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Kieran Menor

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About Kieran Menor

  • Birthday 03/04/1990

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  1. Or depending on what exactly you mean, call_user_func_array might be what you are looking for.
  2. Maybe output buffering is enabled? Try calling ob_flush() before flush()
  3. And this won't suffice? $data = array(1=>"hello", 2=>"welcome"); function doSomething($array) { // $array[1] = hello , $array[2] = welcome ... etc. } doSomething($data)
  4. Well, you could just crop the MD5 hash to the desired length. Example: $forty_bits = substr($md5_hash, 0, 10); // 40 bits (10 hex digits of 4 bits each) is enough for a 10 digit decimal number $decimal = base_convert($forty_bits, 16, 10); // Convert from hexadecimal (base 16) to decimal $ten_digits = substr($decimal, 0, 10); $padded_result = str_pad($ten_digits, 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); // Pad the resulting number to 10 digits, just in case
  5. Drop-down lists are like any other form elements. Alike so: <form method="POST" action="posthandler.php"> <select name="gmt"><option value="...">...</option></select> <input type="submit" /> </form> and in posthandler.php: <?php echo $_POST['gmt']; ?> It seems that in your case, all you need to do is to move the <select> element inside your <form>, and possibly add action="POST" to the <form> also.
  6. This is probably more of a HTML issue. Try wrapping the output in <pre></pre>.
  7. Or even better, you should do a check to see if your divisor is zero so you can handle the situation correctly.
  8. Depending on the encoding, most of the time, you won't really have to worry when working with such files. Try doing it like you normally would with any other file.
  9. I don't, sorry, but feel free to ask if you get stuck.
  10. That should be perfectly possible, yes.
  11. Could we see the code that processes the form? Textareas are supposed to show linebreaks correctly, so what you are describing sounds rather weird. Regarding the £ sign, it seems to be a character encoding problem. What encoding are you using for your page?
  12. Well put the function at the start of your script. Then you can call copy_r('foldertocopy', 'destination') at any time.
  13. This function looks like a decent candidate.
  14. Ah. Well in that case, you will need something slightly more advanced. Try looking in the user comments on the copy page. I'm sure you can find a snippet that will help you.
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