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Everything posted by Allan-

  1. I have problems ordering my data because of the estonian letters õ, ä, ö, ü (& otilde; & auml; & ouml; & uuml;). My table's collation is utf8_unicode_ci. After saving my data, I see through phpMyAdmin that the special letters are saved differently (ü -> ü; ä -> ä; etc) but on my website they are like they should be. Can't really see how to solve this problem. Waiting for your help guys, Thanks Allan
  2. When I want to access www.mysite.com/ntn/ then the first code works, but the second doesn't. What I do wrong? Trying first time to use mod_rewrite. Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?ntn/ RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [NC,L] Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?ntn/ RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1/$2 [NC,L] RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [NC,L]
  3. My site: http://www.veebidisain.pri.ee/ettevaatust/ My problem is, that IE7 doesnt show my code as the other browsers. Compare the navigation with IE7 and ff. How can I solve the problem?
  4. $types = array('A' => 101, 'B' => 102, 'D' => 103, 'E' => 104); foreach ($types as $type => $code) { echo '<option value="$code"'; if ($MACHINE == $code) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>'.$type.'</option>'; }
  5. I'll deal with this problem later then I just hate IE. Why cant it work fine as the other browsers.
  6. echo '<input type="hidden" name="next" value="'.$_GET['next'].'" />'.PHP_EOL; or $_SESSION
  7. In Firefox and Google Crome my code works correct, but in IE it doesnt. The problem is that before or after loading a page in IE, $_SESSION is unsetted. If i set $_SESSION['online'] = 1, then after reloading the page then print_r($_SESSION) outputs nothing.
  8. I want to change image src after some time to another (after 3 secs in example) and if there arent more images then turn into the first one again. In example I have 3 different image sources (gfx/img1.jpg, gfx/img2.jpg, gfx/img3.jpg). This is part of my code but something is wrong there. Can someone help? <script type="text/javascript"> var i = 0; var image = document.getElementById('changeimage'); function changeImage() { if (i == 0) { image.src = 'gfx/img1.jpg'; i = 1; } else if (i == 1) { image.src = 'gfx/img2.jpg'; i = 2; } else { image.src = 'gfx/img3.jpg'; i = 0; } setTimeout('changeImage()', 3000); } </script> </head> <body onload="changeImage();"> <img id="changeimage" src="gfx/img1.jpg" />
  9. Problem SOLVED! I uninstalled Wampserver (and remove wamp directory), uninstalled ZEND then reinstalled Wampserver and it worked correctly.
  10. I have asked it in my topic of other question which is solved now but i'll make there a new topic now.
  11. If I reinstalled wampserver (I have done it many times) then I always have deleted wamp directory but it makes no difference.
  12. After reinstalling Wampserver 2 my localhost server cant load mysql extension. I have checked php.ini file and there it shows that php_mysql.dll extension is loaded. How can I fix this?
  13. But what should I use instead of header() function when I have to use it in the middle of the other code?
  14. If i have header('Location: http://localhost/'); on line 1-222 in my index.php file then it works correctly as it should be but if the same line of code is in the line 223 or after that, then header() function just dont do anything. I run my codes on my localhost server (Wampserver 2).
  15. its not homework, but i'll make this on my own. at least i'll try.
  16. I have to check that $number1 is divisible by $number2. How? When its on divisible, then I have to display the answer in fraction. If I have to divide 9 / 21, I have to disaplay it as a fraction, then how can I find the same multipliers they have (in this case they both are divisible by 3) and make the numbers of the fraction small as possible. I hope that you understand my problem
  17. Hi, my question is: how to remove linebreaks (not <br />-s) which i made pressing enter in <textarea>. Hopefully there is such php function.
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