="Form" value="<?php echo $Form; ?>" > <input type="hidden" name="ReqstID" value="<?php echo isset($ReqstID)?$ReqstID:Null;?>"> <?php switch($Form) { case 1: ?> <table width = 40% align = center> <tr> <th colspan = 3> Date of Request </th> </tr> <tr> <td width = 33%> <label for="Year">Year</label> <input type="text" name="Year" size=4 value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["Year"])?$_POST["Year"]: date("Y"));?>" > <br>#### </td> <td width = 33%> <label for="Month">Month</label> <input type="text" name="Month" size=2 value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["Month"])?$_POST["Month"]: date("m"));?>" > <br>## </td> <td width = 33%> <label for="Day">Day</label> <input type="text" name="Day" size=2 value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["Day"])?$_POST["Day"]: date("d"));?>" > <br>## </td> </tr> </table> <select name="StaffName" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["StaffName"])? $_POST["StaffName"] : "") ?>" > <?php for($i=0; $i<=count($StaffList)-1; $i++) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $StaffList[$i]["StaffID"]; ?>"<?php if(isset($_POST["StaffName"])) echo (($_POST["StaffName"]==$StaffList[$i]["StaffID"])? "selected" : ""); ?> > <?php echo $StaffList[$i]["StaffName"]; ?></option> <? } ?> </select> <br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> <? break; case 2: for($i = 0; $i <= count($Cats) - 1; $i++) { if(count($Cats[$i]["Products"])==1) { ?> <table width = 100% align = center> <tr> <th colspan=1><?php echo $Cats[$i]["Category"]; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width = 100% align = center><?php echo "\n". $Cats[$i]["Products"];?></td> </td> </table> <br><hr><br> <? } else { ?> <table width = 100% align = center> <tr> <th colspan = 5><?php echo $Cats[$i]["Category"]; ?></th> </tr> <tr> <td width = 10%><br></td> <td width = 15%>Product Name</td> <td width = 10%>Size of Product</td> <td width = 10%>Shipment Size</td> <td width = 15%>Quantity of Shipment Size</td> </tr> <? for($j = 0; $j <= count($Cats[$i]["Products"]) - 1; $j++) { ?> <tr> <td width = 5%> <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_<?php echo $Cats[$i]['Products'][$j]['ProdID']; ?>" > </td> <td width = 15%><?php echo $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"]; ?></td> <td width = 10%><?php echo $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Size"];?></td> <td width = 10%><?php echo $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["ShipSize"]?></td> <td width = 15%><input type="text" name="Qty_<?php echo $Cats[$i]["Products"][$j]["Name"]; ?> " size=4 value="" ></td> </tr> <? } ?> </table> <br><hr><br> <? } } ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> <? if(isset($Request)) print_r($Request); break; } ?> </form> </body> </html>
  12. On my intranet site I use frames to display a multitude of data from my databases depending upon which subject is requested, ie Employee information and status, Company info and status, .... this list goes on...... I am trying to get away from MS Access for my front end and go completely webbased, and I want the employees to log on to the intranet to be able to write/edit/view the information. So, in my login script, when verified to login, I want to be able to redirect to the "member" page in a new window. But, after looking into some other options, which I should have done before, I think that I will redirect the employees to a SSL page in a new window.
  13. I use frames in my intranet site. Is there a way to send a header (Location: ....) to a new window? This is for my authentication scripts and to change between unrestricted and restricted locations.
  14. Try this, it works for me great: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); // To report any errors that happen Comment out when finished with coding $Query = "Select ....."; $QueryResults = mysql_query($query, $link) or die("\n Could not run Query : " . $Query . " : " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($QueryResults) == 0) { // run some code here } else { while($QueryRow = msyql_fetch_array($QueryResults, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { // run some code here } } ?>
  15. I am trying to figure out whether having a multi-dimensional array ( 4 levels ) is "better" than to have a complex while{mysql_fetch_array} : a. Speed b. Size c. coding the output d. which way to code the array /* $Year = PRTYear(); $Month = for loop running the 1 - 12 $TypeID = PRTType(); */ // Array 1 $PRT[$Year][$Month][$TypeID] = PRTTypeCountperMonth($Year,$Month,$Type); // Array 2 $PRT[] = array("Year" => $Year, "Month" => $Month, "Type" => $Type, "Count" => PRTTypeCountperMonth($Year, $Month, $Type)); // Array 3 $PRT[] = array($Year => array ($Month => array($Type => PRTTypeCountperMonth($Year, $Month, $Type))); or while($Year) // shortened mysql statements { echo "\n" . $Year; while($Month) { echo "\n" . $Month; while($Type) { echo "\n" . $Type . " Count : " . $Count; } } }
  16. No, that still did not work and I also type cast it to force it to a (int), but still it did not work. So I bypast the while loop in StaffName() by adding a if then clause counting the mysql_num _rows() from the mysql_query. I don't like it because it did not solve the problem, but it is a work around and I don't see that message anymore.
  17. Well there in lies the problem that StaffName() should not ever be called due to the statement: $Assist = ($PRTRow["AssistingStaff"]==0) ? "Unknown" : StaffName($PRTRow["AssistingStaff"]); Am I correct in saying this???
  18. I am having trouble setting a variable with a ternary operation. I keep getting a "Notice: Undefined variable: StaffName in /var/www/html/StaffNameFunc.php on line 18" even though I have coded the variable to have a value. The line before works, but not this one.??? My Data: PNCID DTG AB AssistingStaff 143 2007-05-22 17:30 26 0 function StaffName($tStaffID) { include "Connection.php"; $staffquery = "Select StaffID, Last, left(First,1) as FI, left(Middle,1) as MI, RankID From Staff_be.Staff where Staffid = " . $tStaffID .";"; $staffresult = mysql_query($staffquery,$link) or die("\n<p>Could not run Staff Query: " . $staffquery . " : " . mysql_error()); while($staff = mysql_fetch_array($staffresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $rankquery = "Select RankID,Rank from Staff_be.StaffRank where RankID =" . $staff["RankID"].";"; $rankresult = mysql_query($rankquery,$link) or die("\n<p>Could not run Rank Query: ". mysql_error()); while($rnk = mysql_fetch_array($rankresult,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $Rank = $rnk["Rank"]; } $StaffName = $Rank . " " . $staff["Last"] . ", " . $staff["FI"] . " " . $staff["MI"]; // ***** line 18 ***** } return $StaffName; } function StaffPRTCount($tStaffID) { include "Connection.php"; //include "CadetNameFunc.php"; $PRTQuery = "Select PNCID, DTG, AB, AssistingStaff from PNC_be.PRT Where AB = " . $tStaffID ." or AssistingStaff = " . $tStaffID .";"; $PRTResults = mysql_query($PRTQuery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run PRTQuery : " . $PRTQuery ." : " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($PRTResults)==0) { $PRT[] = array("PNCID" => 0, "DTG" => "N/A", "Title" =>"Unknown"); } else { while($PRTRow = mysql_fetch_array($PRTResults, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $PNCQuery = "Select CadetID From PNC_be.PNC Where PNCID = " . $PRTRow["PNCID"] .";"; $PNCResults = mysql_query($PNCQuery, $link) or die("\n<p>Could not run PNCQuery : " . $PNCQuery ." : " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($PNCResults)==0) { $CadetID = 107;} else { $PNCRow = mysql_fetch_array($PNCResults, MYSQL_ASSOC); $CadetID = $PNCRow["CadetID"]; } $CadetName = CadetName($CadetID); $AB = ($PRTRow["AB"]==0) ? "Unknown" : StaffName($PRTRow["AB"]); /* this line */ $Assist = ($PRTRow["AssistingStaff"]==0) ? "Unknown" : StaffName($PRTRow["AssistingStaff"]); /* Goes to function StaffName anyways */ $PRT[] = array("PNCID" => (int)$PRTRow["PNCID"], "DTG" => strtotime($PRTRow["DTG"]), "Title" => "PNCID " . $PRTRow["PNCID"] . "; " . date("d M Y", strtotime($PRTRow["DTG"])) ."; " . $CadetName . "; Applied By:" . StaffName($PRTRow["AB"]) . "; Assisted By:" . StaffName($PRTRow["AssistingStaff"]) ); } } //sort($PRT); return $PRT; }
  19. Never mind. I just made individual functions for everything.
  20. Ok, these arrays are kicking me in the rear, with spiked boots. And I know that it is a simple fix, a bracket or brace that is out of place, but where?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?! my code: function StaffTraining($tStaffID, $tTJPCCertDate) { include "Connection.php"; $TwoYears = 60*60*224*730; $CertSubmitQuery = "Select Max(DTG) as CertSubmit From Staff_be.StaffDates Where SDID = 10 and StaffID = " . $tStaffID . ";"; $CertSubmitResults = mysql_query($CertSubmitQuery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run CertSubmitQuery : " . $CertSubmitQuery . " : " . mysql_error()); while($CertSubmitRow = mysql_fetch_array($CertSubmitResults, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $CertSubmit = strtotime($CertSubmitRow["CertSubmit"]); } $NextCert = date("Ymd" , $tTJPCCertDate + $TwoYears); $tCertSubmit = date("Ymd", $CertSubmit); $TrainingQuery = "SELECT TrnCrsID, DTG, Instructor, Memo from Training_be.Training where StaffID = " . $tStaffID . " and DTG >= '" .$tCertSubmit . "' and DTG <= '" . $NextCert ."' Order by DTG;"; $TrainingResults = mysql_query($TrainingQuery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run TrainingQuery : " . $TrainingQuery . " : " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($TrainingResults)==0) { $Topics[0] = array("Title" => "Unknown", "Level" => 0); // no code yet $Courses[0] = array("Course" => "N/A or Unknown", "DTG" => "Unknown", "Instructor" => "Unknown", "Memo" => "Unknown", "Hours" => 0); } else { $CourseCounter = 0; while($TrainingRow = mysql_fetch_array($TrainingResults, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $DTG = strtotime($TrainingRow["DTG"]); $Instructor = $TrainingRow["Instructor"]; $Memo = $TrainingRow["Memo"]; $Topics[0] = array("Title" => "", "Level" => 0); // no code yet $CourseQuery = "Select Topic, Level, Hours From Training_be.TrainingCourses Where TrnCrsID = ". $TrainingRow["TrnCrsID"] ." Order by Level;"; $CourseResults = mysql_query($CourseQuery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run CourseQuery : " . $CourseQuery . " : " . mysql_error()); while($Courses = mysql_fetch_array($CourseResults, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $Title = $Courses["Topic"]; $Level = (int) $Courses["Level"]; $Hours = $Courses["Hours"]; //echo "\n<p>" . $Title ." - " . $Level . " - " . $Hours; } $Courses[$CourseCounter] = array("Course" => $Title , "DTG" => $DTG , "Instructor" => $Instructor , "Memo" => $Memo , "Hours" => $Hours ); $CourseCounter++; } } return $Courses; } Output: There is suppose to be 18 Array ( [0] => Array ( [Course] => Emergency Action Plan [DTG] => 1214283600 [instructor] => M. Varela [Memo] => [Hours] => 2.00 ) )
  21. Ah, ha, said the blind man urinating into the wind.
  22. Why do I have only one record? Array ( [10] => Array ( [Type] => Room Conf [DTG_Start] => 1202253600 [DTG_End] => 1202315520 [Approved] => Counselor Montalvo, G [Total] => 17hrs, 12mins ) )
  23. line 190: if($Conf[0]["Type"]=="Unknown"){ I have also used : if(strcmp($Conf[0]["Type],"Unknown")<>0){
  24. I am having trouble finding my error and all I get is undefined offset. Can I get some help? $ConfCtr = 0; $ConfQuery = "Select DTG_Start, DTG_End, ConfTypeID, AB From PNC_be.Confid Where PNCID = " . $PNCID . ";"; $ConfResults = mysql_query($ConfQuery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run ConfQuery : " . $ConfQuery . " : " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($ConfResults)==0) { //$ConfCtr++; $Conf = array($ConfCtr => array("Type" => "Unknown", "DTG_Start" => "Unknown","DTG_End" => "Unknown", "Approved" => "Unknown","Total" => "Unknown" )); } else { while($ConfRow = mysql_fetch_array($ConfResults, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $TypeQuery = "SELECT TypeID,ConfType From PNC_be.TypeConf Where TypeID = " . $ConfRow["ConfTypeID"] .";"; $TypeResults = mysql_query($TypeQuery, $link) or die("\n<p> Could not run TypeQuery : " . $TypeQuery . " : " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($TypeResults)==0) { $Type = "Unknown"; } else { $TypeRow = mysql_fetch_array($TypeResults, MYSQL_ASSOC); $Type = $TypeRow["ConfType"]; } $Start = strtotime($ConfRow["DTG_Start"]); $End = strtotime($ConfRow["DTG_End"]); $temp = $End - $Start; $tempmin = $temp / 60; $hours = floor($temp / 60 / 60); $minutes = fmod($tempmin, 60); $ApprovedBy = ($ConfRow["AB"]==0) ? "Unknown" : StaffName($ConfRow["AB"]) ; $Conf = array($ConfCtr => array("Type" => $Type, "DTG_Start" => strtotime($ConfRow["DTG_Start"]), "DTG_End" => strtotime($ConfRow["DTG_End"]), "Approved" => $ApprovedBy, "Total" => $hours . "hrs, " . $minutes . "mins")); $ConfCtr++; } // more code here of similiar functions but different tables echo $ConfCtr; // for debugging only if(strcmp($Conf[0]["Type"],"Unknown")<>0) // [b]line 190[/b] { ?> <table width = 100% border = 1> <tr> <td width = 15% align = right>Confinements</td> <td width = 85%> <table width = 100% border = 1> <tr> <td width = 100% align = center> No Records or Unknown </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <? } else { ?> <table width = 100% border = 1> <tr> <td width = 15% align = right>Confinements</td> <td width = 85%> <table width = 100% border = 1> <tr> <td width = 20%>Type</td> <td width = 20%>Start</td> <td width = 20%>End</td> <td width = 20%>Total Time</td> <td width = 20%>Approved by</td> </tr> <? for($i = 0; $i <= $ConfCtr - 1; $i++) { ?> <tr> <td width = 20%><? echo $Conf[$i]["Type"]; ?></td> <td width = 20%><? echo date("d M Y Hi", $Conf[$i]["DTG_Start"]); ?></td> <td width = 20%><? echo date("d M Y Hi", $Conf[$i]["DTG_End"]); ?></td> <td width = 20%><? echo $Conf[$i]["Total"]; ?></td> <td width = 20%><? echo $Conf[$i]["Approved"]; ?></td> </tr> <? } ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <? } ?> Output 11<br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined offset: 0 in <b>/var/www/html/PNCDetails.php</b> on line <b>190</b><br /> <table width = 100% border = 1> <tr> <td width = 15% align = right>Confinements</td> <td width = 85%> <table width = 100% border = 1> <tr> <td width = 100% align = center> No Records or Unknown </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
  25. You are absolutely correct - garbage_out=garbage_in. I have no idea why I did not use this function a long time ago. And I am greatful, because it is actually helping me correct my users on how and what they are putting into the databases.
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