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Posts posted by Derleek

  1. What made you decide to switch to the MVC pattern? -just curious


    Check out this article -it may help, although it is written for a different programming language its the closest i've found to what (i think) you are looking for.


    You might have more luck with help on this topic if you try a little development on your own.  you won't get the results you are looking for simply saying, "I don't understand this, what should the code look like?"


    If you are having trouble before you even start coding I suggest you read some articles of developing in MVC. (here's another)


    Google MVC, PHP - plenty of documentation.


    are you just having trouble on where to start...or...?


    because wikipedia, google, whatever should give you a BASIC idea of what the code should look like.

  2. I could be wrong here, but using the MVC pattern for form processing might be a bit overkill and is probably not how you want to go about learning it.  Then again, I am not familiar with what your end-goal is.  If you are trying to write very reusable/readable/modifiable code but you can't go wrong starting with a framework.  Once you understand one of these framework's you will be able to do much more than write a form processor (which already exists and you don't need to code).


    The example you are looking for is undoubtedly in one of those frameworks out there.  The zend framework comes highly recommended on this forum - although I have yet to write any useful code with it - it is very solid and well documented.


    It will be overwhelming, I am still in the process of learning the zend framework. 


    Are you familiar with Object Oriented PHP or Object Oriented Programming in general?


    If not, the PHP freaks OOP tutorial is wonderful.


    What exactly are you aiming to do?


  3. I could be wrong here, because I recently just stumbled upon this neat little function of PHP and have not had much time to explore the practical uses of it.


    But perhaps look into using the php reference functionality.


    Not sure exactly if this is standards compliant or whatever.  But it is a potential solution.

  4. I am a amateur(ish) web-developer and i'm really trying to take my skills to the next level.  I have a rather scattered set of skills and I'm just trying to figure out how to consolidate and take advantage of what I know.  I have a general grasp of PHP/MySQL/Javscript/CSS/XML(little practicle experience in XML though) and a little bit of flash in addition to what kind of role each of these plays.  I have been floating between PHP/mysql and Javascript for the last year.  Recently I have been swinging back toward PHP... the PHPfreaks object oriented programming tutorial has definitely caught my eye.  The only problem is that the further I dive into this tutorial the more little bits of PHP that I am unfamiliar with appear.  Its not that I don't get those concepts/operations its just that I feel like there is SO many little things that I am not taking advantage of (References are a good example).  I guess my question is - What else am I missing?



    What I know:


    All of the syntactical basics: essentially the boring stuff.  operators, functions, loops...  :talkative:.


    PHP's more robust features: Date(), Files, uploading, Cookies, sessions.


    MySQL DB essentials:  Creating, Querying, formatting... Although I could most definitely improve in this area, most likely in DB efficiency and some of the more complex/advanced features of MySQL.  Basically I can get by with my DB skills, anything I'm having trouble with I can typically troubleshoot fairly quickly.


    Basics of Object Oriented Programming(OOP) w/ PHP:  I have no actual experience coding anything complex, but I can read/understand the beginnings of OOP in php.


    Where I feel I need improvement:


    OOP: I know there is still much to learn in this area.  Overloading is currently confusing me (although I'm starting to grasp it).


    A lot of the little functions:  I know many of the more eccentric functions of PHP are rarely used - But i feel like there is a lot of little things I'm missing.  The problem is that I took a rather haphazard approach in learning this language, so I don't know what I'm missing or even IF i'm missing anything essential.


    Security: definitely need to check out the PHPfreaks security tutorial...


    Various odd's and ends not relating to PHP:  I feel like this is where I have the most urgent need to learn.  I just don't feel as comfortable as I should in this environment.  Essentially I'd like to know more about the entire web-development field.  The problem is I don't have any clue what else I should learn or more specifically where to start.



    I know I'm long-winded so thanks to anyone who takes the time to read through all of this. 


    Seriously...  :hail_freaks:

  5. Not quite sure how to interpret your code...


    But i would suggest checking out one of the many javascript frameworks out there that make tasks like this much more simple.


    I started with mootools and still use it.  Although I am considering switching to jQuery just to have a stable user base.


    Not positive but if you check out the docs on the $extend function you might find what you're looking for.

  6. So..


    I just realized the login system I use - modeled after this - is not functioning with PHP 5.  I have only tested locally using mamp.


    I am not all that familiar with the differences between PHP 4/5 so I have no clue why this is going on.


    Are there any websites/programs that might be able to spot any PHP incompatibilities?



  7. so... i take it sql queries are readable by web-crawlers?


    Is it possible to make Ajax SEO friendly w/o having a physical .html file where the articles reside?


    Take wordpress or Joomla for example.  I know wordpress does not store individual blog entries like this - and to my knowledge neither does Joomla.  Joomla is (somewhat) SEO friendly if installed and configured properly.  Pretty sure blog posts are SEO friendly through wordpress.


    I realize this is probably difficult to achieve... but if sql queries are SEO friendly it seems like having the directory (and the individual articles) are a bit unnecissary.  Theoretically, (again, assuming sql queries are able to be read by crawlers) one could create an articleIndex.php file which queries all of the articles in a mysql table... right?


    Not sure though... could be off base - in which case, how are joomla/wordpress/whatever CMS SEO friendly? 

  8. SO...


    I have the need to install my contact form plugin, which includes some general CSS.


    Here is how I see it... please feel free to correct any misinformation I have.


    There are two options:


    One - compress all CSS into one doucument.  Meaning I will have to look copy/paste all required CSS from my contact form plugin into my general CSS file.  This to me is simple enough and not that big of a deal - 30 seconds out of my time.BUT eventually I aim to train several 'underlings', if you will, to implement and deploy scripts, websites etc for me.  I would like to avoid as many manual processes as possible to prevent simple mistakes.


    Two - leave a separate css file for all of my plugins so all I have to do is paste my contact form plugin into my plugins directory and include it.  The benefit of ease of installation (IMO) seems to out-way any potential performance hindrances - which are likely negligible for a small css file.  The way i see it I can load the general, site-wide css/images and all the important stuff (banner/logo/content background etc) first.  THEN display a loading bar while the rest of the plugin-specific stuff loads.


    Now its a matter of figuring out how to do that... I am almost positive this is how some sophisticated websites work (ex - Gmail and related apps) 


    *research-mode: on*

  9. Hi there PHPfreaks...


    So I am (finally) getting around setting up some general framework stuff in order to avoid monotonous tasks.


    I am getting hung up on how to separate my code.  My long-term goal is to tailor my own extremely light-weight and flexible CMS (essentially).  Yes, I am aware there are plenty of pre-made options out there - but I prefer to code something myself in order to better understand... well... everything that web-based programming is about. 




    First - I seem to have problems structuring projects of mine, does anyone have any good articles or anything archived that I can read up on involving planning projects?  Specifically something that has some good flowchart examples  :D


    Second - how much does including a simple file effect load time?


    I would like to be able to just include() essential general header info. 

    So i set up a directory in my root dir - '/include/content/head/' and in it the file 'load.html' which would look something like...

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" />
    <script type='text/javascript' src='utilities/js/mootools-core.js'></script>


    So I have the basics down... just have to insert one line of code to cover 4 lines - woot  ;)


    Now what of page-specific header files? (this is where my question comes in)


    Would it be acceptable to create page-specific includes for stuff like this?  Lets say I have some scripts to create some ajax tabs.  My initial thought is to create a more specific header include called 'tabs.html' in the directory '/include/content/head/'

    which would look like...

    <script type='text/javascript' src='utilities/js/domready.js'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='utilities/js/Jtabs.js'></script>

    Now I am guessing that a little 2-line header include won't really make too big of a difference in a users load time - and to say the least a bit superfluous.  Either way I am thinking on a much larger scale here.  Does this have ANY adverse effects?  i'm talkin anything from load-time to really just organization or structural integrity or whatever....

    If my question is a bit vague I'm sorry... kind of a general structural question for application desgin... I'm still kinda new to this so feel free to point out anything I may be missing or misunderstanding about web development (which i'm sure I am...)



  10. Hi.


    I was just trying to figure out how to edit the little icon that appears to the left of a websites URL and I realized I don't even know what its called... ha..


    Its gotta be something simple, its hard to google something that you don't even know how to properly describe it.... lol



  11. Hey there PHP freaks!


    I have been messing around with the zend framework for the past couple days.  As I understand it, it is a very useful tool in a php developer's toolbox.


    I have been struggling with where exactly to start!


    After reading some of the quickstart guide I felt rather overwhelmed with some of the built-in components that are essential to a Zend Framework based application.


    SO I started reading up on the programmer's refference guide (aka the manual).


    I am just wondering the best place for a web-developer, with an average understanding of PHP/mysql, to start chipping away at this framework?

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