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Everything posted by fantomel

  1. yes i understand and i know but i've checked the files both three times and even a friend helped there is nothing wrong in them or maybe we can't notice
  2. ok so i`m building a small website..and i've written some php code for it but it seems that on contact form i have some errors and still the editors don't show anything maybe you guys can help me around home page where the include heapens <?php if($url == 'home') { echo '<img src="../resources/img/content/home_girl.png" style="float:right;margin: 5px; margin-right: 20px; margin-top: 20px;" width="300px" height="208">'; } if($url == 'quality') { echo'<img src="../resources/img/content/labpic_03.png" style="float:right; margin:5px" width="200px" height="270">'; } echo $content_page; if($url == 'gallery') { include_once('gallery.php'); } elseif($url == 'howto') { include_once('howto.php'); } elseif($url == 'home') { include_once('eco.php'); } elseif($url == 'contact' && $lang == 'en') { include_once('contact.php'); } elseif($url == 'contact' && $lang == 'ro') { include_once('contactro.php'); } ?> <?php function afisare_formular($stare=1) { /* daca valoarea variabilei $stare este 1 atunci se afiseaza formularul normal si se seteaza valorile din formular la 0 */ if ($stare == 1) { $nume = ''; $email = ''; $telefon = ''; $mesaj = ''; } /* daca valoarea variabilei $stare este diferita de 1 atunci se preiau mai intai datele trimise anterior prin POST din formular si se afiseaza formularul din nou dar cu valorile primite. */ else { $nume = $_POST['nume']; $email = $_POST['email']; $telefon = $_POST['telefon']; $mesaj = $_POST['mesaj']; } // se genereaza variabila cu tabelul care contine formularul $formular = ' <div class="contact_form"> <fieldset> <form name="contact" id="contact" method="post" action=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '> <label for"Nume">Name:</label><br /> <input name="nume" type="text" id="nume" value="'.$nume.'" maxlength="50"><br /> <label for="Email">E-mail:</label><br /> <input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="'.$email.'" maxlength="50"><br /> <label for="Phone">Phone:</label><br /> <input name="telefon" type="text" id="telefon" value="'.$telefon.'" maxlength="15"><br /> <label for="Message">Message:</label><br /> <textarea name="mesaj" cols="35" rows="3" wrap="virtual" id="mesaj">'.$mesaj.'</textarea><br /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Trimite"><br /> </form> '. $nume . $email . $telefon . $mesaj .' <div class="success" style="display:none;">Client has been added.</div> <div class="contact_details" style="float: left; margin-top: -220px; margin-left: 210px;"><b>British Director: Stephen Smyth <br /> Mobile Phone: 0720 613 513<br /> Romanian Director: Marius Voicea <br /> Mobile Phone: 0723 560 719 <br /> Address: Str. 30 Decembrie Nr. 1 Urlati, Jud. Prahova Phone: 0372 746 773</b> </div> </fieldset> <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&t=h&msa=0&msid=117426025458241534188.0004746603cb3fbf4da2a&ll=44.996292,26.228807&spn=0.002655,0.00456&z=17&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&t=h&msa=0&msid=117426025458241534188.0004746603cb3fbf4da2a&ll=44.996292,26.228807&spn=0.002655,0.00456&z=17&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">Urlati Ecopoly</a> in a larger map</small> </div>'; // se returneaza codul html pentru formularul care trebuie afisat return $formular; } /* daca a fost incarcata prima data aceasta pagina de catre vizitator se afiseaza formularul normal */ if (!isset($_POST['nume'])) { echo afisare_formular(1); } /* daca a fost deja apasat butonul te trimitere din formular se preiau datele trimise si se verifica daca sunt corecte */ else { // se preiau datele trimise $nume = $_POST['nume']; $email = $_POST['email']; $telefon = $_POST['telefon']; $mesaj = $_POST['mesaj']; // se verifica daca sunt corecte $verificare = 0; if (empty($nume)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost specificat Numele si prenumele.'; } if (strlen($nume) < 3) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Numele trebuie sa contina minim 3 caractere.'; } elseif (!eregi('[a-zA-Z ]{3}', $nume)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Numele trebuie sa contina minim 3 caractere.'; } if (empty($email)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost introdusa adresa de e-mail'; } if (!eregi("^[a-z0-9\._-]+@+[a-z0-9\._-]+\.+[a-z]{2,4}", $email)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Adresa de e-mail este incorecta.'; } if (empty($telefon)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost specificat un numar de telefon. Scrieti (-) daca nu aveti telefon.'; } if (empty($mesaj)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost specificat mesajul pe care doriti sa il trimiteti.'; } /* daca in urma verificarilor de mai sus a aparut o eroare atunci variabila de verificare ar trebui sa aiba valoarea 1 si in acest caz se afiseaza din nou formularul cu campurile deja completate pentru corectare */ if ($verificare == 1) { echo afisare_formular(0); } /* daca in urma verificarilor de mai sus totul este ok se trimite mesajul pe e-mail */ else { // se stabilesc variabilele care se vor trimite prin mail $subiect = 'Mesaj de la '.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // aici scrieti adresa de e-mail unde doriti sa primiti mesajele $adresa = 'digitals.future@yahoo.com'; $continut = '<br>Nume si prenume: '.$nume.' <br>Adresa de e-mail: '.$email.' <br>Telefon: '.$telefon.' <br>Mesaj:<br><br>'.$mesaj.' <br>Mesajul a fost trimis la data de '.date('d-m-Y H:i', time()); $headere = "From: $nume <$email>\r\n". "Reply-To: $email\r\n". "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-2\r\n"; "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();; // aici se incearca trimiterea mesajului pe mail if (@mail($adresa, $subiect, $continut, $headere)) { echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV = "Refresh" Content = "1; URL =http://www.digitalupdates.co.cc"> Mesajul a fost trimis cu succes. Asteptati pentru redirectare.'; } else { echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV = "Refresh" Content = "1; URL =http://www.digitalupdates.co.cc"> A aparut o eroare la serverul de mail, va rugam sa incercati din nou.<br> Asteptati pentru redirectare.'; } } } ?> error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/ceoupdat/public_html/templates/contact.php on line 1 can someone help me please?
  3. hello i'm building a website and i have a new folder structure on it which require apache htaccess files the first file should redirect to public_html folder and the second one should be used for loading all pages inside of index.php and the link should be the form of index.php?url=home&lang=en can you please check it out and see if it's done correctly ? thank you very much this file goes inside of public_html file and it's for redirecting all the calls to index.php and load pages there. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [PT,L] </IfModule> this code is for redirecting to public html <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^$ public_html/ [L] RewriteRule (.*) public_html/$1 [L] </IfModule> oh i alomost forgot i don't know if i have url rewriting on it i'm beginner to htaccess files....
  4. here you go my entire javascript $(function() { $('.text1').load("public_html/themes/en/content/home.php"); $('#header li a').click(function() { var url_to_load; var custom_handler = function(){}; var toLoad = $(this).attr("href"); switch(toLoad) { case "#home" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/home.php";break; case "#products" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/pro.php";break; case "#buy" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/buy.php";break; case "#waste" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/waste.php";break; case "#credentials" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/credentials.php";break; case "#gallery" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/gallery.php"; custom_handler = function(){$('.photo a').lightBox();}; break; case "#howto" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/howto.php";break; case "#quality" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/quality.php";break; case "#contact" : url_to_load = "public_html/themes/en/content/contact.php"; custom_handler = function() { $("#contact").live('submit', function() { // we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below var nume = $('#nume').attr('value'); var telefon = $('#telefon').attr('value'); var email = $('#email').attr('value'); var mesaj = $('#mesaj').attr('value'); console.log("$.ajax"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "public_html/themes/en/content/contact.php", data: "nume="+ nume +" & telefon="+ telefon +" & email="+ email +" & mesaj="+ mesaj, success: function(){ $('form#contact').hide(); $('div.success').fadeIn(); } // end of success function }); // end of ajax return false; }); // end of submit function }; // end of custom handler function break; } // end of switch $(".text1").hide(); $("#content").slideDown(400); $(".text1").load(url_to_load,custom_handler); $(".text1").fadeIn(2000); }); });
  5. Hello i've build a contact form and ajaxed a little bit without ajax(using it to submit data) works perfect but now since i've implemented ajax in it it says that the email address isn't correct can someone take a look over the php code on the line <php if (!eregi("^[a-z0-9\._-]+@+[a-z0-9\._-]+\.+[a-z]{2,4}$", $email)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Adresa de e-mail este incorecta.'; } ?> and tell me if the regex is correct? after submit the data using ajax it keeps echo the error Adresa de e-mail este incorecta in translation the e-mail is not valid. entire code: <?php // se creaza o functie care afi&#351;eaza formularul function afisare_formular($stare=1) { /* daca valoarea variabilei $stare este 1 atunci se afiseaza formularul normal si se seteaza valorile din formular la 0 */ if ($stare == 1) { $nume = ''; $email = ''; $telefon = ''; $mesaj = ''; } /* daca valoarea variabilei $stare este diferita de 1 atunci se preiau mai intai datele trimise anterior prin POST din formular si se afiseaza formularul din nou dar cu valorile primite. */ else { $nume = $_POST['nume']; $email = $_POST['email']; $telefon = $_POST['telefon']; $mesaj = $_POST['mesaj']; } // se genereaza variabila cu tabelul care contine formularul $formular = ' <div class="contact_form"> <fieldset> <form name="contact" id="contact" method="post" action=""> <label for"Nume">Name:</label><br /> <input name="nume" type="text" id="nume" value="'.$nume.'" maxlength="50"><br /> <label for="Email">E-mail:</label><br /> <input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="'.$email.'" maxlength="50"><br /> <label for="Phone">Phone:</label><br /> <input name="telefon" type="text" id="telefon" value="'.$telefon.'" maxlength="15"><br /> <label for="Message">Message:</label><br /> <textarea name="mesaj" cols="35" rows="3" wrap="virtual" id="mesaj">'.$mesaj.'</textarea><br /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Trimite"><br /> </form> '. $nume . $email . $telefon . $mesaj .' <div class="success" style="display:none;">Client has been added.</div> </fieldset> </div>'; // se returneaza codul html pentru formularul care trebuie afisat return $formular; } /* daca a fost incarcata prima data aceasta pagina de catre vizitator se afiseaza formularul normal */ if (!isset($_POST['nume'])) { echo afisare_formular(1); } /* daca a fost deja apasat butonul te trimitere din formular se preiau datele trimise si se verifica daca sunt corecte */ else { // se preiau datele trimise $nume = $_POST['nume']; $email = $_POST['email']; $telefon = $_POST['telefon']; $mesaj = $_POST['mesaj']; // se verifica daca sunt corecte $verificare = 0; if (empty($nume)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost specificat Numele si prenumele.'; } if (strlen($nume) < 3) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Numele trebuie sa contina minim 3 caractere.'; } elseif (!eregi('[a-zA-Z ]{3}', $nume)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Numele trebuie sa contina minim 3 caractere.'; } if (empty($email)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost introdusa adresa de e-mail'; } if (!eregi("^[a-z0-9\._-]+@+[a-z0-9\._-]+\.+[a-z]{2,4}$", $email)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Adresa de e-mail este incorecta.'; } if (empty($telefon)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost specificat un numar de telefon. Scrieti (-) daca nu aveti telefon.'; } if (empty($mesaj)) { $verificare = 1; echo '<br>Nu a fost specificat mesajul pe care doriti sa il trimiteti.'; } /* daca in urma verificarilor de mai sus a aparut o eroare atunci variabila de verificare ar trebui sa aiba valoarea 1 si in acest caz se afiseaza din nou formularul cu campurile deja completate pentru corectare */ if ($verificare == 1) { echo afisare_formular(0); } /* daca in urma verificarilor de mai sus totul este ok se trimite mesajul pe e-mail */ else { // se stabilesc variabilele care se vor trimite prin mail $subiect = 'Mesaj de la '.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // aici scrieti adresa de e-mail unde doriti sa primiti mesajele $adresa = 'digitals.future@yahoo.com'; $continut = '<br>Nume si prenume: '.$nume.' <br>Adresa de e-mail: '.$email.' <br>Telefon: '.$telefon.' <br>Mesaj:<br><br>'.$mesaj.' <br>Mesajul a fost trimis la data de '.date('d-m-Y H:i', time()); $headere = "From: $nume <$email>\r\n". "Reply-To: $email\r\n". "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-2\r\n"; "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();; // aici se incearca trimiterea mesajului pe mail if (@mail($adresa, $subiect, $continut, $headere)) { echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV = "Refresh" Content = "10; URL =index.php"> Mesajul a fost trimis cu succes. Asteptati pentru redirectare.'; } else { echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV = "Refresh" Content = "10; URL ='.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'"> A aparut o eroare la serverul de mail, va rugam sa incercati din nou.<br> Asteptati pentru redirectare.'; } } } ?>
  6. fantomel

    flv videos

    Yes, someone knows how to embed an FLV flash into a website. Have you tried Google? ok i will keep search... i've searched until now .. but couldn't find anything.. that would help me.
  7. fantomel

    flv videos

    Hello does anyone know's how to embed flv files on a website?
  8. Notice: Undefined index: rows in C:\x\xampp\htdocs\test\upload.php on line 4 and for do_upload.php Notice: Undefined index: Rows in C:\x\xampp\htdocs\test\do_upload.php on line 5 Notice: Undefined index: pic1 in C:\x\xampp\htdocs\test\do_upload.php on line 16
  9. sorry i`m just in hurry and i`m mad cuz it's not working forgot to tell what and how.. yes single // multiple upload // thumbail generation doesn't work and i get zip no error i don't know why ~X(
  10. Hello i`ve build a small upload form with a thumbnail script in it but doesn't work and i don't know why can someone check it out please? upload.php <?php session_start(); if (!$_SESSION['rows']) $_SESSION['rows']=1; ?> <form action="do_upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form" id="form"> <table width="800" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#999999"> <?php for ($i=1; $i<=$_SESSION['rows']; $i++) { ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#D6D6D6">Poza <?=$i;?>:</td> <td bgcolor="#D6D6D6"><input name="pic<?=$i;?>" type="file" id="pic<?=$i;?>" /></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td width="150" bgcolor="#D6D6D6"><input name="Rows" type="submit" class="buton" id="Rows" value="+" /> <input name="Rows" type="submit" class="buton" id="Rows" value="-" /></td> <td width="650" bgcolor="#D6D6D6"><input name="Upload" type="submit" class="buton" id="Upload" value="Upload" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> do_upload.php <?php session_start(); if ($_POST['Rows']) { if ($_POST['Rows']=="+") $_SESSION['rows']++; if ($_POST['Rows']=="-") $_SESSION['rows']--; header("Location: upload.php"); exit; } if ($_POST['Upload']=="Upload") { for ($z=1; $z<=$_SESSION['rows']; $z++) { $curent="pic$z"; if ($_FILES[$curent]['name']!="") { $new_name="image_".md5(date("U")); $new_name_small="$new_name"."_thumbs.jpg"; $thumb_size=250; list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($_FILES[$curent]['tmp_name']); $type = image_type_to_extension($type); $img_file = "$new_name".".jpg"; $upload_file = $img_file.basename($_FILES[$curent]['$new_name']); move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$curent]['tmp_name'], $upload_file); $img_ratio=$width/$height; if ($img_ratio>1){ $new_width = ($thumb_size<$width)?$thumb_size:$width; $new_height =$new_width/$img_ratio; }else{ $new_height = ($thumb_size<$width)?$thumb_size:$height; $new_width = $new_height*$img_ratio; } if ($type==".jpeg") $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($upload_file); if ($type==".png") $source = imagecreatefrompng($upload_file); if ($type==".gif") $source = imagecreatefromgif($upload_file); $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($thumb, "$new_name_small" , 100); $poze.="$new_name, "; } sleep(1); } } ?>
  11. Hello i`m coding a small header that i want to be 100% width but i`ve made it on 960px and i can't manage putin all the three part togther in a wrapper can someone please help? <body> <div id="header"> <div id="left"></div> <div id="center"></div> <div id="right"</div> </div> and css body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #header { } #header #left { background-image: url(../images/index_02.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 108px; width: 308px; } #header #center { background-image: url(../images/index_03.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 150px; width: 290px; float: left; } #header #right { background-image: url(../images/index_02.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 108px; width: 308px; float: right; }
  12. yes i've googled and found out that it is not very supported too bad:( because.. it is very useful. wasn't sure... and needed the advice of someone who know's more thank you.
  13. Hello recently i've read on a blog about a layout coding technique using diplay as table.. it's been a long time since i've coded in css but should i use that technique or stay on the older coding style ?
  14. hmm ur a better google seacher then i me i was writing dilenia upc font not dileniaupc font thank you very much for you help i apreciate
  15. Hello i`m searching for Dilenia UPC font if anyone has it can you share please ? i really need it thank you very much.
  16. ok thank you very much i will have a look on both tutorials.
  17. i`m back i have made the changes in the code where i needed but i need some experts who used before preg_match since it's my first time.. and i would to know if it's correct. <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (empty($_POST['username'])) { $errors[] = 'Empty Username.'; } if (strlen($_POST['username']) < 4) { $errors[] = 'Username too short.'; } if (strlen($_POST['username']) > 10) { $errors[] = 'Username too long.'; } if (!preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$', $_POST['username'])) { $errors[] = 'Username Contains Invalid Characters.'; } if (empty($_POST['password'])) { $errors[] = 'Empty Password'; } if (strlen($_POST['password']) < 6) { $errors[] = 'Password too short'; } if (!preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$', $_POST['username'])) { $errors[] = 'Password Contains Invalid Characters.'; } if (empty($_POST['name']) || !preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$', $_POST['name'])) { $errors[] = 'Name is empty or incorect.'; } if (empty($_POST['surname']) || !preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$', $_POST['surname'])) { $errors[] = 'Surname is empty or incorect.'; } if (empty($_POST['address']) || !preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$', $_POST['address'])) { $errors[] = 'Adress is empty or incorect.'; } if (empty($_POST['email']) || !preg_match('^[a-z0-9\._-]+@+[a-z0-9\._-]+\.+[a-z]{2,4}$', $_POST['email'])) { $errors[] = 'E-mail is empty or incorect.'; } if (empty($_POST['zipcode']) || !preg_match('^[0-9]*$', $_POST['zipcode'])) { $errors[] = 'Zip Code is empty or incorect.'; } if (empty($_POST['phone']) || !preg_match('^[0-9]*$', $_POST['phone'])) { $errors[] = 'Phone is empty or incorect.'; } $username = $_POST['username']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_users` WHERE `username_users` = '$username' "; $result = mysql_query($sql); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $errors[] = 'Username Exists.'; } if(count($errors) < 1) echo "Processing..."; } ?> <form id="loginform" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <fieldset> <legend> Register </legend> <p> <?php if (isset($errors)) { if (count($errors)) { $error_string = implode('</li><li>', $errors); echo $error_string = " <div class='form_errors'> The following errors were encountered while processing your request: <ul><li>{$error_string}</li></ul> </div>"; } } ?> </p> <label for="username"> <input name="username" tabindex="1" id="username" type="text" value="">Username: </label> <label for="password"> <input name="password" tabindex="2" id="password" type="password" value="">Password: </label> <label for="Name"> <input name="name" tabindex="3" id="name" type="text" value="">Name: </label> <label for="Surname"> <input name="surname" tabindex="4" id="surname" type="text" value="">Surname: </label> <label for="address"> <input name="address" tabindex="5" id="address" type="text" value="">Address: </label> <label for="email"> <input name="email" tabindex="6" id="email" type="text" value="">Email: </label> <label for="phone"> <input name="phone" tabindex="7" id="phone" type="text" value="">Phone: </label> <label for="zipcode"> <input name="zipcode" tabindex="8" id="zipcode" type="text" value="">Zip Code: </label> <label for="city"> <input name="city" tabindex="9" id="city" type="text" value="">City: </label> <label for="submit"> <input name="submit" id="submit" tabindex="4" value="Log in" type="submit"> </label> </fieldset> </form>
  18. hello since php 5.3 eregi is deprecated can you please advice me what function should i use instead and give an example ? thank you very much
  19. reinventing the wheel it's not one of my dreams i prefer it my way but if it's required probably sometime i will do it
  20. thank you very much for you help it gave me an illumination one night with out sleep it's just killing me.. this should be the second night..
  21. hello i'm having some troubles with a form can someone help me ? i want to output some errors in a certain place. but i can't manage do it:( <?php function show_register() { $error_string = ''; echo '<form id="loginform" method="post" action=""> <fieldset> <legend> Register </legend> <p> '. $error_string.' </p> <label for="username"> <input name="username" tabindex="1" id="username" type="text">Username: </label> <label for="password"> <input name="password" tabindex="2" id="password" type="password">Password: </label> <label for="Name"> <input name="name" tabindex="3" id="name" type="text">Name: </label> <label for="Surname"> <input name="surname" tabindex="4" id="surname" type="text">Surname: </label> <label for="address"> <input name="address" tabindex="5" id="address" type="text">Address: </label> <label for="email"> <input name="email" tabindex="6" id="email" type="text">Email: </label> <label for="phone"> <input name="phone" tabindex="7" id="phone" type="text">Phone: </label> <label for="zipcode"> <input name="zipcode" tabindex="8" id="zipcode" type="text">Zip Code: </label> <label for="city"> <input name="city" tabindex="9" id="city" type="text">City: </label> <label for="submit"> <input name="submit" id="submit" tabindex="4" value="Log in" type="submit"> </label> </fieldset> </form>'; } if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = array(); $valid = 0; if(empty($_POST['username'])) { $valid = 1; $errors['username'] = "Empty Username Field"; } if(count($errors) > 0) { global $error_string; $error_string = implode('</li><li>', $errors); $error_string = " <div class='form_errors'> The following errors were encountered while processing your request: <ul><li>{$error_string}</li></ul> </div> "; show_register($errors); } else { processform(); } } else { show_register(); } function processform() { echo "Registered"; } ?> ok where i have if(count($errors) > 0 .. i would like that output to be inside the form after validation but i`m a little tired and i'm escaping something in the logical part. i would require some assistance.
  22. same question i asked my self why would someone want's a clone of that website i don't like it at all.
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