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Posts posted by Derleek

  1. I'm looking for a blogging extension that occupies a very small amount of space. 


    I saw wordpress and all, but it appears too feature rich.


    I literaly would like some kind of wysiwig editor and the ability to write a little blurb with pictures and the date/time/title for each little blurb...


    any suggestions?


    I'm really swamped with work so I don't have time to develop a simple one on my own.

  2. ok, validated... still funky stuff goin on here...


    not quite sure  but i can't seem to duplicate what was happening earlier.


    are there any documented issue's with safari and css, particularly the 'width' attribute?

  3. here is the site


    First and biggest concern:  When i load this page, it seems to jump around and be displayed differently on a random basis.  The content ('textBackground') seems to shift from left to right occasionally.  Upon further testing it does not happen frequently.  But are there any reasons why a 'margin-left' value would mysteriously not be acknowledged in safari and not FF?


    second.  The text box does not seem to be displayed all of the way: the right edge is cut off.  Do safari and FF render things differently?


    i'm just confused because shouldn't an element that has a 'width:600px' value be displayed completely in all browsers?  ???

  4. the 99% doesn't mean a lot when it takes someone with crappy internet 15 minutes to download a web-page (although dial-up is becoming less common these days).  There are many things that make developing a site ENTIRELY in flash a bad idea. minor issues such as compatibility may not be that big of a deal any more, but a site developed in flash can get out of hand easy and really distract from the information trying to be displayed. ex: breaking bad It is never good to have your users search for the content. (i wanted to find the ace of cakes website but i don't have time to dig up that piece of junk).


    How good is google's support for search engine visibillity of Flash?


    I completely agree with guiltygear, flash has its place in the web-design world.  But for the average site javascript animation is a great way to avoid the downsides.


    I was just really wondering where web-designers stand on grounds of animation development.

  5. yeah, check out mootools


    You can do lots of stuff with JS. [ur=jquery.coml]Jquery[/url] is another Javascript famework that is pretty popular it seems.


    I personally am going at mootools.


    anywho.  It seems like for certian things Flash is definitely better (ad's and other more intensive animations) while mootools/jquery provide some neat tools for content display.


    Morphing styles with Javascript is fun =)


    As for the limitations, i read that only about 5% of internet users do not have javascript, I have yet to find a statistic if flash is more/less common.

  6. What do you guys to animate elements of a website?

      -Flash or Javscript?


    I am looking at some examples of what Mootools has to offer as far as pure aesthetics and i'm really pretty impressed.  Although there do seem to be some glitchy ones that use much more advanced techniques (ex: kind of jittery/shaky).


    Why not just use flash to make the animations?


    I mean does using flash limit your audience (by users not having flashplayer installed or large download times for users withs low internet?).  That is the main reason I can come up with for not using flash, besides its kinda just a pain in my ass.






  7. I actually am an aspiring 'mootooler' my self.  Little hard to learn due to the lack of a solid, coherent, patient community... but i really like it all the same.


    check out my signature for a forum I found... name is derleek on there too

  8. I'm installing the zend framework.  I am Not familiar with modifying this stuff(php.ini?) which i need to do in order to include/install zend for my scripts.


    I can't seem to figure out/understand how to add the '/library directory to my PHP include_path'... as the zend install.txt reads.


    do i just add  -> include_path = ".;users/zend/library" - to the php.ini file?


    eep... i get scared modifying this stuff  ;)

  9. I was revising my business model a bit the other day and I actually thought of this post... heh.


    Another thing about being a freelance web-developer... You need to be a good businessman.


    If you do not possess charisma, the ability to articulate yourself, the ability to sell your services... among other things.  You probably won't be able to run things to well.

  10. @FilmGod


    Yeah... but they had to start somewhere, its not like myspace was born with as many users as it has... or was it?


    anywho, they dont have to bother with it anymore at this point but they very likely had to at the start-up phases

  11. Your forum knowledge whore is at it again... (lol  :D)


    So my uncle says a bunch of guys on his development team SWEAR by Ruby.  It seems like a very interesting concept for a programming language to me.


    But, like most aspects of web-development.  Before I invest many more hours into researching/learning this potentially useful language... I will come to my new found friends that reside in the phpfreaks forums and ask their humble opinions about it.


    What is ruby about? - i mean I read all of these comments and resources about ROR, but I don't think little blurbs about how 'powerful' a language is truly gives a, first off, unbiased point of view and second a real feel for what the tools can/should/are used for.


    I'm lookin for drawbacks/limitations/pro's/con's all of the above.


    Is ruby worth my time?


    Doing unobtrusive Javascript isn't that difficult. You could even make a secondary HTML-only version like Gmail does.


    I understand and agree with that, it just seems like there are would be some nice benefits for the development community (and in turn the user community) to make Javascript mandatory. 


    I'd like to look into some of those specifics (mostly XSS, i am guessing this is a major security issue).  I'm not sure how big this or any issue really is.


    As for some thinking JS is just annoying, personally i'd like to provide a simple (hey turn this crap off, button) instead of accounting for anyone who does not support the language altogether.  If someone thinks JS is annoying they are probably focused on the stuff that they can see (which can be annoying), but that prevents any features that has the potential to make the user experience much better (don't know much about ajax, but i beleive this could fall under that category).


    Any security leaks could then be addressed independently.  Then again it is probably the case that this is not possible. (just thinkin outloud)


    Whether this is worth doing or not for 5% of te community... is undetermined.


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