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Everything posted by nashsaint

  1. Hi, I am not sure if this is possible but ill ask it anyway. I searched the web and this forum for any solution but unfortunately i couldn't find a solution. What i want to accomplish is this. I am trying to read the file's tag, or whatever you call it. I managed to read the filename, size and other information that $_FILES function gives. But there is one thing i couldn't extract from the file tags, the "title". How can i do this? I have attached a picture to help explain what i meant. [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Hi, This is what I am trying to accomplish: [] Male [] Female Simple tick boxes populated from sql but i just don't know how to do it. I have the sql query and thinking of outputting it this way: <form> <label for="maleID">malefromsql</label> <input type="radio" name="sex" id="maleID" /> <br /> <label for="femaleID">femalefromsql</label> <input type="radio" name="sex" id="femaleID" /> </form> but i dont know how to pass the sql query result to a variable and finally output it . Any help is appreciated greatly. thanks.
  3. Hi, is there a way not to refresh a page after submitting a form? I've seen some js that can do this job but am wondering if there's a simple code to achieve this. thanks in advance.
  4. well, the effects work fine but when i actually sent the input to sql the timeout seems to speed up. instead of 2 seconds it's now only displays half a second. this is the code that does the sql update: help please. thanks.
  5. thanks for the idea. this is what i done so far. Function: and the HTML It works so far. ill have to add CSS yet.
  6. Hi, It's one of those twitter effects again, it's driving me mad for days. If you are using twitter then you noticed that everything you send a message, a div (i think it is) appears for 2 seconds on the very top of the page then disappears. I like this effect. Does anyone here know or have any idea how to do this? Cause I have a form and I'd like that effect to appear as soon as Submit button is pressed. Thanks in advance for any help.
  7. Thank you very much keith for the idea. This is what i done and it works great.
  8. hi, ive noticed the effects on the messages posted on twitter, when you hover the messages it displays another div, i think, with links on it: link to add as favorite or delete. does anyone knows how to add the link on hovering divs, or anything similar? thanks.
  9. hi keith, It works!!!! I am very greatful for this. thanks a lot keith..
  10. Hi Keith, sorry, It's working now. I just mistyped the field name when i echo it. I have one problem though. It doesn't show the ones with 100% result. The ones with 0 BadResult is not displayed in the output. Thanks again Keith. You've helped me alot already.
  11. Hi Keith, you're right. I changed the double with single quote and it works. However, the output is only showing one record. In my phpadmin I have about a hundred. Sorry for the trouble Keith, really don't know how to sort this out. Thanks.
  12. Keith, I tested it on phpadmin as well and it works fine but when i run the .php file i get this error: line 5 is the start of the query.
  13. thanks a lot Keith but I get a parse error?
  14. yes, .. yes. can you please show me a sample query? thanks.
  15. you're right. real problem is how to separate the "good" from "bad" and then divide the "good" from over all total. I tried this: but that mean only counting the ones with good result. am thinking: but i doubt it's going to work.
  16. Problem: calculate percentage in one sql query. Table: logs_tbl fields: fname = varchar lresult = varchar (either "good" or "bad" entries) I tried making query but my knowledge is not great so i failed. this is the formula i reckon is gonna be like but couldn't translate it into sql query: (lresult with "good" entries) / (all lresult entries) * 100 grouped by fname. I only want the percentage for "good" entries. any help is greatly appreciated. thanks.
  17. Hi, Purpose: to echo an image. filename is stored in sql (e.g., mypix.jpg), and actual images stored inside images/ folder. sql query: My echo so far: Result: didn't work. nothing is displayed. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  18. no, i mean a:selected. my a:active works fine as the link turns into italics when i click on it. but when the site is displayed after the click, the links goes back to a:link state instead of a:visited.
  19. Hi, I have a problem with my menu, it's only a simple text menu with simple text decorations. the link, hover and active works but the selected doesn't. When a link is clicked it only shows the "a" state. This menu is saved on header.php which is then called by pages using php include command. help is greatly appreciated. thanks.
  20. the index.php yes but the profile.whatever.php is not known. what is shown is the source page which is the index.php.
  21. This is very common on php sites but i dont know how to do it. Ive already searched for this but couldn't find the solution. Like this site for example it uses this link to access profile page without displaying the actual php filename. How should i do this? Say, i have an index.php and want to access contact.php without displaying the actual location on hover or address bar. help is much appreciated. thanks.
  22. thanks a lot for your help. it worked but i have another problem. sorry if i didn't mention it beforehand. This is how i'm hoping the result would look like: Firstname january february result --> Mark 121 234 result --> Anthony 4324 234 and if i group it by month it produced a different result. I tried grouping it in Firstname but now the count result counts everything from the database and doesn't separate by month.
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