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Posts posted by Pavlos1316

  1. hi, which is better to use for my internal linked pages:








    If someone makes a search for subject1 will both appear or...?

  2. I have the below code to open contents in a div or modal window and at the same time showing the url that matches the specified page which works as expected, no problems rising:

    ///////LINK in a Div////////
     $('#all').delegate('a.img-lnk, a.txt-lnk', 'click', function(){
      var page = $(this).attr('id');
      var pageurl = $(this).attr('data-seo');
      $('#main').load("../"+ page + ".php");
    ///////LINK in a Modal Window////////
     $('#all').delegate('a.pop-lnk', 'click', function(){
      var poppage = $(this).attr('id');
      var popurl = $(this).attr('data-seo');
      $('#popup').load("../char-inf/"+ poppage + ".php");
      window.history.pushState('','',"/char-inf/"+ popurl);
     $('body').delegate('.hide-it', 'click', function(){


    If I give you a url of a link in my page e.g. www.example.com/test1 and paste it in your browser the test1 page will open normally,


    BUT after that if you navigate to page test2 then the new url becomes www.example.com/test1/test2.


    Is there a way to turn the url at its normal state which would be www.example.com/test2?


  3. what i expect is that it will still be suported for a while simply because a lot of existing webpages will not change in years.


    But if you want to use a better method then you should use the data- tag:


    <a id="me" data-id="him" data-name="you">


    The id tag is NOT deprecated in html5.

    Thank you very much... I wasn't aware for the data- tag and seems very helpful.

  4. In HTML5 some attributes are no longer supported eg: name attr for <a> is no longer supported.


    What happens when in a tag like <a> exists a non supported attr?

    <a id="me" name="you">

    Will it just be ignored like is not there or it can cause problems later on and how?

  5. Is there a way to change the url in the code below using window.history.pushState dynamically to match the "page" variable?


    $('#all').delegate('a.pop-lnk', 'click', function(){
    var page = $(this).attr('id');
    $('#popup').load("../folder/"+ page + ".php");


  6. I have couple jquery codes in a single file:

     $('#all').delegate('a.link', 'click', function(){
       //more code here
     $('body').delegate('.nice', 'click', function(){
      //more code here

    This works great but is it better to close each function using ; symbol? Even if I do or not the code works ok, BUT whats the correct way?


  7. Sure. Javascript is a programming language. It can do things like add two strings together.

    $('#popup').load("../help-file/"+ page + ".php"); // I'm guessing at the path

    I am stupid :( I was trying your answer the last hour... Forgot to add the full path ../help-file/ that's why it wasn't working :(

    Now that I saw it written by you I realized!!! Thank you by the way... I will mark it as best answer.

  8. Is page a proper URL? Can you actually skip loop.php, like are the things it does not terribly important? Then sure: don't use loop.php and .load() the page directly.

    loop.php does nothing important. just checking if page exists but that is carried out by the server.


    I have eg 2 links:

    <a id="test1" class="pop-lnk">
    <a id="test2" class="pop-lnk">

    By clicking the link I use my JQ code to open the information of test1.php in a modal window. But the loop.php takes the IDvalue from my <a> and adds the .php extension so JQ can load the file.

    Can JQ add the .php extension so I skip loop.php?

  9. I am using this to open contents into a modal window, but in the process I am passing it through loop.php to check if the page exists and then load. Is there a way to completely skip the loop.php file and load my clicked link?

    ///////LINK in a Modal Window//////// 
    $('#all').delegate('a.pop-lnk', 'click', function(){
    var page = $(this).attr('id');
    $('#gr-out').css({ opacity: 0.7, 'width':$(document).width(),'height':$(document).height()}).show();
    $('#popup').css({'display': 'block'});
    $('#popup').load("../help-file/loop.php?page="+ page);

    The id attr I am getting from this code is my page's name but I need to add the .php extension if is possible so I can load the page.

  10. I use this code to open the contents of my Menu Links inside my <div id="main"> so I do not need to reload the whole page each time:
    .delegate('a.difflink', 'click', function(){
     var page = $(this).attr('id');
     $('#content').load("page_scripts/loop_a.php?page="+ page);
    Problem created is that by using the above method my browser's address bar always shows www.myXample.com so I cannot create sitemap for SEO.
    And as I understood (not sure if I am correct) the way I made it work is like there are no new urls to show (since I am just changing div content).
    QUESTION: Is there a way to make my page work as it should e.g when I press "Downloads" --- address will show: www.myXample.com/downloads and still no need to reload the whole page?
    A solution would be to use this in my code:

    it changes the url to the desired BUT if I manually enter on my browser www.myXample.com/downloads I get just the contents of the div without any page formatting or menus, which is natural result.


    So is there a work around to achieve my goal or is it one of two: Reloading the whole page Vs No reloading and no URLs for SEO.

  11. This is my downloading script:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    // block any attempt to the filesystem
    if (isset($_GET['file']) && basename($_GET['file']) == $_GET['file']) {
    $filename = $_GET['file'];
    } else {
    $filename = NULL;
    $err = '<p>ERROR</p>';
    if (!$filename) {
    // if variable $filename is NULL or false display the message
    echo $err;
    } else {
    // define the path to your download folder plus assign the file name
    $path = '../downloads/'.$filename;
    // check that file exists and is readable
    if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) {
    // get the file size and send the http headers
    $size = filesize($path);
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream;');
    header('Content-Length: '.$size);
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
    header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    // open the file in binary read-only mode
    // display the error messages if the file can´t be opened
    $file = @ fopen($path, 'rb');
    if ($file) {
    // stream the file and exit the script when complete
    } else {
    echo $err;
    } else {
    echo $err;

    and this is how I call it:

    <a href="script/download.php?file=File_Name.doc" class="dload">03. File Name</a>

    If I have the name in English everything is ok. If I change it to greek, I get the ERROR msg!


    I need it in Greek. Any suggestions?

  12. Hello,


    I just assembly a form and for styling it I am using CSS in an external file. Problem is that IE8 and I don't know about 7  (in IE9 is ok) it doesn't show the styling inside the form... My structure is something like this:

    (in any other situation my css styling is displayed normally)

    <span class="myclass">

    Is there any fix for it?


    Thank you

  13. This is how I did it (trying):


    function validateEmail(){
    	//testing regular expression
    	var a = $("#email").val();
                      type: "GET",
                      url: "is_email.php",
                      data: "email="+a,
                      success: function(response){
                        //if it's valid email
    		return true;
                        //if it's NOT valid
    		emailInfo.text("Please type a valid E-mail");
    		return false;

    But I get this error in firebug: is_email is not defined.


    How can I correct this?


    Thank you

  14. What i meant with miss-spelled is say you have a field name like this

    Oh... You said form name at first and I was confused... My spelling I have checked it and it was ok...


    I am using the if(isset ($_POST['submit']))... I don't know.... If I wasn't submiting the form to the validation.php would I get my email send????

  15. What do you mean by "your form name is spelled wrong"? Where?


    or your not submitting the form Hm... I am calling the php script using require_once('validate.php') at the top where my form is. I have my

    <form action=''>

    because I am using JQ validation as well. I don't know/think the mistake is here.


    My email is being sent even if it's empty...

  16. Hello,


    I am trying to validate and insert some values into a db.


    Although I did this 3-4 times succesfully, I have a problem which I don't know where it came from.


    My validation code (partial):


    //connect to db
    $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);   //LINE 3
    function validateName($name){
    	//if it's NOT valid
    	if(strlen($name) < 3){
    		return false;
    	//if it's valid
    		return true;
    $query = "INSERT INTO s_table (ID, Name) VALUES ('Null', '$name')";
    mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    //Send email code

    But I get: Undefined index: name in.... on line 3. (This is a Notice and not an ERROR but I prefer to get rid of it instead of disabling the Notices and "hide" it.)


    What am I doing wrong  :confused:

  17. I am using this code for email validation:

    function validateEmail(){
    var a = $("#email").val();
    var filter = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+.[a-z]{2,4}$/;
       //if it's valid email
       //do something
      return true;
       //do something else

    Instead of using that filter I want use my email_validation.php file. How can I modify the code to do it  :confused:


    Thank you

  18. Hello,


    Below is a part of my validation function in jq...

    if(str.val().length = 0){
    //some code
    //more code

    In the first line I want to check if any of my fields is empty [e.g. f1 or f2 or f3 .val() empty)]

    and at the second line I want to remove the class from all of them again [e.g. f1 & f2 &f3 .removeClass]


    How to I write this in jq?


    Thank you

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