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Posts posted by grantf

  1. Hi, i am trying to validate a field so that it contains only numbers and spaces.. this is what i have. It is denying me spaces...


    if(ereg('[\' " ! @ # $ % ^ : ; < > & * , . ? ( ) _ ~ ` + - = a-zA-Z]', $field))


    does anyone know why it is doing this?



  2. Hi, i have a drop box in a form that is populated using a SQL query. It works well however i would like to have it so that when the page is initially loaded the drop box is blank, and not have the first entry pre-loaded. I havent been able to do this using the HTML/PHP code so my current (messy) work around is having a blank SQL record and it makes it seem as though the first record is empty.. how to write this line to accomplish this and do away with the dodgy SQL record??


    $link = mysql_connect( $myServer, $myUser, $myPass );
    mysql_select_db( $myDB, $link );
    $init=mysql_init("STOREDPROCEDURE", $link);
    $result = mysql_exec($init);
    <select name="VALUE" id="VALUE"> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<option value='" . $row->name . "'>" . $row->name . "</option>"; } ?>

  3. Hi, i have successfullly put together some code that writes form data to my mssql db however during testing, if the form field contains an apostrephe the query fails. how do you get around this?


    this is the query line i am using..


    $reason = $_POST['reason'];


    $update = "INSERT INTO journals(reason) VALUES ('$reason')";

    mssql_query($update, $link);


    .. the form field might contain something like this, the cat's sat on the mat


    this is the error..


    PHP Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Incorrect syntax near 's'. (severity 15) in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forms\journal-send.php on line 71 PHP Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ');'. (severity 15) in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forms\journal-send.php on line 71 PHP Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forms\journal-send.php on line 71

  4. is anything obviously wrong with this? when i run it this is the output...


    Result = ''





    $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root","password");

    if (!$link)


      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());



      $db_selected = mysql_select_db('db1', $link);

      if (!$db_selected) {

    die ('Can\'t use db1 : ' . mysql_error());



    $name = "John Smith";

    $result = mysql_query('SELECT email FROM people where name = $name');

    print "Result = '$result'";


  5. Hi, not sure if your suggestion would have worked however i got it working by adding a comma at the end of the line, ie...


    john,sydney,australia -> john,sydney,australia,


    and now it works perfectly.



  6. Hi, i am just starting out with mySQL and i am trying to load data into a new table. By following the guide this is what i have typed.


    LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'c:\file.csv' INTO TABLE people



    i then get this as a responce


    Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.02 sec)

    Records: 5  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0


    then... when i SELECT * from people;


    the first field out of 3 fields is missing characters, see below



    | name  | city      | country    |


    | ohn  | sydney    | australia

      | er  | melbourne | america

      |    | adelaide  | england

        |  | perth    | spain

        | e | brisbane  | italy


    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    this is a copy of the orignal data








    the source file is very basic, created in excel and saves as csv file, double checked in notepad++


    Does anyone know what i am doing wrong??

  7. Hi, i have recently attempted to setup PHP with IISv6.0 and have run into some problems after installation. Basically, no PHP code seems to work. I'm fairly new to PHP but do have some understanding of how it works. Here is my setup and what i have done. Whenever i try to run any PHP, even the most basic script such as hello world fails with this error message;


    [CGI Error, The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.]


    My software / hardware

    PHP (Manual Installation) 5.2.5 zip package

    Windows server 2003 R2, SP2

    IIS 6.0

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual

    Firefox & Internet Explorer

    php-recommended.ini (renamed of course)


    My installation

    Files have been placed in C:\PHP

    PATH has been modified to include c:\PHP

    NTFS security on c:\PHP is EVERYONE = FULL CONTROL, nothing else

    IIS root is located at c:\inetpub\wwwroot

    Web Service Extensions include c:\PHP\php-cgi.exe [ALLOWED]

    Under the default website under home directory tab

    1. Read access, log visits, index this resource

    2. Execute permissions = scripts only

    3. Configuration...

    Application extentions contain c:\PHP\php-cgi.exe (.php) [ALL VERBS]


    doc_root = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot"

    extension_dir = "c:\PHP\ext"

    cgi.rfc2616_headers = 1


    I have also tried accessing the pages through these 2 methods




    This is an example of code that is failing. It doesnt get any more basic than this...


    Print "Hello, World!";



    I'm not really sure what to do from here, searching for the error message on google has given me absolutely nothing and i've tried to follow the install.txt manual to the letter.


    Pulling my hair out - any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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