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Posts posted by jeff5656

  1. I want to parse the following POSTed variable (notice that each element in this variable is separated by a semicolon and a space)


    $variable = "201px; 169px; 110px; 114px; 142px; 43px; 112px; "


    so that






    a) how do i do that

    b) how do I do that if the number of elements to parse is NOT known?


    If anyone knows the solution to a) but no tb) thats ok - I can try to figure out b once I underatand how to do a!

  2. Hi,

    I know very little about javascript.  the following script echos out column width after a user drags the columns of a table.

    I would like to capture the output into a form, so the user can submit it to their record and system will remember settings if they reload the screen:

    		var onSampleResized = function(e){
    			var columns = $(e.currentTarget).find("th");
    			var msg = "columns widths: ";
    			columns.each(function(){ msg += $(this).width() + "px; "; })

    Now this line: 

    columns.each(function(){ msg += $(this).width() + "px; "; })


    seems to echo out the widths of each column (the display says something like: "Column widths: 112px; 256px; 320px; 15px")

    How can I have each value get echoed into a separate input box (type=text)?  Then when user submits the form, I will use php to process form and get the values into a database.

  3. I am trying to select records where the date is 35 days from now or less (i.e less than 35 days from now includes all dates that have passed as well).

    However, when I do the code below,

    $query = "select * from institutions where exp_date < date_sub(now(), interval 35 day) order by name"; 


     all I get are expired records.  I have a record where the exp_date is 3/23/13 but it is not getting selected.


    Note: the exp_date is a DATE field.

  4. Inside a <script type="text/javascript"> I have a function. Insuide that function I am echoing out variables using php code.


    while ($reqarray=mysql_fetch_assoc($rrr)){
    ?>errors += checkText(formname, '<?php echo $reqarray['var_name'];?>', '<?php echo $progarray[$progname];?>');<?php


    however, the script does not work because there is no line break after each "errors += checkText..." line. Apparently the script won't work unless everything is on it's own separate line (even though it ends with a semi-colon;).


    How do I echo out a line break inside the while loop to put each one on a separate line? If I echo a <br/> it doesn't work(it just puts the text <br/> there.

  5. But does anyone know how to do this, or is it something that can't be done. I feel that PHP can do anything really, but this is a bit out of my range - that's why I came here because I know someone out there knows! I appreciate the feedback about user input etc, but if there is anyone that knows how to do this I would love to see what the code looks like that would make this work.

  6. I have a date field in a form.


    If a user enters 12/23 instead of 12/23/12 I want to add the current year before putting it into the datatbase. The format in the database is Y-m-d because it's a date field.


    How do I modify this code to do that? I'm sorry I'm a bit weak with dates, especially if I have to stray from the standard date code!


    $this_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST['this_date ']));
    $query = "insert into table (this_date) values ('$this_date')";


    If a user enters 12/23/12 or 12/23/2012, I do not need to add the current year, and the above code will work, so I need the code to take into account a user entering the year OR not entering it.

  7. Let's say I have a bunch of records in an array and I want to echo one out:


    echo $somarray['somefield'];


    but lets say I want to have a variable instead of "somefield".


    How do I do this? This is what I want to do but the syntax is wrong:

    $hello = "somefield"
    echo $somarray['$hello'];



  8. When a user enters data into a text box, I want to retain those carriage returns. Therefore I use nl2br.


    The problem is that when they go to edit the data again, another carriage returns is added.


    How do I 1. allow carriage returns in a text box and 2. avoid duplicate carriage returns, which the nl2br solution will do?


    here's the code:


    <textarea name="medications" value = <?php echo nl2br(stripslashes($rpw['meds']));?></textarea>

  9. When I added this:


    echo "error is ". $_FILES['imagefile']['error'];


    I got

    error is 2


    I think that error means maximum file size?  But this file is only 1.8 megs and the godaddy limit is 8 megs so I dont know what the deal is here...



  10. I am trying to upload a file that a user chose from a form.  However, when I look in that directory, the file is not there.  Although I have error_reporting(E_ALL), I am not getting any errors - just the file is not there.


    Is there anything wrong with my code:


    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'], 	$_FILES['imagefile']['name']);


    I assume that with the above code, the file should appear in the same directory.


    or does it have to do with the permission of that directory.  It is set at 705.  I don't think godaddy (no jokes please) allows me to go to 777 (just to test it).

  11. I  promise I will write some code very very soon to force valid email for users.  :-)  But in the meantime  I wanted a quick and dirty way to get all the ones who already HAVE valid emails and export them to an excel file, because otherwise I  have to wait for those users with invalid emails to log on and give me their correct ones.  Until they log in, that record will contain an invalid (or more commonly blank) email field. 


    Obviously in retrospect I should have required a valid email from the start! :-)

  12. I would like to select ONLY those records that have a valid email address in the field "email", instead of selecting all records and then using eregi in a while loop after the fact.


    How can I write the query to exclude invalid emails?



    $query = select * from table where email !="invalid emails";



  13. I didn't include the whole file because it didn't contain any output, but here is the entire file.  I can't fnd anything int his file that would give me that error message because there is nothing being echoed out.  here it is:

    include "../connectdb.php";
    // Store the .pdf
    $description = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['description']);
    $category = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['category']);
    $title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['whatsit']);
    $ref = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ref']);
    $jl_date = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['jl_date']);
    $jl_type = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['jl_type']);
    $jl_type_sub = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['jl_type_sub']);
    if ($_REQUEST[completed] == 1) {
    $instr = fopen("latest.img","rb");
    $image = mysql_real_escape_string(fread($instr,filesize("latest.img")));
    if (strlen($instr) < 1000000) {
    	mysql_query ("insert into pdf (title, imgdata, category, jl_date, jl_type, jl_type_sub, description, ref) values ('$title','$image', '$category', '$jl_date', '$jl_type', '$jl_type_sub', '$description', '$ref')");
    	$_SESSION['errmsg'] = "Done";
    else {
    	$_SESSION['errmsg'] = "Too large!";
    else {
    $_SESSION['errmsg'] = "PDF not uploaded";
    header("Location: ".$_SESSION['loc']);

  14. The error message tells you where the output is sent.


    Post the exact error.



    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/j/e/f/user1234/html/education/add.php:20) in/home/content/j/e/f/user1234/html/education/add.php on line 32


    Line 32 is the last line of add.php that says header(location etc..

    line 20 is the line I specified above as line 19.


  15. I can't tell if I have any white spaces.  However, in dreamweaver I switched to design view and that page is blank with no characters to delete, so I do not think I have any white spaces.  Are you saying that if I use the space bar when coding, it will come out as a white space?  How can I tell the difference - do I need to scrunch everything together o there are no spaces?

  16. I get the above error, even though I am not echoing anything out.  Is there something int he following code that gets echoed out?  The word "echo" does not appear in this page at all!  It is a page that processes a script so there is no html in it.  No <head>, etc etc.


    if ($_REQUEST[completed] == 1) {
            $instr = fopen("latest.img","rb");
            $image = mysql_real_escape_string(fread($instr,filesize("latest.img")));
            if (strlen($instr) < 1000000) {
                    mysql_query ("insert into pdf (title, imgdata, category, jl_date, jl_type, description, ref) values ('$title','$image', '$category', '$jl_date', '$jl_type', '$description', '$ref')");
                    $_SESSION['errmsg'] = "Done";
            } else {
                    $_SESSION['errmsg'] = "Too large!";
    } else {
            $_SESSION['errmsg'] = "PDF not uploaded";
    header("Location: ".$_SESSION['loc']);

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