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Everything posted by pankirk

  1. No. This will access the internet and is not an intranet setup. The computers we will be using are connected to the internet and are not setup as an intranet. What I am trying to tell you is that the only people that will be accessing this script are people given special access. The site is not found on google or any other search engine so if a hacker wanted to hack us, they would physically have to come to our school and get the URL to our SSL website. I'm saying that the chances of a hacker even wanting to hack us are literally 0.
  2. I'm going to be completely honest with you. Your lack of knowledge and correct use of the English language really doesn't give off any sort of hint that you can do anything other than flame people on forums let alone "hack" a website as you would call it. I understand what you're saying (after intense interpretation of how you speak English, of course) and how it's not generally a way to go about doing a payment system on my site. You also have no knowledge of how my site is made and that my three employees who will be using this script are a) tenured employees at our school (which means they have been working for us for a great deal of years), and b) Have absolutely know knowledge of how to code a basic HTML website, let alone "hack" us.
  3. Thank you all for your help and maturity. I appreciate it. I'm glad to see that all of you contribute respectfully to this forum.
  4. Ok so since you obviously know how hackers go about doing this, how about you tell me how you would go about hacking this system.
  5. Everything will be very secure and you can't access the page unless you have been accepted as one of our employees. So it's not as if a random hacker can come along and change some values to get money from us. On top of that, you can't modify anything unless you have access to our database and only one person knows the extensive password for our database and that's me. Plus everything will be encrypted with paypals encryption so that makes the chances of being hacked slim to none.
  6. Yes, eventually we will move to the proper way to go about doing this, but for now we are testing out this system. Now, I would respect you more if we can have a decent conversation without you insulting my abilities as a programmer.
  7. I think you're mis-interpreting what I'm saying and what point I'm trying to get across. This is for a new system I'm implementing and I would like to see that it's actually illegal for me to do what I want to do and that you're correct before I disregard any ideas I have.
  8. Also, can you actually link me to the paypal TOS where it says I'm legally not allowed to do what I wanted to do before? I just looked through the TOS and didn't see anything like that in it.
  9. What if I decide to make that button that "requests money" just post information into a database, then create a custom page on my admin page where I can review the payments and use a custom mass payment script that will pay them from that? Is that illegal? For instance, a co-worker has $500 owed to them, the click the "request money" button, all the data (like date, money, time requested, ect ect...) goes into the database, I review it on my admin page, and then if I deem it valid, I can use mass email to give them their money.
  10. Hi thanks for the reply! The link looks promising but i'll be waiting for you so I can get a jump start on this! Thanks again -P
  11. Hi! This is some interestingly formatted code... Have you tried using "echo" it will make your code much cleaner. Anyway, to me it looks like you have your form going to your page, but once it goes to the page, there's no if statement that will do the code you need!
  12. Hmm Okay. Here's exactly what I'm trying to accomplish: I have an HTML form, a submit button, and a MySql database table with a money value that I will need to send to a co worker. On the co-workers page, I have a list of how much money I owe them and at the bottom a total amount of how much money I owe them. If they click the submit button on the form labeled "Request Payment", I need paypal to automatically send them a payment from my paypal. I already totaled up the individual payments into the final payment I will be sending them so all that's left now is to have that button contact paypal some how and send the payment to the co-workers paypal account. Thanks! -P
  13. Hey thanks for the reply. Fortunately, I already know about the sandbox! What I'm looking for is a way to send payments via some sort of PHP script without me having to manually send them out! Thanks, -P
  14. Hi, I have been looking online for about two hours now on how I can automatically send payments through paypal using php. What I have is a database of how much money I need to send to co-workers and send that amount automatically when the workers click "request money" button. Can this be done? Will paypal allow me to do that? If so, can someone please point me in the right direction to do it? Thanks in advance, -P
  15. The above information helped. But I'm looking for something a little different. I'm looking for a way to gather the money and then split it to two separate accounts. I realize that I can just gather the money into one account, but I need a way to split it up into multiple ways and sent them from there. Thanks
  16. I'm looking for a payment processor. What I will be doing is gathering a users credit card number via PHP and this is how I will allow payments. I can gather the credit card number but I don't know what to do after that. I've seen paypal's checkout script but I'm looking for something that won't show "paypal" all over it. I want it to look like its still a part of the shop and be customized. I don't want to redirect to paypals website, have users enter their info and then to redirect them back. - Thanks!
  17. Hi. So I have a php script that shrinks an image making it a thumbnail image and then it uploads it to the server in a directory called "downloads" The problem I'm having is that I have the code in a folder named "includes" and I need everything to be copied to the "downloads" directory. "downloads" and "includes" are on the same level, but like i said before, my code is inside the "includes" folder. So heres my code that I have: $dest_image = "../downloads/$itemType/$itemId/".$now_time.$_FILES['preview_image']['name']; copy($_FILES['preview_image']['tmp_name'], $dest_image); (obviously theres other code around it, this is just whats causing the problem) Heres the result when I run the script: Warning: copy(../downloads/themes/25/20091221174122Jellyfish.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory I obviously am having trouble with the "../" and "/" before the directory name. So what am I doing wrong? Thanks! -P
  18. I wrote this login code and I'm using cookies instead of session. Basically my problem is that when the users login is correct it sets the cookie but doesnt redirect until I login a second time. {//grab user id from database; while($getId = $checkLogin->fetch_assoc()) { $cookieId = $getId['id']; } setcookie("username", $cookieId, time()+3600); if(isset($_COOKIE['username'])) {//redirect if($redirect != "none") { redirect($redirect); } else if($redirect == "none") { redirect("user.php?action=home"); } } else if(!isset($_COOKIE['username'])) { PullBox("main", "red", "Failed to register correctly."); } } Thats the part of the code that I wrote for the login. You can see that I set the cookie after pulling the users ID out of the database but apparently it's not getting set because it goes straight to the "if(!isset($_COOKIE['username']))" where I need it to be set to "if(isset($_COOKIE['username']))" in order for the users to be redirected to the home page. Thanks in advance!
  19. Ah yes It seems I forgot to add that... Sorry about that.
  20. So I wrote part of this code, and found other parts of it on the net. Basically it's a PHP paging script and it lets me break up my queries into multiple pages. Basically right now all it does is shows the pages at the bottom, and shows a number for every single page it can show. Example: So, basically what I want to do is be able to maybe tone it down a little by maybe only showing only 4 numbers before the current number and 4 after it? And have some sort of "..." and then show the final page number? Anyway I just want to clean this code up a bit. Can anyone help? The ideal result will be something like digg.com's (scroll to the bottom of the page). you can see how they have a "..." and then show a button for the last page... Something like this (say i'm on page 45) [previous] [1] ... 41 42 43 44 [45] 46 47 48 49 ... [143] [next] Do you understand? If not then please ask me questions. I'm not sure how to get this rolling! Thank you so much in advance I appreciate it! $max = 10; $num = $page * $max - $max; $totalpage = ceil($lines / $max) + 1; $page = 1; if ($page > 1) { echo "<a href=\"?action=index&p=".($page-1)."\"><span id=\"paging\">Previous</span></a> \n"; } else if($page <= 1) { echo "<span id=\"paging\">Previous</span> \n"; } for($i = 1; $i < $totalpage; $i++) { if($i == $page) { echo "<span id=\"paging\">$i</span> \n"; } else { echo "<a href=\"?action=index&p=".$i."\"><span id=\"paging\">$i</span></a> \n"; } } if ($page < $totalpage - 1) { echo "<a href=\"?action=index&p=".($page + 1)."\"><span id=\"paging\">Next</span></a>\n"; } else if($page >= $totalpage - 1) { echo "<span id=\"paging\">Next</span>\n"; }
  21. I am making a bulletin script, where users can post little messages that all of their friends will see. THe problem that i'm having though is I only want the user who posts the bulliten, only their friends can see the bulletin. Right now I have it working but it's not really how I want it to be (it's very inefficent). Right now I have this code: $findfriends = "select * from friends where username = '".$_SESSION['username']."'"; $friendsresults = $db->query($findfriends); $friendnumrows = mysqli_num_rows($friendsresults); if($friendnumrows == 0) { //echo nothing; } else if($friendnumrows != 0) { while($friendrows = $friendsresults->fetch_assoc()) { $friend = $friendrows['friendname']; $bulletin_query = "select * from bulletin where postuser = '".$friend."'"; $bulletin_results = $db->query($bulletin_query); $bulletin_rows = mysqli_num_rows($bulletin_results); if($bulletin_rows == 0) { //echo "<tr>Your friends have <b>not</b> posted any bulletins.</tr>"; } else if($bulletin_rows != 0) { while($bulletinrow = $bulletin_results->fetch_assoc()) { $bulletinposter = $bulletinrow['postuser']; $bulletintime = $bulletinrow['date']; $bulletintitle = $bulletinrow['title']; $bulletinid = $bulletinrow['id']; echo"<tr> <td width='20%' bgcolor='#e9e9e9'><a href='/profile.php?user=$bulletinposter'><b>$bulletinposter</b></a></td> <td width='35%' bgcolor='#e9e9e9'>$bulletintime</td> <td width='45%' bgcolor='#e9e9e9'><a href='/bulletin.php?action=readbulletin&bulletinid=$bulletinid'>$bulletintitle</a></td> </tr>"; } } } As you can see, I have to go through every single one of the users friends and get the bulletins they have posted. This results in not exactly what I want because if the user has 50 friends, that's 50 bulletins being posted, and if the user has posted two or more bulletins then that's 50x2. So about 150 bulletins are being posted on one page. I am trying to find a way where I can get the bulletins in one MySql table, but that would make every single user and every single friend have the same bulletin in the MySql table which can result in a waste of data. So if you think you can help me out here, please do so! Thanks!
  22. Or you could use javascript and php random number functions to get a random number which will be the result of the dice. or instead of javascript you could make an animated gif dice which will show.
  23. Ok I thought about it and I realise that I dont know whats going on anymore. My code looks great but why is it not doing what its supposed to do. I'm lost any help will be great please!.
  24. Thank you for your quick reply! Though it seems to still be giving me the error that when I login in the administrator account, it takes me to the admin page, but when I login as a normal user it still takes me to the admin page. So it looks like the normal users are getting the session_register('username'); AND the session_register('username');. I guess I just need help rewriting this part of the code because it's all jumbled up... i'm also wonerding if this type of if is possible. if($isauth == "admin" OR $isauth == "true"){ }
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