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Im Jake

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  1. Well, I have a Server Status Page (it pings servers and tells whether there online or not). At the bottom of it I want some that says "Made by Jake and Oldschool" and if it gets taken out, it will kill the script somehow, by not letting it connect to the mysql database or something to stop the script from working. I was planning on encrypting it with the include connections, but all they would have to do is take out the encryption and add the connection thereself. I want everything to be editable, just want the Made by Jake and Oldschool at the bottom of the index.
  2. Errors: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/imjake/public_html/ipb/conf_global/multiforums.config.inc.php on line 73 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/imjake/public_html/ipb/conf_global/multiforums.config.inc.php:73) in /home/imjake/public_html/ipb/index.php on line 121 multiforums.config.inc.php <?php // Database Connection Details $server = 'localhost'; $database = 'imjake_ipb'; $db_user = 'imjake'; $db_pass = ''; // You do not need to edit anything below $db = @mysql_connect($server, $db_user, $db_pass) or die("Unable to connect to database on '".$server."' with user '".$db_user."'<br />"."Please check your settings in multiforums.config.inc.php!"); mysql_select_db($database,$db) or die("Please first create your database '".$database."'!"); ; // Getting array for options $resultlink = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `multiforums_settings`",$db); do { switch ($settings[v_name]) { case "mf_url": $mf_url = $settings["value"]; break; case "mf_path": $mf_path = $settings["value"]; break; case "email": $email = $settings["value"]; break; case "password": $password = $settings["value"]; break; case "noforum_error_url": $noforum_error_url = $settings["value"]; break; case "exist_error_url": $exist_error_url = $settings["value"]; break; case "offline_error_url": $offline_error_url = $settings["value"]; break; case "no_posts": $no_posts = $settings["value"]; break; case "no_admin_login": $no_admin_login = $settings["value"]; break; case "top_10": $top_10 = $settings["value"]; break; case "email_new": $email_new = $settings["value"]; break; case "auto_cache_time": $auto_cache_time = $settings["value"]; break; case "copyright": $copyright = $settings["value"]; break; case "reg_no": $reg_no = $settings["value"]; break; case "master_offline": $master_offline = $settings["value"]; break; case "last_cache": $last_cache = $settings["value"]; break; case "version": $version = $settings["value"]; break; case "latest_version": $latest_version = $settings["value"]; break; } } while ($settings = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink)); ?> index.php <?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Invision Power Board v1.3 Final | ======================================== | by Matthew Mecham | (c) 2001 - 2003 Invision Power Services | http://www.invisionpower.com | ======================================== | Web: http://www.invisionboard.com | Time: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 08:40:12 GMT | Release: 1f2fd561e3542a807ccf7c9b72f55977 | Email: matt@invisionpower.com | Licence Info: http://www.invisionboard.com/?license +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | > Wrapper script | > Script written by Matt Mecham | > Date started: 14th February 2002 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //----------------------------------------------- // USER CONFIGURABLE ELEMENTS //----------------------------------------------- // Root path define( 'ROOT_PATH', "./" ); // Enable module usage? // (Vital for some mods and IPB enhancements) define ( 'USE_MODULES', 1 ); //----------------------------------------------- // NO USER EDITABLE SECTIONS BELOW //----------------------------------------------- define ( 'IN_IPB', 1 ); error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); class Debug { function startTimer() { global $starttime; $mtime = microtime (); $mtime = explode (' ', $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $starttime = $mtime; } function endTimer() { global $starttime; $mtime = microtime (); $mtime = explode (' ', $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $endtime = $mtime; $totaltime = round (($endtime - $starttime), 5); return $totaltime; } } class info { var $member = array(); var $input = array(); var $session_id = ""; var $base_url = ""; var $vars = ""; var $skin_id = "0"; // Skin Dir name var $skin_rid = ""; // Real skin id (numerical only) var $lang_id = "en"; var $skin = ""; var $lang = ""; var $server_load = 0; var $version = "v1.3 Final"; var $lastclick = ""; var $location = ""; var $debug_html = ""; var $perm_id = ""; var $forum_read = array(); var $topic_cache = ""; var $session_type = ""; function info() { global $sess, $std, $DB, $INFO; $this->vars = &$INFO; $this->vars['TEAM_ICON_URL'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/team_icons'; $this->vars['AVATARS_URL'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/avatars'; $this->vars['EMOTICONS_URL'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/emoticons'; $this->vars['mime_img'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/mime_types'; } } //-------------------------------- // Import $INFO, now! //-------------------------------- include "conf_global/multiforums.config.inc.php"; if ($master_offline == true) { header("Location: $offline_error_url"); exit; } if ($_GET["mforum"]==true) { setcookie ("ForumSetCookie", $_GET["mforum"], time()+31536000); $mforum = $_GET["mforum"]; } else { $mforum = $_COOKIE["ForumSetCookie"]; } if ($mforum==false) { header("Location: $noforum_error_url"); exit; } else { if(is_file("conf_global/".$mforum.".php")) { $resultlink = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `multiforums_forums` WHERE 1 AND `access_name` LIKE '$mforum' LIMIT 0 , 1"); if ($forum = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink)) { if ($forum[online] == false) { header("Location: $offline_error_url"); exit; } } require ROOT_PATH."conf_global/$mforum.php"; } else { include "conf_global/multiforums.config.inc.php"; header("Location: $exist_error_url"); exit; } } //-------------------------------- // The clocks a' tickin' //-------------------------------- $Debug = new Debug; $Debug->startTimer(); //-------------------------------- // Require our global functions //-------------------------------- require ROOT_PATH."sources/functions.php"; $std = new FUNC; $print = new display(); $sess = new session(); //-------------------------------- // Load the DB driver and such //-------------------------------- $INFO['sql_driver'] = !$INFO['sql_driver'] ? 'mySQL' : $INFO['sql_driver']; $to_require = ROOT_PATH."sources/Drivers/".$INFO['sql_driver'].".php"; require ($to_require); $DB = new db_driver; $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $INFO['sql_database']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $INFO['sql_user']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $INFO['sql_pass']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $INFO['sql_host']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']; $DB->obj['debug'] = ($INFO['sql_debug'] == 1) ? $_GET['debug'] : 0; // Get a DB connection $DB->connect(); //-------------------------------- // Wrap it all up in a nice easy to // transport super class //-------------------------------- $ibforums = new info(); //-------------------------------- // Set up our vars //-------------------------------- $ibforums->input = $std->parse_incoming(); //-------------------------------- // Short tags... //-------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->input['showforum'] != "" ) { $ibforums->input['act'] = "SF"; $ibforums->input['f'] = intval($ibforums->input['showforum']); } else if ( $ibforums->input['showtopic'] != "") { $ibforums->input['act'] = "ST"; $ibforums->input['t'] = intval($ibforums->input['showtopic']); // Grab and cache the topic now as we need the 'f' attr for // the skins... $DB->query("SELECT t.*, f.topic_mm_id, f.name as forum_name, f.quick_reply, f.id as forum_id, f.read_perms, f.reply_perms, f.parent_id, f.use_html, f.start_perms, f.allow_poll, f.password, f.posts as forum_posts, f.topics as forum_topics, f.upload_perms, f.show_rules, f.rules_text, f.rules_title, c.name as cat_name, c.id as cat_id FROM ibf_topics t, ibf_forums f , ibf_categories c WHERE t.tid=".$ibforums->input['t']." and f.id = t.forum_id and f.category=c.id"); $ibforums->topic_cache = $DB->fetch_row(); $ibforums->input['f'] = $ibforums->topic_cache['forum_id']; } else if ( $ibforums->input['showuser'] != "") { $ibforums->input['act'] = "Profile"; $ibforums->input['MID'] = intval($ibforums->input['showuser']); } else { $ibforums->input['act'] = $ibforums->input['act'] == '' ? "idx" : $ibforums->input['act']; } //-------------------------------- // The rest //-------------------------------- $ibforums->member = $sess->authorise(); $ibforums->skin = $std->load_skin(); $ibforums->lastclick = $sess->last_click; $ibforums->location = $sess->location; $ibforums->session_id = $sess->session_id; list($ppu,$tpu) = explode( "&", $ibforums->member['view_prefs'] ); $ibforums->vars['display_max_topics'] = ($tpu > 0) ? $tpu : $ibforums->vars['display_max_topics']; $ibforums->vars['display_max_posts'] = ($ppu > 0) ? $ppu : $ibforums->vars['display_max_posts']; //-------------------------------- // Set up the session ID stuff //-------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->session_type == 'cookie' ) { $ibforums->session_id = ""; $ibforums->base_url = $ibforums->vars['board_url'].'/index.'.$ibforums->vars['php_ext']."?mforum=$mforum&"; } else { $ibforums->base_url = $ibforums->vars['board_url'].'/index.'.$ibforums->vars['php_ext']."?mforum=$mforum&s=".$ibforums->session_id.'&'; } $ibforums->js_base_url = $ibforums->vars['board_url'].'/index.'.$ibforums->vars['php_ext']."?mforum=$mforum&s=".$ibforums->session_id.'&'; //-------------------------------- // Set up the forum_read cookie //-------------------------------- $std->hdl_forum_read_cookie(); //-------------------------------- // Set up the skin stuff //-------------------------------- $ibforums->skin_rid = $ibforums->skin['set_id']; $ibforums->skin_id = 's'.$ibforums->skin['set_id']; $ibforums->vars['img_url'] = 'style_images/' . $ibforums->skin['img_dir']; //-------------------------------- // Set up our language choice //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->vars['default_language'] == "") { $ibforums->vars['default_language'] = 'en'; } $ibforums->lang_id = $ibforums->member['language'] ? $ibforums->member['language'] : $ibforums->vars['default_language']; if ( ($ibforums->lang_id != $ibforums->vars['default_language']) and (! is_dir( ROOT_PATH."lang/".$ibforums->lang_id ) ) ) { $ibforums->lang_id = $ibforums->vars['default_language']; } $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, 'lang_global', $ibforums->lang_id); //-------------------------------- $skin_universal = $std->load_template('skin_global'); //-------------------------------- // Expire subscription? //-------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->member['sub_end'] != 0 AND ( $ibforums->member['sub_end'] < time() ) ) { $std->expire_subscription(); } //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->input['act'] != 'Login' and $ibforums->input['act'] != 'Reg' and $ibforums->input['act'] != 'Attach') { //-------------------------------- // Do we have permission to view // the board? //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->member['g_view_board'] != 1) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_view_board') ); } //-------------------------------- // Is the board offline? //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->vars['board_offline'] == 1) { if ($ibforums->member['g_access_offline'] != 1) { $std->board_offline(); } } //-------------------------------- // Is log in enforced? //-------------------------------- if ( (! $ibforums->member['id']) and ($ibforums->vars['force_login'] == 1) ) { require ROOT_PATH."sources/Login.php"; } } //-------------------------------- // Decide what to do //-------------------------------- $choice = array( "idx" => "Boards", "SC" => "Boards", "SF" => "Forums", "SR" => "Forums", "ST" => "Topics", "Login" => "Login", "Post" => "Post", "Poll" => "lib/add_poll", "Reg" => "Register", "Online" => "Online", "Members" => "Memberlist", "Help" => "Help", "Search" => "Search", "Mod" => "Moderate", "Print" => "misc/print_page", "Forward" => "misc/forward_page", "Mail" => "misc/contact_member", "Invite" => "misc/contact_member", "ICQ" => "misc/contact_member", "AOL" => "misc/contact_member", "YAHOO" => "misc/contact_member", "MSN" => "misc/contact_member", "report" => "misc/contact_member", "chat" => "misc/contact_member", "integ" => "misc/contact_member", "Msg" => "Messenger", "UserCP" => "Usercp", "Profile" => "Profile", "Track" => "misc/tracker", "Stats" => "misc/stats", "Attach" => "misc/attach", 'legends' => 'misc/legends', 'modcp' => 'mod_cp', 'calendar' => "calendar", 'buddy' => "browsebuddy", 'boardrules' => "misc/contact_member", 'mmod' => "misc/multi_moderate", 'warn' => "misc/warn", 'home' => 'dynamiclite/csite', 'module' => 'modules', ); /***************************************************/ // // Check to make sure the array key exits.. if (! isset($choice[ $ibforums->input['act'] ]) ) { $ibforums->input['act'] = 'idx'; } if ( $ibforums->input['act'] == 'home' ) { if ( $ibforums->vars['csite_on'] ) { require ROOT_PATH."sources/dynamiclite/csite.php"; $csite = new click_site(); } else { require ROOT_PATH."sources/Boards.php"; } } else if ( $ibforums->input['act'] == 'module' ) { if ( USE_MODULES == 1 ) { require ROOT_PATH."modules/module_loader.php"; $loader = new module_loader(); } else { require ROOT_PATH."sources/Boards.php"; } } else { // Require and run require ROOT_PATH."sources/".$choice[ $ibforums->input['act'] ].".php"; } //+------------------------------------------------- // GLOBAL ROUTINES //+------------------------------------------------- function fatal_error($message="", $help="") { echo("$message<br><br>$help"); exit; } ?>
  3. Nvm I just defined it and echoed it, if someone knows a better way just tell me.
  4. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/imjake/public_html/index.php on line 33 How do i HTML and PHP the right way?
  5. <body> <?php $toswitch = $_GET['action']; switch($toswitch){ case 'guides': echo "i is cake"; break; case 'test1': break; case 'test2': break; case 'test3': break; default: <center><img src="logo.gif"></center><br /><br /> //logo <center> <b> <div> <a href="index.php">Home</a> | <a href="index.php?action=guides">Guides</a> | <u>More to Come!</u> //Nav </div> </b> </center> <center> <b> <div id="footer"> //Footer <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/us/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/3.0/us/80x15.png" /></a><br />This work by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://www.imjake.info/index.php" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Jake</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/us/">Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License</a>.<br />Based on a work at <a xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" href="http://www.imjake.info/index.php" rel="dc:source">www.imjake.info</a>. </div> </b> </center> break; } ?> </body>
  6. Well, This is my code. <center>Your IP is <b><?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?></b>. It has Been logged for legal purposes.</center> <?php $v_ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; $v_date = date("l d F H:i:s"); $fp = fopen("legal.txt", "a"); fputs($fp, "IP: $v_ip - DATE: $v_date\n\n"); fclose($fp); ?> But, When I view legal.txt this is what it gives me. IP: - DATE: Tuesday 30 June 03:58:01 IP: - DATE: Tuesday 30 June 03:58:20 IP: - DATE: Tuesday 30 June 03:58:41 IP: - DATE: Tuesday 30 June 03:59:34 Why isn't it showing the IP?
  7. http://et.etsoldiers.com/admin.php I was wondering if this can be bypassed. Me and my friend are having a debate. Basically its a php file that only allows the admin's Ip to be able to log in
  8. Can you explain.. Sorry, I want to understand it as well..
  9. Alright, Well.. I'm very new to php.. I don't really know the syntax that well.. But, I need your help. Alright, I want to make a Terms of Service Page... Simple enough? But, I want it so if you Agree that it logs your Ip into some sort of Database, and if you disagree it Log's your Ip into this database, and you are able to view the Ip's from another php file. In the one that you can see two different sections Agree: Ips Here Disagree: Ips Here How could I do this?
  10. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Mailer in /home/imjake/public_html/includes/mailer.php on line 3 <? class Mailer { /** * sendWelcome - Sends a welcome message to the newly * registered user, also supplying the username and * password. */ function sendWelcome($user, $email, $pass){ global $settings,$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $from = "From: ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_ADMIN']." <".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_ADMIN'].">"; $subject = $settings['site_title']." - Welcome!"; $body = $user.",\n\n" ."Welcome! You've just registered at ".$settings['site_title'] ." with the following information:\n\n" ."Username: ".$user."\n" ."Password: ".$pass."\n\n" ."If you ever lose or forget your password, a new " ."password will be generated for you and sent to this " ."email address, if you would like to change your " ."email address you can do so by going to the " ."My Account page after signing in.\n\n" ."- ".$settings['site_title']."\n".$settings['urlname']; return mail($email,$subject,$body,$from); }
  11. Ok Well I have install XAMPP and soon as mysql gets enabled I get a thing that says it stopped working and to either send a error report or don't. How can I fix it.
  12. Oh shit, Lol, Sorry All I saw was questions :s...
  13. Hello, Well... I'm thinking of starting a 'small' free hosting business well, its only for a few buds, (about 6-10) well I want to put an ad on there site, They will have full ftp access etc.. (by the way this is on a computer that I own using windows server 2003) anyways How could I make it so they couldn't take the ad off their site, or edit any part of it?
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