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azfar siddiqui

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Everything posted by azfar siddiqui

  1. agree with thorpe, if you are working with PHP5 , you can only use <?php
  2. <?php function RandomString($m,$mx,$isspecial=null) { $min = $m; $max = $mx; $passwd = ""; $passwdstr = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $passwdstr .= strtoupper($passwdstr); $passwdstr .= "12345678901234567890"; for($i=0; $i<=strlen($passwdstr) - 1; $i++) { $passwdchars[$i]=$passwdstr[$i]; } srand ((float)microtime()*1000000); shuffle($passwdchars); $length = rand($min,$max); for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { $charnum = rand(0, count($passwdchars) - 1); $passwd .= $passwdchars[$charnum]; } return htmlentities($passwd); } ?> This function generates pin numbers.. what happens in real scenario is that , a pin is generated , and an entry is made into the table , i.e. a pin is assigned to the user id .
  3. there is a PHP function , which rejects all such issues mysql_real_escape_string($string)
  4. While using ajax, the scripts have to be on the same domain! .
  5. This is the right way to create a parametric link : echo "<a href='section.php?id=".$pagelink."&ipanel=".$ipanel."'>THIS IS THE LINK</a>";
  6. try echo basename($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
  7. Not even a single HTML output can be sent before Redirection function header(); Put all the HTML after the header() function . and call the exit(); after header();
  8. //while infinite loop while(1) { // your code } //alternative while(true) { // your code } //For Infinite Loop for($i=0; ;$i++) { //your code }
  9. Make sure you are not sending any output to the browser before you are redirecting... it will not redirect.. but it will generate an error.. on the other hand, after redirecting you can do anything you want
  10. I just separate the records with a comma and surrounded brackets... I have used it several times...
  11. Have a look at <a href="http://www.ebrueggeman.com/phpgraphlib/"> this </a>
  12. good .. if you want some more paging scripts.. just email me
  13. <?php $emails = 'email@domain.com,email2@host.com'; $emailarray=expode(',',$emails); foreach($em as $emailarray) $mail->AddAddress($em); ?>
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