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  1. sorry about that. this function worked perfectly. thank you so much!
  2. I need to point a variable to a class using the scope resolution operator. I use the following to point a var to a class using the method operator: $className = 'Users'; $className->getAll(); This works but when I try: $className = 'Users'; $className::getAll(); ...I get the Hebrew error "unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM" which means "unexpected double colon" Does anyone know how to do this and/or if this is possible? Thanks! Best, Christopher Tate www.figmented.com
  3. Crazy... I've made this change. Can you check it again for me? Also, did you get this info from some app?
  4. hello! i've finished a site for my photographer friend and was wondering if i could get some beta testers to try breaking something: (tested in ie6+, firefox 2+, safari 2+, and opera 9+) i believe i worked out any timing issues and ensured that no javascript errors pop up. a lot of the pages are blank, because i'm waiting for the photographer to update them (i'll also be posting the CMS web app i've built very soon). thanks for your help!!
  5. Ok, the host tried everything they can, but their speeds are not getting any better. I want to try hosting some sites off a local PC. Can everyone go to the updated speed test that includes "MY HOST"? Mine came out to 108kB per second which beats 31/11kB from the other hosts (but my browser also didn't have to jump through many hoops to loop back). Thank you guys so much!
  6. I got really worried when you brought this up, because I didn't check even think to check. However, I have verified that both Firefox and IE will NOT cache images between servers. That's a good idea, but I'm just using these icons along with some HTML/CSS art for a web app. I'm not shooting for the most accurate results; I just need to know which server can request/respond quicker (it's an AJAX app). If anyone wants the code, though, I may make it available with small, medium, and large images. My VSP only has 128 kB of RAM. Does anyone know if this would greatly affect network speeds? My PHP code executes fine, but I'm guessing that having 50 socket connections established one-after-the-other might slow things down. If not, maybe I should consider switching hosts like you said, but I just had a breakdown this week after migrating to the new one!
  7. Are you User 7 on this list (or **.**.**.66)? http://figmented.com/traffictest/results/ If so, it shows the NEW HOST @ 8kB per sec and the OLD HOST @ 18kB per sec which means that the labeling is correct (OLD HOST has been faster most of the time). If you're talking about something else or I'm just reading this wrong, please let me know. I tried to pay close attention to labeling, but I was also in a hurry. I just wanna make sure, because I don't wanna confuse anyone. Thank you so much!
  8. I just got VPS hosting, and it's slower than my old shared hosting provider. I've made a speed tester, but I need speed testers! Please click here (it's simple): http://figmented.com/traffictest/ It's not a real app, but it'll help me troubleshoot slow speeds on my new server. It's either the 128kB RAM or it's network-related. If I get enough requests, I'll post the code. Thanks!!!
  9. I've attached my changes for index.php and function.js. You'll notice the changes as they are commented with "START_CHANGES" and "END_CHANGES". I couldn't get the MAP element's content to display on the screen (I've never used MAP elements), so I created a DIV element with an "onClick" attribute (just for testing). index.php snippet <div onClick="createlogin(event)" style="background-color: #CCCCCC; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width: 100px">test</div> The result should be that any click within that DIV should position the Login form where the cursor is. That means, the only real change you need to make is in FUNCTION.JS. Just replace everything before the "//location" comment with the following: function.js snippet // get event and object var e = e || event; var o = document.getElementById('login'); // get cursor position var oX = e.pageX || e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft; var oY = e.pageY || e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop; // set style o.style.visibility = 'visible'; o.style.height = '150px'; o.style.width = '250px'; o.style.left = oX; o.style.top = oY; Works in IE7 and Firefox. [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. If you can ZIP these files up and attach it, I think I may be able to help you out. I'm using a virtual box, so it's difficult to get everything from the page to my server.
  11. Use the "innerHTML" property for DIV, SPAN, and similar layout elements. Use the "value" property for INPUT, TEXTAREA, and similar form elements. Use events to specify when AJAX should be requested. The event verbiage "onClick", "onLoad", and "onMouseOver" is very easy to understand. I've created a simple Base64 encoder and attached it to this post. You can see that when a user enters a string and clicks the "encode" button, the encoded string is displayed. I used the "onClick" attribute to make this work. [attachment deleted by admin]
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