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  1. rogerc


    Hi I need help finding why i cant get my rollover buttons to work.The first image state shows up ok but the second cant .The error i get is that the images are not defined but i think the problem is that the code cant read through the slashes in the code , anybody have any ideas thanks rogerc <? //start a session session_start(); //check if user is coming from a form if ($_POST[op] == "ds") { //check username and password if (($_POST[username] != "admin") || ($_POST[password] != "abc123")) { //handle bad login $msg = "<P><font color=\"#FF0000 \"><strong>Bad Login - Try Again</strong></font></P>"; $show_form = "yes"; } else { //handle good login $_SESSION[valid] = "yes"; $show_menu = "yes"; } } else { //determine what to show if ($_SESSION[valid] == "yes") { $show_menu = "yes"; } else { $show_form = "yes"; } } //build form block $form_block ="<h1>Login</h1> <form method=POST action=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]\"> $msg <P><strong>username:</strong><br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" size=15 maxlength=25></P> <P><strong>password:</strong><br> <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=15 maxlength=25></P> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"ds\"> <P><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"login\"></P> </FORM>"; //build menu block $menu_block ="<p align=\"center\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"mulroy_logo.gif\" width=\"500\" height=\"50\"></p> <p align=\"left\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"logo.gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" align=\"right\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"logo.gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\"></p> <ul> <h3>Select the option that you would like to do Add,Edit,Delete or view a students info</h3> <p align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"do_addstudent.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=navbar_r2_c4.gif\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=navbar_r2_c4_f2.gif\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/navbar_r2_c4.gif\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"Add Student\" NAME=\"sub_but\"> <a align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"pick_modstudent.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=edit_results.gif\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=edit_results_f2.gif\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/edit_results\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"Edit Student\" NAME=\"sub_but\"></a> <a align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"pick_delstudent.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=delete_results.gif\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=delete_results_f2.gif\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/delete_results.gif\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"Delete Student \" NAME=\"sub_but\"></a> <a align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"search.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=view_results.gif\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=view_results_f2.gif\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/view_results.gif\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"View Student\" NAME=\"sub_but\"></a> </ul>"; //assign the block to show to the $display_block variable if ($show_form == "yes") { $display_block = $form_block; } else if ($show_menu == "yes"){ $display_block = $menu_block; } ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <? echo "$display_block"; ?> </BODY> </HTML>
  2. hi put the extensions in but still does not come out right thanks
  3. hi Having trouble with some javascript.i have four rollover buttons that are not showing and the error that i am getting is saying that my images are not defined ,any body have any ideas thanks rogerc heres the code <? //start a session session_start(); //check if user is coming from a form if ($_POST[op] == "ds") { //check username and password if (($_POST[username] != "admin") || ($_POST[password] != "abc123")) { //handle bad login $msg = "<P><font color=\"#FF0000 \"><strong>Bad Login - Try Again</strong></font></P>"; $show_form = "yes"; } else { //handle good login $_SESSION[valid] = "yes"; $show_menu = "yes"; } } else { //determine what to show if ($_SESSION[valid] == "yes") { $show_menu = "yes"; } else { $show_form = "yes"; } } //build form block $form_block ="<h1>Login</h1> <form method=POST action=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]\"> $msg <P><strong>username:</strong><br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" size=15 maxlength=25></P> <P><strong>password:</strong><br> <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=15 maxlength=25></P> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"ds\"> <P><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"login\"></P> </FORM>"; //build menu block $menu_block ="<p align=\"center\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"mulroy_logo.gif\" width=\"500\" height=\"50\"></p> <p align=\"left\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"logo.gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" align=\"right\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"logo.gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\"></p> <ul> <h3>Select the option that you would like to do Add,Edit,Delete or view a students info</h3> <p align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"do_addstudent.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=navbar_r2_c4\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=navbar_r2_c4_f2\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/navbar_r2_c4.gif\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"Add Student\" NAME=\"sub_but\"> <a align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"pick_modstudent.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=edit_results\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=edit_results_f2\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/edit_results\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"Edit Student\" NAME=\"sub_but\"></a> <a align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"pick_delstudent.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=delete_results\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=delete_results_f2\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/delete_results.gif\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"Delete Student \" NAME=\"sub_but\"></a> <a align=\"center\"><A HREF=\"search.php\" onmouseover=\"document.sub_but.src=view_results\" onmouseout=\"document.sub_but.src=view_results_f2\"> <IMG SRC=\"images/view_results.gif\" WIDTH=\"143\" HEIGHT=\"39\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"View Student\" NAME=\"sub_but\"></a> </ul>"; //assign the block to show to the $display_block variable if ($show_form == "yes") { $display_block = $form_block; } else if ($show_menu == "yes"){ $display_block = $menu_block; } ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <? echo "$display_block"; ?> </BODY> </HTML>
  4. hi Jon you right i deleted evering fron the database and re entered it and work fine thanks rogerc
  5. hi yeah no go thanks for the try rogerc
  6. hi Having a problem with displaying all the results from my table.I can return the first 5 but the others come back zero if anyone can see the problem your help is much appreciated . thanks rogerc <?php // Get the search variable from URL $var = @$_GET['q'] ; $trimmed = trim($var); //trim whitespace from the stored variable // rows to return $limit=10; // check for an empty string and display a message. if ($trimmed == "") { echo "<p>Please enter a search...</p>"; exit; } // check for a search parameter if (!isset($var)) { echo "<p>We dont seem to have a search parameter!</p>"; exit; } //connect to your database mysql_connect("localhost"); //specify database mysql_select_db("resultsdb") or die("Unable to select database"); //select which database we're using // Build SQL Query $query = "select * from grades where f_name like \"%$trimmed%\" order by f_name"; $numresults=mysql_query($query); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); if ($numrows == 0) { echo "<h4>Results</h4>"; echo "<p>Sorry, your search: "" . $trimmed . "" returned zero results</p>"; } // next determine if s has been passed to script, if not use 0 if (empty($s)) { $s=0; } // get results $query .= " limit $s,$limit"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't execute query"); // display what the person searched for echo "<p>You searched for: "" . $var . ""</p>"; // begin to show results set echo "Results"; $count = 1 + $s ; // now you can display the results returned while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $title = $row["f_name"]; $l_name =$row['l_name']; $address1 =$row['address1']; $address2 =$row['address2']; $address3 =$row['address3']; $english =$row['english']; $irish =$row['irish']; $math =$row['math']; $science =$row['science']; $geography =$row['geography']; $history =$row['history']; echo "$count.) $title ,$l_name,$address1, $address2, $address3, $english, $irish, $math, $science, $geography, $history" ; $count++ ; } $currPage = (($s/$limit) + 1); //break before paging echo "<br />"; // links to other results if ($s>=1) { // bypass PREV link if s is 0 $prevs=($s-$limit); print " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?s=$prevs&q=$var\"><< Prev 10</a>&nbsp "; } // calculate number of pages needing links $pages=intval($numrows/$limit); // $pages now contains int of pages needed unless there is a remainder from division if ($numrows%$limit) { // has remainder so add one page $pages++; } // check to see if last page if (!((($s+$limit)/$limit)==$pages) && $pages!=1) { // not last page so give NEXT link $news=$s+$limit; echo " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?s=$news&q=$var\">Next 10 >></a>"; } $a = $s + ($limit) ; if ($a > $numrows) { $a = $numrows ; } $b = $s + 1 ; echo "<p>Showing results $b to $a of $numrows</p>"; ?> (edited by kenrbnsn to add the tags)
  7. Hi thanks for getting back to me. I made the changes you said to do but the page is still coming up blank rogerc
  8. hi i am having problems with displaying results from my databse. The first part of the code search.html runs when selcted from my main menu.The problem is when I hit the submit button the results.php page does'nt appear, anybody have any idea why this is happening thanks roger c heres the code search.html <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1> </h1> <form action="results.php" method="post"> Enter In Student Name:<br/> <input name="searchterm" type="text"> <br/> <input type="submit"value="Search"> </form> </body> </html> results.php ... <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1>Student Search Result</h1> <? // create short variable names $searchterm = $$HTTP_POST_VARS['searchterm']; $searchterm = trim($searchterm); if (!$searchterm ) { echo 'You have not entered search details. Please go back and try again.'; exit; } if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $searchterm = addslashes($searchterm); } $db_name = "resultsdb"; @ $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'resultsdb'); if( !$db) { echo 'Error: Could not connect to database. Please try again later.'; exit; } $query = "select * from grades where like '%".$searchterm."%'"; $result = $db->query($query); $num_results = $result->num_rows; echo '<p>Number of Students found: '.$num_results.'</p>'; for ($i=0; $i < $num_results; $i++) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); echo '<p><strong>'.($i+1). '. Title: '; echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['f_name'])); echo '</strong><br />Author: '; echo stripslashes($row['l_name']); echo '<br />ISBN: '; echo stripslashes($row['address1']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['address2']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['address3']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['english']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['irish']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['math']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['science']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['geography']); echo '<br />Price: '; echo stripslashes($row['history']); echo '</p>'; } $result->free(); $db->close(); ?> </body> </html>
  9. hi I need to change the drop down box to a text box so that i can serach the database by the keyboard eg if I press A all the records starting with A would show up if that could be done thanks
  10. Hello I am new to php and need some help,The code below is for selecting a record to delete through drop down list.I wonder could it be possible to change it text a box where you type a letter and all the records starting with it would be shown its been wrecking my head for yonks i have no idea how to fix it any help would be greatly appreciated this is the code for it. thanks rogerc <? //start a session session_start(); //check validity of user if ($_SESSION[valid] != "yes"){ header("Location:"); exit; } //set up table and database names $db_name = "resultsdb"; $table_name = "grades"; //connect to server and select database $connection = @mysql_connect("localhost") or die(mysql_error()); $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); //build and issue query $sql ="SELECT id, f_name, l_name FROM $table_name ORDER BY l_name"; $result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); //check the number of results $num = @mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num < 1) { //if there are no results,display message $display_block = "<P>Sorry!No results.</p>"; } else { //if results are found,loop through them //and make a form selection block while ($row =mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $id = $row['id']; $f_name = $row['f_name']; $l_name = $row['l_name']; $option_block .="<option value=\"$id \">$l_name,$f_name</option>"; } //create the entire form block $display_block =" <FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"show_delcontact.php\"> <P><strong>Student:</strong> <select name=\"id\"> $option_block </select> <INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Select Student\"></P> </form>"; } ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <h1></h1> <P>Select Student Info from the list below.</P> <? echo "$display_block"; ?> <p><a href="contact_menu.php">Return to Main Menu[/url]</p> </BODY> </HTML>
  11. rogerc


    Hello I am new to php and need some help,The code below is for selecting a record to delete through drop down list.I wonder could it be possible to change it text a box where you type a letter and all the records starting with it would be shown thanks rogerc <? //start a session session_start(); //check validity of user if ($_SESSION[valid] != "yes"){ header("Location:"); exit; } //set up table and database names $db_name = "resultsdb"; $table_name = "grades"; //connect to server and select database $connection = @mysql_connect("localhost") or die(mysql_error()); $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); //build and issue query $sql ="SELECT id, f_name, l_name FROM $table_name ORDER BY l_name"; $result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); //check the number of results $num = @mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num < 1) { //if there are no results,display message $display_block = "<P><em>Sorry!No results.</em></p>"; } else { //if results are found,loop through them //and make a form selection block while ($row =mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $id = $row['id']; $f_name = $row['f_name']; $l_name = $row['l_name']; $option_block .="<option value=\"$id \">$l_name,$f_name</option>"; } //create the entire form block $display_block =" <FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"show_delcontact.php\"> <P><strong>Student:</strong> <select name=\"id\"> $option_block </select> <INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Select Student\"></P> </form>"; } ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <h1></h1> <P>Select Student Info from the list below.</P> <? echo "$display_block"; ?> <br> <p><a href="contact_menu.php">Return to Main Menu</a></p> </BODY> </HTML>
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