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Posts posted by jonsjava

  1. try this:

    foreach (parseTXT("some_file.txt") as $key=>$val){
    echo "<h2>Statistics for $key: </h2><br />";
    echo "<table border=\"0\"><tr><th>MS to Complete</th></tr>";
    foreach ($val as $key2=>$val2){
    	if (is_int($key2)){
    		echo "<tr><td>$val2</td></tr>";
    		echo "</table><br /> <h2><strong>Total Run on $key: $val2</strong</h2><br /><br /><br />";

  2. A brief explination of my code:


    It looks for all lines that have the word "runtime" in them. This poses an issue, but not insurmountable.


    Next, it splits up that line by spaces (only thing that keeps the data separate) into an array.


    Next, knowing the spacing should always be the same, I can tell which array element will contain the data needed. From there, I throw that into an array with the task number as the key, and the time as children arrays, then does the math to give you total time.

  3. array key was off. try this:

    function parseTXT($data){
    $fh = fopen($file, "r");
    $data = fread($fh,filesize($fh));
    foreach ($d_array as $val){
    	if (strstr($val, "runtime")){
    		$tmp_array = explode(" ", $val);
    		$token = str_replace(":", "", $tmp_array[12]);
    		$token_array[$token][] = $tmp_array[13];
    foreach ($token_array as $key=>$val2){
    	$token_array[$key]['total'] = 0;
    	foreach ($val2 as $val3){
    		$token_array[$key]['total'] += $val3;
    return $token_array;

    EDIT to account for double spacing. Darn double spaces where one ain't needed! lol

  4. try

    if (isset($_SESSION['memberof'])){

    Your code is how many people used to code. Only problem is that if your error reporting is set to notice, you get errors, when the variable isn't set.  Best to check if it is set, and go from there.


    How your code works: if it is set, it's counted as true. If not, it comes back as false with notice.

  5. <?php
    //require_once 'includes/config.php';
    $dbusername = $_POST['email'];
    $dbfirstname = $_POST['first_name'];
    $dblastname = $_POST['last_name'];
    //$dbmobile_number = $_POST['mobile'];
    if (empty($_POST['mobile']))
    $dbmobile_number = NULL;
    $dbmobile_number = $_POST['mobile'];
    if (empty($_POST['landline'])){
    $dblandline_number = NULL;
    $dblandline_number = $_POST['landline'];
    if (empty($_POST['dob'])){
    $dbdob = NULL;
    $dbdob = $_POST['dob'];
    if (empty($_POST['shipping_pincode'])){
    $dbpincode = NULL;
    $dbpincode = $_POST['shipping_pincode'];
    $dbSubscribe_Email_Alert = '1';
    $dbSubscribe_Email_Alert = '0';
    $dbSubscribe_SMS = 0;
    $dbSubscribe_SMS = 0;
    $dbAddress_firstname = $_POST['shipping_first_name'];
    $dbAddress_lastname = $_POST['shipping_last_name'];
    $dbAddress = $_POST['shipping_address'];
    $dbcity = $_POST['shipping_city'];
    $dbstate = $_POST['shipping_state'];
    $dbcountry = $_POST['shipping_country'];
    echo "Welcome".$dbusername;
    //if ($_POST['btnSave'])
    //echo "Inside query loop";
    $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Couldn't connect!");
    mysql_select_db("salebees") or die ("Couldn't find DB");
    //$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
    $query = mysql_query("update users set firstname = '$dbfirstname', lastname = '$dblastname', mobile_number = '$dbmobile_number', landline_number = '$dblandline_number', dob = '$dbdob', Subscribe_Email_Alert = '$dbSubscribe_Email_Alert', Subscribe_SMS = '$dbSubscribe_SMS',  Address_firstname = '$dbAddress_firstname', Address_lastname = '$dbAddress_lastname', Address = '$dbAddress', city = '$dbcity', pincode = '$dbpincode', state = '$dbstate', country = '$dbcountry'      where username = '$dbusername' ");


    If I understand what you want, if the data is empty, store as NULL. This code should do the trick. All I did was have it check to see if the POST data was empty. If the variable exists in the form, it will come across, so we cannot check to see if isset(), but empty(), because it will always be set, but it just may be empty. That is the check you need to be doing.

  6. Why not create a link at the end, which will point them to an edit page. Much cleaner and easier.

    //to display image from source
    $dir = "360_covers";
    echo '<table>';
    echo '<tr><th>Title</th><th>Cover</th><th>comment</th><th>Actions</th></tr>';
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM xbox_games order by gametitle");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    echo "<tr><td>{$row['gametitle']}</td><td><img src=\"$dir/{$row['cover']}\" width='38' height='38'></td><td>{$row['cover']}</td><td><a href=\"edit.php?id={$row['id']}\">Edit</a> | <a href=\"delete.php?id={$row['id']}\">Delete</a></tr>";
    //close out table
    echo '</table>';

  7. Cleaned up the code for anybody who wants to help

    //to display image from source
    $dir = "360_covers";
    echo '<table>';
    echo '<tr><th>Title</th><th>Cover</th><th>comment</th></tr>';
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM xbox_games order by gametitle");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    echo "<tr><td>{$row['gametitle']}</td><td><img src=\"$dir/{$row['cover']}\" width='38' height='38'></td><td>{$row['cover']}</td></tr>";
    //close out table
    echo '</table>';

  8. Ok, I got this for you. Be warned: not tested, and it only works if your data is formatted exactly as outlined in the sample.

    function parseTXT($file){
    $fh = fopen($file, "r");
    $data = fread($fh,filesize($fh));
    $d_array = explode("\n", $data);
    foreach ($d_array as $val){
    	if (strstr($val, "runtime")){
    		$tmp_array = explode(" ", $val);
    		$token = str_replace(":", "", $tmp_array[5]);
    		$token_array[$token][] = $tmp_array[6]; 
    foreach ($token_array as $key=>$val2){
    	$token_array[$key]['total'] = 0;
    	foreach ($val2 as $val3){
    		$token_array[$key]['total'] += $val3;
    return $token_array;


    Ok, I tested my code against the sample data you gave, and here's what I got:

        [9188147351] => Array
                [0] => 9953
                [1] => 10903
                [2] => 65456
                [3] => 83128
                [4] => 12187
                [5] => 28148
                [total] => 209775

    look right to you?

  9. think of it this way: A pregnant woman has a baby, and she is in a house.

    $house = Array(
              [Mother] =>
                    Array (
                             [0] => Baby

    93 (mother) is a key in an array (house), and the data for 93 IS an array, which contains key 0 (baby), which has a value of 96.

    This is a multi-dimensional array. Hopefully that link can help.

  10. Not sure if this will do, but here you go

    /*Ok, this doesn't work if you have multiple <code> tags...*/
    function hide_code_from_nl2br($input){
    $content = $input;  //so I can remember what the heck I am doing
    $code_begins = strstr($content,"<code>"); // Find where the code bracket starts.
    $code_only_a = explode("</code>", $code_begins); //builds an array to get the end of the <code>, so we can keep it to itself
    $code_only = $code_only_a[0]; // gets just the code
    $content_minus_code = str_replace($code_only."</code>", "{CODE_GOES_HERE}", $content); //strips out the code from the content
    return str_replace("{CODE_GOES_HERE}", $code_only."</code>", nl2br($content_minus_code)); //does an nl2br on what is left, and then adds the code back where it should be

    I know there must be an easier way, but it was fun to write this way.

  11. Easiest way I can come up with is create an array of data to store the <code>, then strip out the data from <code> to </code>, placing a placeholder there, and running what you have left through the nl2br, then do a str_replace("{HOLDER_NUMBER",$content[$NUMBER],$content)

    just an idea, and the only one I have.


    working on a running code version right now.

  12. the ugly method (coding in the reply box, not my IDE, so not tested):

    $count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
    $array[$count]['shipID'] = $row['shipID'];
    $array[$count]['ShipName'] = $row['ShipName'];
    $array[$count]['Class'] = $row['Class'];
    $total = count($array);
    $random = rand(0,$total - 1);
    $random_ship = $array[$random];

  13. I won't actually write code for it, but I will point you in the right direction.


    You will need to use AJAX (Dynamic page changes without reloading the page=AJAX).  AJAX is Javascript and Server-Side scripting.  The javascript makes XMLHTTP requests, and waits for a response. Once it gets a response, you can echo the data out. Simple as that.


    The coding is the hard part. Get some code, and post it here if you have issues.

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