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  1. Good afternoon, I'm just getting started with mySQL and had been testing some imports and queries using a hosted mySQL db and I had been learning a lot. I just registered a domain and got a host and started using it. I created a db and tables and went to do my import but I'm getting: Error SQL query: LOAD DATA INFILE'/home2/woodchuc/tmp/phpoTUM64' INTOTABLE`transactions`FIELDSTERMINATEDBY',' ENCLOSEDBY'"' ESCAPEDBY'\\' LINESTERMINATEDBY'\r\n' IGNORE 6LINES ( `date` ,`description` ,`amount` ) MySQL said: #1045 - Access denied for user 'woodchuc'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Doesn't really make any sense to me because I logged into phpadmin via the admin panel for my host and am able to create db's and tables. It doesn't give me the option to choose a user so I assume that the user that is being logged in has rights as I'm able to create db's, tables, write to the table, etc. I can't import data though I hope I'm missing something basic, been scratching my head for a while now. Thanks
  2. Thanks, that's all I needed was the tr and td tags. I forgot that those were required for a table to function correctly.
  3. What color font are you seeing? I just checked on another pc and this one shows white text while the other shows black text and not table box
  4. http://www.sanderandmeena.com/php/notes/examples/complete/quotes.php
  5. I don't want to post my public domain here, but it's just the text, with a table underneath it. I want the text to be inside the box.
  6. Even this way, the output is still displayed above the table. <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css"> </head> <TABLE HEIGHT=75% WIDTH=75% BORDER="2" VALIGN="Middle" ALIGN="center"> <?php require( "config.php" ); $Quote = new CQuote; if( $Quote->Get( $strQuote ) == 0 ) echo $strQuote; ?> </table>
  7. My table is appearing below the php script output. How do I return the value if the script inside the table?
  8. Other than that typo it should work correctly right? I can't get it to.
  9. I'm using a simple script to display a quote on the screen. I added the table line to get the output to appear in the center, but its still at the top of the screen. How do I get it centered in the middle of the page vertically? <TABLE HEIGTH=75% WIDTH=75% BORDER="0" VALIGN="Middle" ALIGN="center"> <?php echo '<head>'; echo ' <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css">'; echo '</head>'; require( "config.php" ); $Quote = new CQuote; if( $Quote->Get( $strQuote ) == 0 ) echo $strQuote; ?> </table>
  10. Do you guys recommend putting the alignment in the styles.css or just in the php. All I'm doing is reading a random quote from a file and then displaying in on a page. I want the quote to be in the center vertically and horizontally. <TABLE HEIGTH=75% WIDTH=75% BORDER="0" VALIGN="Middle" ALIGN="center"> <?php echo '<head>'; echo ' <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css">'; echo '</head>'; require( "config.php" ); $Quote = new CQuote; if( $Quote->Get( $strQuote ) == 0 ) echo $strQuote; ?> </table>
  11. It was the slash in front of /styles.css like fantomel suggested. Thanks for everyones help. This is great stuff.
  12. Below is my styles.css file. I'm not seeing any errors, but my php file is not using it. body { background-color: #330000; } body, td, th { color: #FFCC99; } h1 { color: #FF6666; } h2 { color: #FF99CC; } h3, h4 { color: #CC9999; } h5, h6 { color: #FFCCCC; } a { color: #FF0033; } form { background-color: #990000; }
  13. <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles.css" type="text/css"> </head> <?php require( "config.php" ); $Quote = new CQuote; if( $Quote->Get( $strQuote ) == 0 ) echo $strQuote; ?> So if this doesn't work then the problem is in my styles.css right?
  14. I've done a few php scripts and db's but I have never incorporatated css. I'm trying to set some backgrounds and some font colors and wanted to make sure I am doing this correctly. Do I just put my style sheet reference within the php tags like I have listed below? <?php <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles.css" type="text/css"> require( "config.php" ); $Quote = new CQuote; if( $Quote->Get( $strQuote ) == 0 ) echo $strQuote; ?>
  15. OMG!!!! I've been fighting this for a week!! hahahah. Thanks for helping me get this fixed. Looks like
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