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  1. how to delete my account

  2. I have created a PHP application (my first!) on IIS for departments in our organization to request approval for technology purchases, but now an additional requirement has come up. The requesters should only be able to see the requests that they have submitted - not anybody else's. Also, the requester should not need to use a login/password to see their requests. So I'm looking for some way of validating the requester's identity maybe through a cookie (except that we probably need something more permanent and portable) or by somehow accessing their active directory information. Verifying their identity using active directory seems like the ideal solution, but I haven't managed to find a good source of information for how to do that. Does anyone have a good source for authenticating using active directory? Or are there other approaches that I should consider? Thanks, Kathy
  3. I'm working on a project that involves a multiple page form. One of the pages has 5 checkboxes and depending on which boxes are checked, determines the next page(s) of the form that will be displayed. In other words, if the user checks boxes 1, 2 and 4 then the pages associated with those three checkboxes should be displayed. If the user checks box 5, then the page associated with that checkbox should be displayed. The checkbox values are being saved to a database. I'm not very experienced with PHP and I'm feeling a bit lost as far as how to implement this. I think I could come up with a cumbersome way to do it, but I'm hoping for some advice about the best way to do this. Do you have suggestions? Thanks, Kathy
  4. That worked perfectly! Thanks so much!! Kathy
  5. I have a multi-screen form where the user creates a record when they click submit on the first screen and then the record is updated as they complete the following screens. It works great for the first two screens, but on the third screen I have 3 checkboxes and I haven't been able to update the checkbox values in my database (MySQL). Each checkbox is a tinyint field in the database and the checkbox value displays correctly when I echo it to the screen. Also, I'm using adodb in case that matters. What do I need to do to get this to work? Thanks, Kathy Here's a code snippet: if ($_POST['chkCIP']) { // box was checked $CIP = 1; } else { // box was not checked $CIP = 0; } echo "CIP = " . $CIP . "<br>"; $result = $db->Execute("UPDATE request SET CIP=? WHERE RequestID=?",array($CIP, $RequestID));
  6. Thanks for the link. Those are clear installation instructions. I know CGI is unstable, but FastCGI is supposed to be an improvement. What has your experience been with FastCGI? Do ASP sites still work after installing PHP?
  7. Well, I'm using IIS so I have been wondering if my installation was part of the problem. I have upgraded to PHP 5.2.5 (from 5.2.3). I searched the php bug reports and found some that are similar to my problem. One of the suggestions was to use the IP address in the header function - that works except I lose my session variable on the next page. So I changed the header function back to using the name, removed my session variable from the script (used a static value instead) and my update and redirect work. Now I'm thinking that something is happening to the session variable and I'm pursuing that idea. Thanks to everyone for your help. Maybe it will become clear over the weekend. Kathy
  8. I have installed PHP 5.2.5 on IIS 5.0 (Windows 2000 - SP4) using ISAPI. I'm running into two significant problems which I believe are either IIS or PHP bugs: 1) ASP sites produce an error after PHP pages are viewed. This is only resolved temporarily when I restart IIS. 2) Blank data is saved when I try to update MySQL and then redirect to a new PHP page (I'm trying to use a multi-page form). Valid data is saved if I redirect to a HTML page. So I'm looking for some advice ... What IIS/PHP configuration works well? Should I use ISAPI or CGI or FastCGI? Why? Will IIS 6.0 be an improvement? If so, why? Thanks, Kathy
  9. Thanks for your replies. The echo variables and query look fine. I've tried the query with and without mysql_real_escape_string and it doesn't change the behavior. Like I said in my original message, the update query works great if I comment out the redirect. When the redirect is in my code, the fields are saved as blanks. Kathy
  10. This is probably more than you want/need, but here's the code. I am submitting the form, updating the fields (or trying to), and then redirecting the page. This is the second screen of a multi-page form. The user enters some basic info on a different screen so the record has already been created - the first screen uses the same basic logic as this second screen except the first screen has an insert and redirect. The first screen works great - it's this update screen which is causing me problems. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); session_start(); ?> <html> <!-- #BeginTemplate "/Templates/IntranetTemplate.dwt" --><!-- DW6 --> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> <!-- #BeginEditable "page_title" --> <title>Technology Requests</title> <!-- #EndEditable --> <link href="/css/intranetstyle.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="/css/header.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="/css/intranet_include_template.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="/css/intranetprint.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <div class="HeaderText"> <!-- #BeginEditable "dept_header" --> <?php include("header.htm"); ?> <!-- #EndEditable --> <!-- end of top navigation --> <div class="MainText"> <script src="/css/netscape4.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- #BeginEditable "page_content" --> <?php require_once("dataconn.php"); if(isset($_SESSION['varRequestID'])) { $RequestID = $_SESSION['varRequestID']; echo "RequestID is: " . $RequestID; } else { echo "<h2>ERROR: Request number has not been found.</h2>"; echo "<h2><a href='index.php'>Return to Home Page</a></h2>"; // should not display the form exit(); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // The request is a POST, so validate the form echo "<br><b>form has been submitted - " . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "</b><br>"; $errors = validate_form(); if (count($errors)) { // If there were errors, redisplay the form with the errors display_form($errors); } else { // The form data was valid, so save data to database and // display next data entry screen // update record in database //$Technology = htmlspecialchars($_POST['txtTechnology']); //$Description = htmlspecialchars($_POST['txtDescription']); $Technology = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['txtTechnology']); $Description = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['txtDescription']); echo "<br>" . $Technology . "<br>"; echo $Description . "<br>"; //$query = "UPDATE request SET Technology='".$Technology."', Description='".$Description."', DateSubmitted=now() WHERE RequestID = ".$RequestID; $query = "UPDATE `request` SET `Technology`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['txtTechnology'])."', `Description`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['txtDescription'])."', DateSubmitted=now() WHERE `RequestID` = '" . $RequestID."'"; echo "query: " . $query . "<br>"; $result = mysql_query($query); echo "result: " . $result . "<br>"; //if($result){ if($result && mysql_affected_rows()){ echo "Should have worked"; //echo "<meta HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' content='0; url=CostInfo.php'>" header('Location: http://example.com/php/CostInfo.php'); exit(); }else{ echo "There has been an error." . mysql_error(); } } } else { // display the form display_form(array()); } function display_form($errors) { // Set up defaults $defaults['txtTechnology'] = isset($_POST['txtTechnology']) ? htmlentities($_POST['txtTechnology']) : ''; $defaults['txtDescription'] = isset($_POST['txtDescription']) ? htmlentities($_POST['txtDescription']) : ''; if (isset($_SESSION['varRequestID'])) { $RequestID = $_SESSION['varRequestID']; echo "<h2>Request Number: " . $RequestID . "</h2>"; } else { echo "session variable has not been set <br>"; } > <p>Instructions: The technology and description fields are required. </p> <form name="frmTechRequested" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>"> <p> <label for="txtTechnology">Technology:</label> <input name="txtTechnology" type="text" id="txtTechnology" size="60" value='<?php echo $defaults['txtTechnology'] ?>'> <?php print_error('txtTechnology', $errors) ?> </p> <p> <label for="txtDescription">Description:</label> <textarea name="txtDescription" cols="60" rows="3" id="txtDescription"><?php echo $defaults['txtDescription'] ?></textarea> <?php print_error('txtDescription', $errors) ?> </p> <table width="90%"> <tr> <th>Component</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Cost</th> <th>Vendor</th> </tr> <?php $MaxComponents = 10; for ($NumComponents = 1; $NumComponents < $MaxComponents + 1; $NumComponents++) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td><input name='txtComponent" . $NumComponents . "' type='text' id='txtComponent" . $NumCompenents . "'></td>\n"; echo "<td><input name='txtDescription" . $NumComponents . "' type='text' id='txtDescription" . $NumCompenents . "'></td>\n"; echo "<td><input name='txtCost" . $NumComponents . "' type='text' id='txtCost" . $NumCompenents . "'></td>\n"; echo "<td><input name='txtVendor" . $NumComponents . "' type='text' id='txtVendor" . $NumCompenents . "'></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } ?> </table> <p> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Next Screen >>" id="Submit"> <input type="reset" name="Cancel" value=" Cancel " id="Cancel" onClick="document.location='index.php'"> </p> </form> <p> </p> <?php } // end of display_form function // A helper function to make generating the HTML for an error message easier function print_error($key, $errors) { if (isset($errors[$key])) { // ***** SHOULD ADD ERROR CLASS TO CSS ***** print " ** {$errors[$key]} **"; } } function validate_form() { // Start out with no errors $errors = array(); // technology is required if (! (isset($_POST['txtTechnology']) && (strlen($_POST['txtTechnology']) > 0))) { $errors['txtTechnology'] = 'Please enter a technology'; } // description is required if (! (isset($_POST['txtDescription']) && (strlen($_POST['txtDescription']) > 0))) { $errors['txtDescription'] = 'Please enter a description'; } return $errors; } ?> <!-- #EndEditable --> <!-- #BeginEditable "dept_footer" --> <?php include("footer.php"); ?> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> </div> <div class="LeftMenu"> <script src="/css/intranetmenu.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </div> <div class="LeftMenuBackground"> <p> </p> </div> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --></html> Thanks for taking a look at this. Kathy
  11. Thanks, but unfortunately that didn't help. The update works fine unless I include the redirect. When I include the redirect then the update saves blanks (not nulls) in the text fields. Even if I redirect using <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=<?php echo"CostInfo.php";?>"> instead of the header command, it behaves the same way. I am really baffled by this. Since I'm new to PHP, I'm wondering ... Should I be trying a completely different approach? Kathy
  12. I set the variables above the code that I included. Here's what it looks like: $Technology = htmlspecialchars($_POST['txtTechnology']); $Description = htmlspecialchars($_POST['txtDescription']); echo "<br>" . $Technology . "<br>"; echo $Description . "<br>"; When I echo the fields to the screen, they show the correct data. Kathy
  13. I am trying to update a record in a MySQL database and then redirect to another page. I can create the record, but can't seem to figure out how to update it and redirect to the next page. The problem seems to be when I use both the update and the redirect. The update works fine if I don't redirect. When I update and then redirect, the fields are saved with blank data (but the date/time stamp shows the current time so an update is occurring). Sections of code that I have tried are below. // The page redirects and the DateSubmitted field is updated, but the technology and description fields are blank $query = "UPDATE request SET Technology='$Technology', Description='$Description', DateSubmitted=now() WHERE RequestID = " . $RequestID; mysql_query($query); header('Location: http://example.com/php/CostInfo.php'); exit(); // This updates all three fields with data, but doesn't redirect to the next page (since I purposely left out the header function for testing) $query = "UPDATE request SET Technology='$Technology', Description='$Description', DateSubmitted=now() WHERE RequestID = " . $RequestID; mysql_query($query); // This works but creates a new record (of course) $query = "INSERT INTO request (Technology, Description, DateSubmitted) VALUES ('$Technology','$Description', now())"; mysql_query($query); header('Location: http://example.com/php/CostInfo.php'); exit(); What I'm trying to do is: the user enters data to update a record that already exists the user clicks on the submit button the database is updated the next screen is displayed I'm a newbie and feel like I must be missing something obvious, but what? I would appreciate any help or advice about how to go about making this work. Thanks, Kathy
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