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  1. I have a table set up like the following: ------------------------- comments_table ------------------------- ID | Comment | picID ----------------------------- 1 | lorum ipsum | 54 2 | lorum ipsum | 36 3 | lorum ipsum | 54 If i wanted to find out how many records had the picID of 54, how could i get that? I want the final result to be like: The total number of records is 2. Which of course i can implant easily into php
  2. i never heard of this <<<HTML HTML; thing.. it put it in but now the css is all messed up when do that.. its like..the page does not recognize that html being part of the page its included into. Its there in the view source when i view it though.
  3. I want to put this into an include but.. as you can see, it uses both ' and " so i dont know how to do this. <div id="footer"> <div class="sub-nav"> <a href="index.php" onmouseover="roll('sub_but', 'images/sub-home-btn-over.png')" onmouseout="roll('sub_but', 'images/sub-home-btn.png')"><img src="images/sub-home-btn.png" alt="home" name="sub_but"/></a> So i cant really do: <?php echo' <div id="footer"> <div class="sub-nav"> <a href="index.php" onmouseover="roll('sub_but', 'images/sub-home-btn-over.png')" onmouseout="roll('sub_but', 'images/sub-home-btn.png')"><img src="images/sub-home-btn.png" alt="home" name="sub_but"/></a> '; ?> Any suggestions?
  4. i was able to fix it by floating those img tags left
  5. I have 4 images side by side and i want them to bump right up against each other but for some reason, even though i have padding:0 margin:0, they still have a margin. <div id="footer"> <a href="index.php" onmouseover="roll('sub_but', 'images/sub-home-btn-over.png')" onmouseout="roll('sub_but', 'images/sub-home-btn.png')"><img src="images/sub-home-btn.png" alt="home" name="sub_but"/></a> <a href="pieces.php" onmouseover="roll('sub_but2', 'images/sub-pieces-btn-over.png')" onmouseout="roll('sub_but2', 'images/sub-pieces-btn.png')"><img src="images/sub-pieces-btn.png" alt="pieces" name="sub_but2"/></a> <a href="resume.php"><img src="images/sub-resume-btn.png" alt="resume"/></a> <a href="contact.php"><img src="images/sub-contact-btn.png" alt="contact"/></a> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; border: 0px; }
  6. is there away to fade in a flash swf over a browser, play it, then disappear? I see things like these on sites, but it may just be a flash swf opening with a transparent background. What we dont want is to embed it. Rather, when the page loads, the animation fades up, plays, then fades out. Hard to find an example... more and more ads do this now a days.
  7. I got a php file called nav.php with the following code: <?php function navigation($home, $resume, $port, $contact) { echo ' <ul> <li><a href="index/"><img src="images/$home.png" alt="Home Page" /></a></li> <li><a href="resume/"><img src="images/$resume.png" alt="Resume" /></a></li> <li><a href="portfolio/"><img src="images/$port.png" alt="Portfolio Pieces" /></a></li> <li><a href="contact/"><img src="images/$contact.png" alt="Contact" /></a></li> </ul> '; } ?> Then, in my main file, i am using require_once 'nav.php';. Then, i am calling the function navigation("homeBtn", "resumeBtn", "portBtn", "contactBtn); I am getting $contact.png etc.. instead of contactBtn so it acts like its not accepting my params. Any idea?
  8. Well, I have a website now but I want to redesign it. I want to show that I am more into code, rather than graphic design.. most especially Actionscript. I came up with an awesome idea (at least i think so haah) and started designing it. I need some suggestions. Critique it and give me some criticism.
  9. i got it to pop up.. but it still stacking the div for some reason..
  10. A client sent me a site that he designed in Microsoft word 97 (lol.. ) and wanted me to code it and add a background. So I did. www.attractunlimitedleads.com Now, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, there is a form. Now, i set up the form like such: (sorry if the formatting sucks.. copying and pasting will probably lose it) <div id="aweberForm"> <form action="http://www.aweber.com/scripts/addlead.pl" method="post"> <div class="labelDiv">E-Mail:</div> <div class="inputDiv"><input class="boxs" type="text" name="from"></div> <div class="labelDiv">Name:</div> <div class="inputDiv"><input class="boxs" type="text" name="name"></div> <div id="bottomForm"> <input type="submit" value="Subscribe"> <strong><p>Please Include Valid Contact Information<br></strong> Your contact Information will never be sold or shared with anyone. <br> You can opt out at ANY time</p> </div> </form> </div> My css is: #aweberForm { width: 670px; height: auto; border: 1px #ccc solid; margin: 0 auto; } .labelDiv { width: 155px; float: left; background: #fff; text-align: right; padding-right: .1em; border: 1px #ccc solid; padding: .2em; font-family: "Times new roman", times, serif; } .inputDiv { width:510px; background: #ffffe0; border: 1px #ccc solid; clear: both; padding: .2em; } #bottomForm { background: #8799cc; text-align: center; padding: .2em; } Now, the div 's that hold the input I would like to float beside the name ones. But as you can tell, that is not working. They are stacking on eachother too. If i remove the clear:both on the input div, my label divs show up as being inside the input div... which from what I can tell, is not. Try messing around if you have firefox developer toolbar.. take out the clear:both and see what happens.
  11. forgot to mention "quan" is the input box i have and the if statement works..
  12. is there a way to set a variable inside html quotes? <form onsubmit="validateIt()"> I want like <input type='text' name='amount_1' value='javascript variable' /> and on submit of the form, i want to set that variable in a function function validateIt() { var quan= document.getElementById('fname'); var amount = document.getElementByName('amount_1'); var howMany = document.getElementByName('quantity_1'); if(quan.value>=0) { if(quan.value<=1000) { amount.value="0.19"; howMany.value=quan.value; } } if(quan.value>=1001) { if(quan.value<=5000) { amount.value="0.18"; howMany.value=quan.value; } } if(quan.value>=5001) { if(quan.value<=10000) { amount.value="0.17"; howMany.value=quan.value; } } } </script>
  13. ok i added it to the <form> but i am still not getting an alert.. should i get it when i click the button? <form name="paypalForm" target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" onsubmit="validateIt()">
  14. my onsubmit is not firing <form name="paypalForm" action="paypal.com" method="post"> <input type="text" name="quantity" value="type your quantity" onsubmit="validateIt()" onfocus="clearVal" /> <script> function validateIt() { var quan= document.paypalForm.quantity.value; if(quan>=0) { if(quan<=1000) { alert("The price is 19 cents"); } } else if(quan>=1001) { if(quan<=5000) { alert("The price is 18 cents"); } } else if(quan>=5001) { if(quan<=10000) { alert("The price is 17 cents"); } } } </script>
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