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Posts posted by Derleek

  1. Hello phpFreaks,


    I personally cannot thank the creators of this forum enough.  This forum is responsible for me learning PHP and a lot of other stuff as well.  I have recently been shifting towards JavaScript (via the mootools framework). 


    Unfortunately there is no forum that comes even close to phpFreaks as far as popularity, usefulness... or what have you.  Although there is a forum that is growing in popularity (MooForum)I was wondering if you creators/moderator's could give some insight to how you guys have created such an awesome forum. 


    Furthermore if anyone would be willing to check out MooForum and let me know if there is anything that can be done to improve it that would be GREATLY appreciated

  2. [Easier the work is, the lower the pay.  Double edged sword.


    Maybe a little bit, i doubt this would actually effect anything.  At most it likely means you will do work faster and your pay will decrease proportionately... which means its a really dull double edged sword ;) lol


    @nrg - IE has and probably will always be behind the curve in over all quality.  The real question is why do so many people use it?  ???

  3. Yea I heard IE8 was going to be even worse than IE6&7 but it looks like microsoft my actually be getting their shit together in the web browsing department.


    hopefully one day we can all design in a standards compliant environment!!

  4. So my friend hooked me up w/ a windows 7 beta... i booted up the partition to do some testing in IE with a site i'm working on... and much to my surprise the usual bugs were no where to be found!!!


    I'm not sure what version of IE the beta is running (perhaps a secret version of IE that IS standards compliant.. lol), but it APPEARS to be much better as far as embracing w3c standards (at least w/ CSS).


    Does anyone have any extra info on this?... is IE ACTUALLY going to become standards compliant?

  5. I heard something a while back about adobe trying to make flash SEO friendly... not sure if anything has come into fruition...


    I kinda figured no one here would be down with flash, i think i'll go pester some kids at a flash forum to see what they have to say...

  6. You want to avoid flash because you will loose a lot of people viewing.


    thats the reason I chose to learn javascript animation for some nice simple animations (who needs arrows and buttons flying all over the page anyways...).


    But i'm starting to doubt that facts relevance... according to adobe flash reaches 99% of the internet market. (see stats here) It'd be interesting to see how a third parties research would turn out, but its an interesting stat non-the-less.


    The only other argument i used to have against using flash was that with slower internet connections the pages take FOREVER to load.  With improving technologies from adobe and high-speed internet becoming the norm... it seems like the interwebz are destined to be flooded with crappy proverbial 'bells and whistles' via flash...

  7. Ok so i've been dabbling in javascript via the MooTools Framework.  I can't say why but i really like animating stuff w/ javascript as opposed to flash.  Mainly i'm not really interested in learning how to use flash (i know its simple and i do use it occasionally...).


    Just curious what you guys choose to animate stuff in and if there is any particular reason why...

  8. Ok, so i'm making a site, and i'm making a menu that needs very precise margins and what not.


    It looks fine in firefox, but in safari the menu is shifted up by about 1px... i've never experienced this problem in safari before so i'm at a loss... i've tried the following safari hack but firefox renders the menu box one px too low. (example)


    Safari hack:

    #menu_container ul
    margin-top: -9px;
    #menu_container ul
    # //safari hack


    here is the html for the menu:

    <div id="menu_container">
    			<div id="menu_corner"></div>
    			<ul id="menu">
    				<li class="do">We Do</li>
    				<li class="done">We've Done</li>
    				<li class="got">We've Got</li>
    				<li class="listen">We Listen</li>

    CSS for menu:

    #menu_container ul
    #menu li
    list-style-type: none;
    display: inline-table;
    background-color: white;
    border: 1px solid #E2E2E2;
    padding-right: 5px;
    padding-left: 3px;
    height: 15px;
    color: gray;
    line-height: 15px;
    position: absolute;
    width: 500px;
    margin-top: -9px;
    left: 50%;


    I'm honestly at a loss on this one... can anyone explain whats going on here?  Or perhaps propose a way to write a line of CSS that only affects safari? I can give you more detailed code if need be...




  9. ok so i'm having a little trouble adjusting the size of text boxes for my menu.


    Here is the html code.

    <div id="menu_container">
            <div id="menu_corner"></div>
            <ul id="menu">
            <li id="nav" class="do">We Do</li>
            <li id="nav" class="done">We've Done</li>
    	<li id="nav" class="got">We've Got</li>
    	<li id="nav" class="listen">We Listen</li>


    I used to have this css code which used the padding and font height to determine the height of the box:

    #menu_container li
            border: 1px solid #E2E2E2;
    padding-top: 2px;


    I tried replacing the padding-top:2px with just a 'height: 20px' or something and there was no change in the height of the box.  I guess i figured all i would need to do is adjust the 'height' value for #menu_container li but it doesn't seem to have any effect.


    What should i use?


    I've tried '#menu li', '#menu ul li' and '#menu' with a random assortment of other values and what not...


    any idea's?

  10. So i'm doing a fancy menu for my website.  I'm designing on a mac and developing in firefox.  I have yet to do a lot of the basic cross-browser compatibility crap... but i was shocked when i went onto my friends computer (windows machine using firefox) and the menu was offset by a couple pixels...


    This baffled me!!


    My only thoughts were that perhaps mac and pc rendered text differently... but i still have no clue whats up here.


    Can someone who uses windows perhaps tell me if the menu is messed w/ firefox?


    any ideas of what could be going on here???



  11. actually, 'hard' and 'soft' AI came up in our class... not quite sure exactly how to define those...


    The definition of intelligence is key here.  Which is the crux of this argument.  Depending on how strict this definition is, you will either consider the ability to program intelligence possible or impossible.


    To me it seems like we could possibly MIMIC intelligence or even consciousness.  Presumably one COULD program bias into a machine.  It would be left up to interpretation if the machine (or program) was actually making the decision or not.


    Ex: robot 'X' is told to pick a random bias, and stick to it, give it more weight, and even ACT mad or sad or whatever.  To me this does not seem to be synonymous with the human variety.  But once again some do reduce emotion to the chemical level, which really does seem robotic....


    It seems like one could theoretically develop a robot that would APPEAR to be human.  Then it would be up to the individual to decide if something that can mimic an intelligent being IS actually intelligent, further more if it is similar to HUMAN intelligence.

  12. i mean it seems POSSIBLE.  damn freakin hard... but POSSIBLE.


    I suppose the real question is can you develop something that can problem solve?  something that CAN react 'intelligently' to its environment?


    lets say we have a group of programmers that are the best in the world.  They have nearly unlimited time.  Can they sit down and map out how this robot should process millions (billions... whatever) of events and an even larger number of reactions?

  13. why not ask what the original poster had in mind with his/her definition of 'self-taught'?  I would wager to guess that he/she was placing more emphasis on the whole 'formal education' thing.


    which could translate, "did you go to college to learn to be so cool and program?"


    and no. i did not.  all though i'm not as cool as a lot of people on php freaks ;)

  14. So as a programmer that doubles as a philosophy major (I know... likely a rare breed).  I am currently taking a 'philosophy of mind' class.  In which we discuss consciousness and the lot...


    anywho, we got on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and we got to a point where we wondered, 'is it even possible to program something that complex?'.


    Is it conceivably possible to program a robot in which you could not determine if it was human or not if you did not know in advance?  (set aside non-programming issues... looks/speech/feel?)


    considerations should include

    [*]complex decision making




    [*]abstraction (taking in information and processing it out of context)


    feel free to throw out any other interesting considerations...


    brief follow up...


    assuming it is possible to do all or any of these things, would you guys consider it 'consciousness'?

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