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Posts posted by Derleek

  1. agreed.  I mean from what i've read JS has a horrible reputation.  But from what i've seen you can do wonders with it to make the user experience much smoother.


    I have inquired about similar subjects on phpFreaks and the general consensus was that you should not rely entirely on JS to make your site/script or whatever work.  Makes sense. You don't want to completely alienate ANY % of users.  i'd like to see a survey that tracks JS being on/off based on activity; are the 5% that have JS turned off doing 1% of the browsing? or is it 10%(doubtful) or is it the same?


    Why do browsers even allow users to turn it off? it seems like it would be extremely beneficial to make it a standard to have it on...

  2. A lot of times I will have an idea pop into my head that would be an awesome JS plug-in or whatever. And I stop and think, "thats GENIUS! ... but that would limit the user base w/ all that javascripting!"


    I mean how many web-browsers actually go and disable JS?


    Why would they disable it?


    And do most browsers have JS enabled by default?

  3. no, i'm not looking for min-height.


    lets say we have an image that has a height of 10px.  That image is the vertical border for a div that contains text and has the CSS property 'height: auto;'.  I would like this border to only increase in 10px increments so the border has some continuity.


    Is this beyond the limitations of CSS, it seems like it might be.


    Is javascript needed here?


    could this be potentially coded w/ php?

  4. Ok. This is related to my previous topic


    I am designing a text border.  The border has some nice intricacies, so in order to make it look proper the div needs to adjust for more content in 25px 'chunks' (best way i can describe it)


    To clarify, if a div of text can be contained in a 400px By 600px area and 3 lines of text, but the div would normally only expand by 10px.  How can I make it automatically adjust to 25px minimum?


    I have a feeling this might go beyond the scope of CSS and into PHP/javascript.


    Thought i'd give it a post in the CSS section in case this can be solved with some CSS.

  5. is there a way to reflect an image over the x or y axis?


    I am designing a fancy border for a section of text, do i need to create 4 different images for each corner? or is there some technique I'm not familiar with available?

  6. yeah, I can see how they can come off that way.  I just found this really great forum that is much more user friendly.


    I might have to check out Jquery because, although this new forum is really great... there aren't that many on it at the moment.

  7. couple suggestions...


    don't think many will attempt to help you with that big chunk of code.


    for the best results you should restrict your code blocks to that which is relevant to your problem.


    Also, This would appear to be a CSS problem, not a php problem.  (try posting this in the css forum)

  8. the community suxs.


    Not quite sure what you mean... but if you mean the severe lack of forum... **hence my signature**.. i agree.


    I was just wondering if anyone out there could drop some knowledge on me.  tired of sifting through mootools.net's read-only forum.

  9. let me just say...


    I've been through a LOT (caps are ok here... right?  ;)) of forums.  phpfreaks is by far the best i've come across for my php (and many other) needs.


    hats off to you guys.  I look forward to the day when I no longer have to ask any questions!



  10. I have actually started my own web-design business... from scratch.


    All it took was some basic programming knowledge (i actually didn't even know html when i started on this endeavor... sad i know).


    Now I have just hired a good designer and hope to be making significantly more. (now that i'm not splitting my profits 50/50 and i get a kick ass designer=P)


    If you get creative with your advertising.  If you are personable you should be able to land some business on your own.


    **not to mention if you have a good portfolio, like some one before me said

  11. I completely agree with EVERYthing you just said redbull


    The reason why I posted this thread was because I want to avoid being a 'mooch' on all accounts.  I am in fact interested in furthering my knowledge and skills as a programmer.  This is likely going to be my main form of income... indefinitely. Which means I am not interested in copy/paste.


    I just had this thought while I was running into that proverbial "wall" with the issue mentioned.  I do not want any knowledge, let alone programming knowledge just handed to me on a silver platter.


    This has been extremely beneficial to read.



  12. makes sense.


    I will take this into account for all future troubleshooting endeavor's. 


    I've noticed when I show evidence of me actually TRYING to code it myself before I do it all you guru's have a little bit more patience.

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