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Everything posted by Lukeidiot

  1. Hmm, I cant seem to get it to work, its only returning blank.
  2. So you are saying it does switch, IF its called within the 5 minute period?
  3. That is the part I cant understand I cant seem to think when to add it as started
  4. I understand that mostly, but what happens when I check for date_started when its set to default, or 0? Once everything resets, it may break the comparisons.
  5. When and how often do I set the date_started? I cant seem to comprehend how to not overwrite it each time.
  6. Thank you Jon, I will update you on my progress.
  7. Hello fine people of phpfreaks, I am trying to devise a way to only use 1 proxy for 5 minutes, once 5 minutes has passed, I need to mark that proxy as used, until all available proxies are used, then it should reset all and start over. It should work like this: -> proxy1 selected, use for 5 minutes, then go to next proxy... -> proxy2 selected, use for 5 minutes, then go to next proxy... -> proxy3 selected, use for 5 minutes, then go to next proxy... -> //end of proxies -> all proxies used, reset all, and reuse. Here is my table called "proxies" Any suggestions?
  8. What's the best way to add those options to this: I ask because when I assign the options, its also in array (making $options[CURLOPT_PROXY] = $this->getProxy(); throw an error because of the parenthesis)
  9. Hello fine people, I have a question today. Here is my code: My question is: How do I pass this function(image below) into my static variable? I tried CURLOPT_PROXY => self::getProxy(), But this didn't work. Any ideas?
  10. I am using lighttpd which does not support mod_rewrite, nor .htaccess. That is why I have to apply the regex directly to my server config file (lighttpd.conf).
  11. Well that is half the problem -- I'm not very good with regex. My main goal is to rewrite example.com/index.php?go=test to example.com/test/, then rewrite example.com/view/index.php?i=100 to example.com/view/1
  12. /html/sc5 is the server directory (the main site is in /html/sc5 and the view is in /html/sc5/view) Your method DOES work, the only problem is that the first regex (or second, order doesnt matter it seems with lighttpd) overrides your regex.
  13. I changed that but I dont think that is my problem. Its that everything in /sc5/ folder is being included into index.php, even the dirs (sc5/view/)
  14. Good idea, but I just tried this way and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
  15. Hello, I seem to having an issue figuring out the right mix of regex here. ---------------------------------------------first-------------------------------------------------------second----------------------------------------------- url.rewrite-once = ( "^/sc5/([^.?]*)$" => "/sc5/index.php?go=$1", "^/sc5/view/(.*)" => "/sc5/view/index.php?i=$1" ) The first mod_rewrite makes my url clean by changing example.com/?go=test to example.com/test The second mod_rewrite (IS SUPPOSED) to make the same thing happen, but in another directory. So my question is: How do I rewrite the first regex to ignore folders or slashes? As I believe this is the root of the problem.
  16. Oh wow, very nice. I was over thinking the situation with a regex implementation. Cheers.
  17. Hello, I am using lighttpd as my webserver and all ".htaccess" has to be written in the lighttpd.conf Basically I am using regex to clean my URLs. "^/sc5/([^.?]*)$" => "/sc5/index.php?go=$1" The above includes any file into the main index layout. so, example.com/test <- (cleaned) would include test.php into index.php as index.php?go=test <- (uncleaned). My problem is that on my index.php page I redirect anyone without an active SESSION to login.php, but my regex is automatically including it into index.php, and it has a redirect loop. So my question is: How do I exclude (in regex) anything that matches example.com/login.php Thanks in advance!
  18. Hello people of PHPFreaks. I am trying to calculate win percents that are 1% in my favor (house edge). Here are the variables: Game Type (1 = over, 0 = under) Game Number:(49.50) (game type 1 to win if your roll is OVER 49.50 :::::: game type 0 to win if your roll is UNDER 50.50) Multiplier: Any number between 1 and 9900 Preview of panel: (www.dice.sx for live example) What I am trying to calculate is the chance with a 1% house edge. How do I go by this? Here is what I have so far (which doesnt really work) <?php $type = 1; $game_int = 50; $roll = 70; $bet = 100; //Get payout if($type == 1){ $chance = (100 - $game_int); $multiplier = round((100 / $chance), 5); if($roll > $game_int){ $result = 1; $payout = round($bet * $multiplier, 5); echo "Type: $type - Payout: $payout - Chance: $chance - Multiplier: $multiplier - Game: $game_int - Bet: $bet"; } else { $result = 0; $payout = round($bet, 5); echo "Lose: $bet"; } } else { $chance = $game_int; $multiplier = (100 / $chance); if($roll < $game_int){ $result = 1; $payout = round($bet * $multiplier, 5); echo "Type: $type - Payout: $payout - Chance: $chance - Multiplier: $multipler - Game: $game_int - Bet: $bet"; } else { $result = 0; $payout = round($bet, 5); echo "Lose: $bet"; } } ?>
  19. Hello guys! What I am trying to do is make a random keypad where every time you load the page, a random keypad (1,3,2,4) (page reload) (2,1,4,3) (page reload) (1,2,3,4). It needs to randomly and uniquely generate a pin, only using 1 one number each time. BAD: (3,3,2,1) GOOD: (3,2,1,4) Any idea how to do this?
  20. Yep. It's official. I'm an idiot. replace $new with $html, and boom it works.
  21. I am drawing a blank or either thinking too hard here. I am trying to replace each item. I have the pastebin_id that matches in mysql database. (Mysql part is all correct, is the replace script that doesnt completely work.) It seems to be only showing one item replaced. pages/1.txt: <ul id="filters"> <li><a href="/tumblr-themes">Themes</a> /</li> <li><a href="/one-column-tumblr-themes">One Column</a> /</li> <li><a href="/two-columns-tumblr-themes">Two Columns</a> /</li> <li><a href="/three-columns-tumblr-themes">Three Columns</a> /</li> <li><a href="/four-columns-tumblr-themes">Four Columns</a> /</li> <li class="last"><a href="/theme-help">Theme Help</a></li> </ul> <ul class="clearfix isotope" id="portfolio-items"> <li class="one isotope-item"><a href="http://tit-133.tumblr.com" target="_blank"> <img alt="" height="187" src="http://static.tumblr.com/uiqhh9x/EyWm90u45/tit-133.png" width="280" /></a> <span class="title"> <a href="http://pastebin.com/HCaMRShp" target="_blank">click here for theme code</a> </span></li> <li class="one isotope-item"><a href="http://tit-132.tumblr.com" target="_blank"> <img alt="" height="187" src="http://static.tumblr.com/uiqhh9x/oUcm90u1t/tit-132.png" width="280" /></a> <span 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  22. Yeah I guess people uploaded some questionable files. (which have since been removed.)
  23. It seems to be working on iPhone Chrome, and Safari. As well as Andriod.
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