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About Seraph

  • Birthday 07/07/1987

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  1. you should put it in the same dir as the script
  2. look into javascript countdowns and redirections this has nothing to do with oop
  3. one way would be to store the msg_id in an array the loop it for the second part. $msg_id=$record->id; to $msg_id[]=$record->id; Then add echo 'var links = new Array( '; foreach($msg_id as $id) { echo '"<a href=\"readmessage?msg_id=' . $msg_id . '\">Read ' . $msg_id . '</a>",'; } echo ');';
  4. $upload_class->ext_array = array(".zip",".rar",".ace",".tar","*.jpg"); get rid of the asterik in *.jpg
  5. its possible. tell a cron to run lynx or links or wget to execute a php cron script that or create a time check between last login or hit, either works fine. however the later tends to cause longer load times
  6. go to www.phpclasses.org Signup and go to http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/402.html It is a premade gpl session class handler for mysql db you can use it in your script or just us it as an example.
  7. Ajax seems like your only hope. Though that is too advanced for you if you can't figure it out your self. And I don't know ajax too well. sorry
  8. in the last line with just ) make it ); that should fix it
  9. I agree that DW is great for Design. like HTML, CSS and javascript. But for PHP it is absolutley horrible using the auto indent and other. I suggest again to use Zend development enviroment. It has many useful features such as auto debug error underlining and more.
  10. if your a hardcoder like me I think you would prefer zend studio www.zend.com
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