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  1. Right. This might be hard to explain. But I'd like to set an image as a background of a TD and I want it to repeat itself but I want it to start in a specific spot background-attachment: fixed; background-position: 74px 5px; background-repeat:no-repeat; will work... but it won't repeat itself. but if I remove background-repeat:no-repeat. It just shows it everywhere. I'd like it to repeat itself in a certain region. is this possible? cheers guys (y)
  2. Ahh don't worry. I've settled with @file_get_contents($file) Hides the errors and works ty anyway!
  3. Oh wait...It doesn't work haha. It always returns false. Even if the file does exist. No error. Just always returns false.
  4. OH. file_exists does work. I must have done something different :S Cheers man
  5. Yeah I've tried that - but it doesn't work on external files Well it doesn't on my server anyway. Running PHP version: 5.2.6
  6. Hey. How can you check an external file exists? I'm trying if(file_get_contents("http://myfile.com/test.ini")) { // do my code if the file exists } right. But I just get Warning: file_get_contents(http://myfile.com/test.ini) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in... etc. Any suggestions? I want it to return true if the file exists; but if it doesn't exist - I don't want it to return that error - or any error lol. Cheers guys (y)
  7. I don't know; how can I tell? It's permissions are 755 but I still recieved the same error when I chmod'ed it to 777
  8. Hey. I need help looping an external directory. I have a folder on one site http://www.blabladoesntreallymatter.com/folder and I'd like to open it, and loop all the files in it on another site but when I do this I get the error "failed to open dir: not implemented in..." <?php $dh = opendir("http://www.blabladoesntreallymatter.com/folder/"); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { echo $file; } ?>
  9. I know what the problem is!! Right. It was getting this error because there were NO values submitted. Ones which were like this... <input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="13" checked disabled>Icon manager Did not submit any value but normal ones withOUT checked or disabled and were ticked, did submit - therefore fixing the error. It's the disabled that interferes. If it is set as disabled it sends nothing. Solved
  10. <?php if(!$_POST[installation]) { echo " <div style=\"display: none;\" id=\"products\"> <div style=\"overflow: auto; height: 150;\";> <form method=\"post\"> <table>"; $get_produc = mysql_query("SELECT * from `products`"); while($product = mysql_fetch_array($get_produc)) { echo " <tr> <td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"check[]\" value=\"" . $product['id'] . "\""; if($product['rec']=="yes") { echo " checked disabled"; } echo ">" . $product['name'] . "</td> </tr>"; } echo " </table> </div> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"installation\" class=\"sub\" value=\"Install\"> </form> </div>"; }else{ echo "<div id=\"install\"><center><img src=\"/delta/modules/ajax-loader.gif\"><br> <b>Installing...</b> (May take a few minutes)</center></div> <body onload=\"HideContent('install');\">"; print_r($_POST['check']); $product = implode("/", $_POST['check']); // rest of code etc... ?> But it can't be that it isn't submitting. As if I add another input field, that posts perfectly fine. And the form does submit. It just errors on the checkboxes :S
  11. Nope. Nothing comes out when I do that.
  12. yeah when you do name="bla[]" it counts as an array. i've done it before.
  13. the error is: Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/deltamax/public_html/delta/updater.php on line 100 and yeah I have now but still getting the error.
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