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Everything posted by sudhakararaog

  1. i would like to display statistics information and show this on a map with multiple markers i have initially created for a single marker the example is at http://www.sudhakargolakaram.co.in/files/stats.php for this i have written the following in the php file echo (' <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script src="maps api key"></script> <script src="jquery.googlemaps1.01.js"></script> '); $lat="-36.847385"; $lon="174.765735"; echo(' <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#map_canvas").googleMaps({ markers: { latitude: '); echo $lat; echo(', longitude: '); echo $lon; echo(' } }); }); </script> '); ?> this is working fine however i would like to get the values of the latitude and longitude values from mysql using select query and pass the values of latitude and longitude to the javascript code using a while loop the code to display multiple markers is <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#map_canvas').googleMaps({ markers: [{ latitude: 37.4416, longitude: -122.1516 },{ latitude: 37.4516, longitude: -122.1616 },{ latitude: 37.4566, longitude: -122.1666 }] }); }); </script> this multiple markers is quite different to single marker as this does not have },{ for the last marker in terms of the syntax of the php code how can i write the php code so that i will get the output in the browser as mentioned above for multiple markers thanks
  2. please refer to http://sudhakargolakaram.co.in/verticallist.html my question is about the width of the link for each of the list items the list items have different words so the width of the words are different, when the mouse moves on individual links the hyperlink cursor appears based on the length of each link, for this i have given #list1 ul li a { padding: 10px 0 20px 0; } however this is being ignored and #list1 ul li { padding: 10px 0 20px 0; } is being interpretted, in this case since i have links in the list items i guess #list1 ul li a{} should be interpretted correct or is #list1 ul li {} only interpretted, ultimately what i want is the hyperlink cursor should appear based on the width of an individual link please advice thanks
  3. i would like to import a csv file into the database so that i do not have to manually make entries when using a cms initially i selected the database and then the table into which i want to add new data and exported as csv file and then added deleted all the entries in this file and added 1 new entry following the format in the csv file that i exported when i import this csv file i keep getting the error Invalid field count in CSV input on line 1. while importing the csv file i have changed Fields terminated by from ; to , what is the correct procedure so that i dont get this error also when exporting as csv file should i select the Put fields names in the first row option and there are other options as well, how should i go about so that i dont get the error when importing also if i select the sql option and then delete the entries and make a new entry and if i import this file i get the error #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' before importing i have selected the database and selected the table into which i want to import the csv or sql file also before importing the files i suppose i have to make sure that the file i import is the same name as the table whether i import a csv or sql file please advice how to go about for csv and sql format also i guess the procedure for csv format can be followed for an Microsoft Excell 2000 and CSV for MS Excel i guess
  4. hi i have read somewhere where in when mysql database is accessed from cpanel normally the page redirects to the phpmyadmin page however if a line of code is added to some php file there will be an alert asking to enter username and password in order to access phpmyadmin for security, can anyone tell me which php file that is and also the code that is needed. thanks
  5. hi i am using a cms which requires mod_rewrite to be enabled for seo urls in the wamp that i use in my local machine in the httpd.conf file i have this line and removed the comment LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so when i view the phpinfo i can see that mod_rewrite is on in the Loaded Modules i am guessing that my hosting might not allow to edit the httpd.conf file so i tried adding the following to the .htaccess which is in the root directory Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / and uploaded the .htaccess file and when i viewed the phpinfo i do not see mod_rewrite for my webserver also on my server i would be installing the cms in a separate folder after the root directory, so i guess the .htaccess file should be Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /foldername how do i go about enabling mod_rewrite in the .htaccess file as i might not be able to edit httpd.conf please advice. thanks
  6. hi i am using windows vista and installed wamp server, initially i installed wamp and accessed phpmyadmin and while setting a password for the root i did a mistake and could not access phpmyadmin and also renamed some php files so i uninstalled wamp server and re installed now the problem i am facing is when i click on mysql.exe located at D:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.36\bin i am getting the following error error 2003 cant connect to Mysql server on localhost 10061 in config.inc.php located at d:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1 i have the following $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '3306'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'root'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = true; along with others. when i type http://localhost i am able to see the welcome screen of wamp and can click on phpinfo but when i click on phpmyadmin it takes a while to load and a blank screen appears also i have stopped all services and restarted all services from the wampserver icon in the system tray, normally the colors change from red to yellow to white, the color is at yellow and does not change to white how do i solve the error error 2003 cant connect to Mysql server on localhost 10061 so that i can use phpmyadmin please advice. thanks.
  7. initially i used a repeating background using css by specifying repeat-x for a div that holds the background image, when i tested this by sending an email using php i noticed that when i clicked view images in gmail i am able to see all the images i used as <img> tag specifying its absolute path, but not repeating background using css so i tried using the repeating background inside a <td> which repeated fine when i access the page on my local machine and from a server, however when i used it for the email example , even with <td> tag gmail is not able to repeat the background image, i would image this would be the case with other email clients as well, is there any workaround for repeating backgrounds either as repeat-x or repeat-y for email clients in this case when sending an email from a php file thanks
  8. <?php $headers = "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"; $to="myemailaddress"; $subject="Email Newsletter"; $message = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Email Newsletter</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="topmenu"> </div> <div id="content"> <div class="leftcolumn"> </div> <div class="rightcolumn"> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> </div> </div> </body> </html>'; if(! mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){ echo "There was an error is sending the email"; } else{ echo "The email has been sent"; } ?> hi my question is about send an email with php like a newsletter, when we read a newsletter email its similar to a webpage which contains content, images, css and other elements i created a static webpage initially with html css and images folder after creating the page i wanted to test to see how it would look if i were to send this as an email like a newsletter. so i have created a php file with $headers = "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"; $to="myemailaddress"; $subject="Email Newsletter"; and $message as mentioned above has the entire html code as i used it in my static html page i also copied the style.css in the server and created images folder and copied all the images i used in my static page to the server. i created a separate folder in my webserver called newsletter and copied the php file, css file and images folder with the images i used when i accessed the index.php as http://website.com/emailnewsletter i am getting a message that The email has been sent and i am getting the email however my question is when i open this email the styles and images are not being applied and i see only the text in the static page i created. can someone let me know how i can fix this so that when i open the email it would look like the static page i created with all the styles applies and images displayed is this only possible by using specialized email softwares or can it be done by php as well with the logic used. any help will be appreciated. thanks
  9. i am using smarty template engine at work place, following is the situation i already have 1 template that has already been created example = http://localhost/sites/template1.com this works fine following is the folder structure i have for smarty on xampp 1. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\template1.com where i have .htaccess index.php and siteconf.php 2. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\_templates\templates\template1 in the siteconf.php file there are all the major variables defined which are accessed in other tpl file of the templates example in aboutus page, contactus page etc of this template1 now i have created another template called template2 and this also has the same structure 1. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\template2.com where i have .htaccess index.php and siteconf.php 2. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\_templates\templates\template2 my question is the look and feel when i access http://localhost/sites/template1.com and http://localhost/sites/template2.com is the same the only thing that needs to be done is for template2 when i access http://localhost/sites/template2.com ONLY the header image should be different compared to the header i have for http://localhost/sites/template1.com this is the only change i need i am not aware as to the php code i need to write so that when i access http://localhost/sites/template2.com the header image changes and this new header image remains for the entire pages of http://localhost/sites/template2.com presently in header.tpl of template1 is written as follows {if strpos($Data.KEYWORD,"rv rental") === false} <div class="header" style="background:url(images/header_{$siteData.COUNTRY3}.gif) no-repeat top left;"> {else} <div class="header" style="background:url(images/header_{$siteData.COUNTRY3}_rv.gif) no-repeat top left;"> {/if} </div> so i need to change the {if} {else} where i need to mention that if i am accessing http://localhost/sites/template2.com then the header image should be different. any help will be greatly appreciated. please advice. thanks.
  10. thanks for replying when i use {literal} <style type="text/css"> body{ font: normal 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #wrapper{ width: 900px; margin: 0 auto; } </style> {/literal} this is working however if i use {literal} <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style1.css" type="text/css" /> {/literal} the css file is not being called, also i tried <link rel="stylesheet" href="c:/wamp/www/templates/template1/style1.css" type="text/css" /> the full path as with other smarty functions i had to give the entire path, even this is not working how can i call the css file without writting {literal} <style type="text/css"> body{ font: normal 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style> {/literal} as the code will increase in the page also $smarty->compile_check = true; is already set in my index.php file please advice thanks
  11. in the index.tpl file which i access as http://localhost i am able to add the doctype and other tags <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>{$pagetitle}</title> </head> <body> vale of smarty variable is {$var1} </body> </html> all this works fine however when i add a link tag to call a css file as <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> the code for css is * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { font: normal 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; } this css style is not being applied to the index.tpl when i access the page as http://localhost how can i call the css file from index.tpl also if i am using a jquery plugin i need to use a script tag to call the javascript files, how do i call these javascript file from index.tpl file please advice. thanks
  12. i have 3 template folders called template1 template2 and template3 in the index.php file when i use the following and access http://localhost everything works fine and i am able to display the value of variables defined in index.php $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates'; however when i change to $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates/template1'; or $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates/template2'; or $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates/template3'; and when i access http://localhost i am getting the output of $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates'; where as i have made a small chane in the index.tpl for template1,2and 3 a simple line = template 1 and then followed by displaying the value of variables why am i getting the output of $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates/templates'; when i am changing the $smarty to $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates/template1'; i have cleared the cache and also tried http://localhost?clearcache=1 and http://localhost?clearall=1 however i still see the output of $smarty->template_dir = 'c:/wamp/www/smarty/templates/templates'; please advice. thanks.
  13. i have installed wamp on my computer and when i access phpmyadmin i get the following error #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) i already have xampp installed on my computer, i want to learn smarty templates so i am using wamp for the sake of learning smarty, i do not want to install smarty on xampp as it is already configured with other settings so i would like to use wamp i am using windows xp service pack 2 i have chaned the port to 81 in the httpd.conf configuration file of wamp and changed server name to localhost:81 so i access wamp as http://localhost:81 this works fine, from this page when i click on phpmyadmin link i get the error #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) i have followed the steps from the following links http://www.wampserver.com/phorum/read.php?2,30300 http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=58057 i have tried stopping all services and restarted wamp service however i am not able to access phpmyadmin but i am able to access wamp as http://localhost:81 and any files i create in the wamp/www folder please advice. thanks
  14. i have a question about how to use sql database with php instead of using my sql database when i use my sql database the php code to connect to the my sql database is = $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $password); if(!$conn) { echo "Unable to connect to Database"; } else { mysql_select_db($database, $conn); $query = mysql_query($selectquery); mysql_close($conn); } if i have to connect to a sql databse instead of my sql database as some companies use sql database, how can i change the php code to connect, run a query and close connection to the sql database. apart from changing the code to connect to sql database is there something else i need to do. php my admin is used to access the tables in mysql database, which tool should be used to access data in the tables for sql database. please advice. thanks
  15. i need help with accessing the value of a variable from a different page. i have an index.php file which has 2 files included to display header and footer and the center portion changes based on the link clicked on the footer. header.php <?php echo "<h2> Text from header.php file </h2>"; ?> footer.php <?php $title="Title of Footer Page"; ?> <a href="index.php?page=web">Web Development</a> | <a href="index.php?page=software">Software </a> index.php <?php $pagename=$_GET["page"]; $title="Index page of Company name"; ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $title; ?> </title> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $keyword; ?>"> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $pagedescription; ?>"> </head> <body> <?php include("header.php"); ?> <p> </p> <center>This is the text in the center</center> <p> </p> <?php if($pagename=="web") { include("web.php"); } if($pagename=="software") { include("software.php"); } ?> <?php include("footer.php"); ?> </body> </html> whenever i click the links for Web Development or Software which appears from the footer a query string is passed to index.php I am able to display the content of web.php and software.php using the if() condition and include() what i need to display is a different title for web.php and software.php when a user clicks Web Development along with the content i want the title of the page to change for SEO purpose. i have defined $title differently in web.php and software.php however presently the title being displayed for index.php when a user clicks web.php and software.php the title is the same "Index page of Company name" as this is defined in index.php and my title tag is written as <title><?php echo $title; ?> </title> however the title tag remains the same whether i click web development or software link. how change i change the code to display different titles. i am doing this for SEO purpose so that different pages have different titles and meta tags. actually there can be individual files with links to individual pages however the people i am dealing with who developed the website want the header and footer to remain so that a flash file does not have to load each time an individual link is clicked. please advice. thanks
  16. i am doing seo for a website and this website uses a lot of php for which i need suggestions. this is how the website is set up. in the index.php file there is a flash banner at the top of the page and the center part is another file which is called using include("links.php") and the bottom part using include("footer.php") the footer has links such as = webdevelopment software development ... each of this has a query string= http://website.com/index.php?page=webdevelopment and http://website.com/index.php?page=software ... etc this way every link in the website is calling index.php and a query string is being passed and the index.php looks for the name ex=webdevelopment and loads that particular page in the center section of the website. the main purpose of doing this was to load the flash file only 1 time and the rest of the time when the links from the footer are clicked only the center part changes and the flash file does not have to reload. due to this the entire website is having only 1 page index.php therefore using 1 <title> tag 1 meta description and 1 meta keywords tag as the values of <title> and <meta> tags are being displayed from index.php however from a seo and sem perspective ideally there should be different file name which means i can optimize the <title> and <meta> tags for individual files. please advice a best solution to get around this as i would like to have different title and meta tag for individual pages like webdevelopment.php software.php etc which i am presently not able to due to include("") any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  17. i want to implement a feature where a user searches with a keyword and search results are displayed according to the keyword or phrase entered by the user. following are the steps i want to follow. please advice if i am missing out any steps or i can add any step. 1. read the keyword entered by user using $search = $_POST["searchkeyword"]; 2. read all the files from the root directory into a variable (as all files will be saved in the root directory) 3. from step 2 filter and read only files with html and php extensions into a variable 4. read the entire contents of all html and php files into a variable 5. compare $search with all the individual html and php file contents from step 4 6. if a match is found with either html or php file then display a brief title and brief description which will be a link to the actual file which has the keyword. 7. display search results in a serial order as 1. Brief Title of the page 2. Brief Title of the page ... 8. at the bottom of the page based on the total number of results found from step 6 i would like to provide a link to page 1 page 2 page3 ... (i can decide to display only 10 results per page) please advice. any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  18. hi i am writing a small application where a user enters a phrase in the textfield and i would like to display all the files present in the root directory which consists of the keyword or keywords entered by the user. i have used a few comparison functions but i am not getting the expected result. $my_file = file_get_contents("filename.html"); what ever the user enters whether it is a single word or few words i would like to compare with $my_file in a case insensitive manner. can anyone suggest the best method and how to go about. thanks.
  19. i am using $ip= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to retrieve the ip address of the client for example if the value returned from $ip is i would like to find out which country the request has come from. i believe by using the third set of numbers (in this case=190) from an ip address we can find out the country name. i can declare a variable with a list of country names and the range of values, what i need help is to extract the 3rd set of numbers from $ip. as ip address keep changing the 3rd set of numbers can be single, double or 3 digit number how can we extract the number that is stored in $ip after the second dot and before the third dot please advice. thanks.
  20. my question is about validation using php. i am validating a username which a user would enter and clicks on a image to find if that username is available. example if a user enters abc#123 php file is reading this value as abc ONLY which i do not want instead the php file should read as abc#123. following is the sequence of pages. please advice the solution. first page = register.php here a user enters a username and clicks on an image to find out if the username is available or not. using a javascript function of onclick i am reading the value entered in the form in javascript as ============================================= var useri = document.registrationform.username var valueofuseri = document.registrationform.username.value var recui = /^\s{1,}$/g; if ((useri.value==null) || (useri.value=="") || (useri.length=="") || (useri.value.search(recui))> -1) { alert("Please Enter a User Name") return false } window.open("checkusernamei.php?theusernameis="+valueofuseri, "titleforavailabilityi", "width=680, height=275, status=1, scrollbars=1, resizeable=yes"); ============================================ i have used a alert message in javascript to display the value, javascript is able to capture all the characters entered which is abc#123 second page = checkusernamei.php = this file uses GET to read what was entered in the form. ============================================ $username = $_GET["theusernameis"]; if( $username == "" || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+(?:_[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $username) ) { echo "username is blank or has special characters"; } ============================================ the # sign is being ignored only if the image is clicked in order to check the username, if the user enters abc#123 and clicks the submit button without clicking on the checkuser image button then my php validation for username shows an error message. ============================================================== if( $username == "" || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+(?:_[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $username) ) { echo "display error message for username"; } ============================================================== now the problem is with clicking the image only and passing the value to checkusernamei.php using GET method i have also used an echo statement in checkusernamei.php as echo "value of username is ". $username; = this displays abc and not abc#123 how can i fix this problem wherein checkusernamei.php will be able to read abc#123. also in this checkusernamei.php file i have a select query which will read if the username already exists in the table. presently as checkusernamei.php is reading abc ONLY the select query is also passing abc and not abc#123 $select = "Select username from table where username = '$username'"; please advice. thanks.
  21. i have implemented a way to avoid sql injection from the php website from this url http://in.php.net/mysql_real_escape_string from the "Example #3 A "Best Practice" query" section of this page following are the steps i have followed after the form values are submitted to a php file. step 1. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $username = stripslashes($_POST["username"]); ......... } else { $username = $_POST["username"]; ......... } step 2. $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $password); step 3. $insertquery = sprintf("INSERT INTO table (`username`, ...) VALUES ('%s', ...)", mysql_real_escape_string($username, $conn), ...); step 4. if(!$conn) { header("Location: http://website/dberror.html"); exit; } else { mysql_select_db($database, $conn); $insertqueryresult = mysql_query($insertquery); if(!$insertqueryresult) { header("Location: http://website/error.html"); exit; } } with the above method i am able to insert values into the table even with if i enter the ' special character which can cause problems. i have also used a simple sql insert query like $insertquery = "INSERT INTO table(username, ...) VALUES ('$username', ...)"; when i used this simple insert query and if i entered ' in the form and submitted the form the php file is unable to process the information entered because of the ' character and as per the code error.html file is being displayed where as if i use $insertquery = sprintf("INSERT INTO table (`username`, ...) VALUES ('%s', ...)", mysql_real_escape_string($username, $conn), ...); even if i enter any number of ' characters in more than 1 form field data is being inserted into the table a) so i am thinking that the steps i have taken from the php site is correct and the right way to avoid sql injection though there are several ways to avoid sql injection. b) for example if i enter data in the form as = abc'''def for name, the data in the table for the name field is being written as abc'''def based on how i have written the steps to avoid sql injection is this the right way for the data to be stored with ' characters along with the data example as i mentioned = abc'''def please answer the questions a) and b) if there is something else i need to do please suggest what needs to be done exactly and at which step. any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  22. i need to validate a field in a form where a user enters a reference number this can be letters, numbers and special characters also so i have not written any special preg match as the username is a combination. the only check i am doing is if there are any white spaces and if a user simple presses the space bar and does not enter value i display a message to enter the reference number and even if there are white spaces followed by the reference number i have used trim method. i have checked in the database even if there are white spaces followed by reference number due to trim() method the data in the table is being inserted whithout those white spaces. following is the code i am presently using $referencenumber = trim($_POST["referencenumber"]); if(strlen($referencenumber) == 0) { $error.="<li>Reference number cannot be blank </li> <br />"; } this code works perfectly fine and does what it is supposed to, however i am using techniques to avoid sql injection. following is the technique i have used if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $username = stripslashes($_POST["username"]); } else { $username = $_POST["username"]; } due to this even if i use if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $lodgementnumber = stripslashes($_POST["lodgementnumber"]); } else { $lodgementnumber = trim($_POST["lodgementnumber"]); } if(strlen($lodgementnumber) == 0) { $error.="reference number cannot be blank; } the validation is not doing what it does in the code i mentioned at the begining. i need to use techniques to avoid sql injection and i also need the validation to work. how can i fix this. please advice. thanks.
  23. my question is about validation using php. i am validating a username which a user would enter and clicks on a image to find if that username is available. example if a user enters abc#123 php file is reading this value as abc ONLY which i do not want instead the php file should read as abc#123. follow is the sequence of pages. please advice the solution. first page = register.php here a user enters a username and clicks on an image to find out if the username is available or not. using a javascript function of onclick i am reading the value entered in the form in javascript as ============================================= var useri = document.registrationform.username var valueofuseri = document.registrationform.username.value var recui = /^\s{1,}$/g; if ((useri.value==null) || (useri.value=="") || (useri.length=="") || (useri.value.search(recui))> -1) { alert("Please Enter a User Name") return false } window.open("checkusernamei.php?theusernameis="+valueofuseri, "titleforavailabilityi", "width=680, height=275, status=1, scrollbars=1, resizeable=yes"); ============================================ second page = checkusernamei.php = this file uses GET to read what was entered in the form. ============================================ $username = $_GET["theusernameis"]; if( $username == "" || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+(?:_[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $username) ) { echo "username is blank or has special characters"; } ============================================ the # sign is being ignored only if the image is clicked in order to check the username, if the user enters abc#123 and clicks the submit button without clicking on the checkuser image button then my php validation for username shows an error message. ============================================================== if( $username == "" || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+(?:_[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $username) ) { echo "display error message for username"; } ============================================================== now the problem is with clicking the image only and passing using GET method how can i fix this problem. please advice. thanks.
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