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  1. Hi, I currently have a string that is well over 100 characters long, and I'm using preg_split to split the array at a whitespace, so that words are not cut in the middle. However, my problem is, that the preg_split is only splitting the first 100 characters, and not any subsequent 100 characters after that. For example: <?php $myString = "This is 350 characters long, let's say"; $split = preg_split('/^(.{0,100})\s/', $myString, 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); //Notice, I want to split every 100 characters. $array_shift($split); print_r($split); // This outputs something like: Array ( [0] => First 100 characters [1] => All other characters, no matter the length of the string.) I am looking for it split in 100 character increments. Any ideas on how I might fix my preg_replace? Thanks!
  2. Hello all, I currently have 3 tables, which I'm using for people to make reservations for certain pieces of equipment. Here are my tables: tblEquipment: id name description 1 Camera Takes pictures 2 Projector Projects pictures 3 Laptop Portable Computer tblEvents: id start end first_name last_name email 1 2009-08-10 2009-08-11 John Doe jd@email.com 2 2009-08-15 2009-08-16 Jane Doe jd@email.com tblEventData: id eventID equipmentID 1 1 1 2 1 2 Right now, a user will submit a query with their requested times, then they will see all available equipment. So, using the exampe above, if a user is looking for equipment between 8/10-8/11, he will see that the only equipment that is available is: equipmentID 3 (Laptop). How can I create my query to return only the available equipment based on the requested times? This is what I've come up with so far, but can't get it to work: SELECT tblequipment.id as name, tblEvents.start as start, tblEvents.end as end FROM tblEquipment INNER JOIN tblEventData on tblEventData.equipmentID = tblEquipment.id INNER JOIN tblEvents on tbleventdata.eventID = tblEvents.id WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tblEvents WHERE $end >= start AND $start <= end) Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. Hi, I'm wondering if there's something similar to array_unique, but for strings? For example, I have a string: $ids = "23,24,25,24,24,24"; Is there anyway to strip the string down so that it keeps the unique numbers separated by the commas? Thus, I would retrieve from the $ids above: 23,24,25. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the reply lonewolf. So, I think that was close, but it now displays something like this: John Smith, John Smith, John Doe, Jane Doe Note: The <and> does not seem to appear and John Smith shows up twice.
  5. Hello, I currently have a SELECT statement (note, this is a simplified version): SELECT group_concat(DISTINCT receiver.usrFirst, ' ', receiver.usrLast) as receiver_name, COUNT(DISTINCT receiver.usrFirst) as receiver_count //etc.... That outputs the following: <?php echo $row['receiver_name']; //Which outputs: John Smith,John Doe,Jane Doe echo $row['receiver_count']; //Which outputs: 3 I'd like to see if I can get some help writing the PHP to display it like: John Smith, John Doe, and Jane Doe 1) Notice the <space> after the comma 2) Notice the <and> before the last person. Any direction on this one would be very helpful.
  6. Hi Keith: That seemed to do the trick. I was trying to place the COUNT is the first 'group_concat(DISTINCT receiver.usrFirst). Also, not sure what I was thinking with the 'is_read' portion--probably just put it in there during the dark hours of the night. Thanks again, you've helped me learn tremendously!
  7. Hey Keith: Thanks for the reply. After some finagling, I came up with the following query: SELECT pm_info.is_read, group_concat(DISTINCT receiver.usrFirst) as receiver_name, pm_data.date_sent, pm_data.title, pm_data.thread_id, pm_data.id as data_id, MAX(date_sent) AS thread_max_date_sent FROM pm_info INNER JOIN pm_data ON pm_info.message_id = pm_data.id INNER JOIN tblUsers AS receiver ON pm_info.receiver_id = receiver.usrID WHERE pm_data.sender_id = '$usrID' GROUP BY pm_data.thread_id ORDER BY thread_max_date_sent DESC This works properly in that it groups the threads, and it actually works great. There's only one thing that I'd like to see if I can get some help on. It currently displays a row as this: To: Joe, Steve, Ed, Bob Subject: Whatever However, if a thread has 30 recipients, I don't want it to display every single name. Instead, I'd like to add a COUNT somewhere (not sure where?) in the SELECT statement that counts the recipients. This way, I could implement in my PHP that say: <?php if ($row['count_recipients'] > 3) { echo "To: ".$row['count_recipients']." people."; } //Which would output: To 4 people Any idea on how to add a COUNT to my current statement to get that data? Thanks!
  8. Hi Keith, I think you got it on this one! I made a slight correction to your query: SELECT pm_info.is_read, sender.usrFirst as sender_name, pm_data.date_sent, pm_data.title, pm_data.thread_id, pm_data.id as dataid, thread_max_date_sent FROM pm_info INNER JOIN pm_data ON pm_info.message_id = pm_data.id INNER JOIN tblUsers AS sender ON pm_data.sender_id = sender.usrID INNER JOIN (SELECT thread_id, receiver_id, MAX(date_sent) AS thread_max_date_sent FROM pm_data a INNER JOIN pm_info b ON a.id = b.message_id GROUP BY thread_id, receiver_id) deriv1 ON pm_data.thread_id = deriv1.thread_id AND pm_data.date_sent = deriv1.thread_max_date_sent AND pm_info.receiver_id = deriv1.receiver_id WHERE pm_info.receiver_id = '$usrID' ORDER BY deriv1.thread_max_date_sent DESC This appears to be working pretty good! Also, I do have one additional question: I'm looking for some help on setting up a "sent messages" query as well. It would be the same as sent messages, except, if a message is sent to multiple people (more than 1), it will not display every sent message. Instead, it would shrink it down into one row. I currently have this: SELECT pm_info.*, sender.usrFirst as receiver_name, pm_data.*, thread_max_date_sent FROM pm_data INNER JOIN pm_info ON pm_info.message_id = pm_data.id INNER JOIN tblUsers AS sender ON pm_data.sender_id = sender.usrID INNER JOIN (SELECT thread_id, sender_id, MAX(date_sent) AS thread_max_date_sent FROM pm_data GROUP BY thread_id, sender_id) deriv1 ON pm_data.thread_id = deriv1.thread_id AND pm_data.date_sent = deriv1.thread_max_date_sent AND pm_data.sender_id = deriv1.sender_id WHERE pm_data.sender_id = '$usrID' ORDER BY deriv1.thread_max_date_sent DESC And it displays something like this: To: Ed (thread_id=22) Subject: Hello There To: Joe (thread_id=22) Subject: Hello There Instead, I'd like it to display something like: To: 2 Users Subject: Hello There If I need to put this request in a new thread, I can do so. Thanks again for your help and get some rest!
  9. Okay, so I thought I had this figured out, but it appears there's something I missed out on. I've just found that if there are "more than 2" people involved in a thread (e.g., multiple recipients), it no longer groups the rows by "thread_id". I'm thinking this might be due to the fact that when a 3rd person "replies" to the thread, there's a new "sender_id" in the mix. Here's a quick example, adding on to what we've been talking about: From: Ed (pm_data.id=12) RE: single message (thread_id=13587) From: Ed (pm_data.id= RE: Test Number 2 (thread_id=16256) So, if another user named Joe (let's assume they were one of the original recipients of a message), replies to the same thread (RE: single message (thread_id-13587), I'd want the inbox to look like this: From: Joe (pm_data.id=13) RE: single message (thread_id=13587) //Note: same thread_id but new pm_data id. From: Ed (pm_data.id= RE: Test Number 2 (thread_id=16256) //This remains unchanged. From: Ed (pm_data.id= RE: Test Number 2 (thread_id=16256) Therefore, what I am looking to display is: "The latest message from each thread, no matter who the sender is." I don't want to have two rows that have the same thread_id but different sender_id. Instead, just the most recent out of the two. Is what I'm asking for possible with my current db structure? Thank you!
  10. WOW! That seems like it worked! I think that's one of the most complicated SELECT statements I've ever used. It certainly helped. Thanks again for your help!
  11. Yes, you are correct, but actually, the latest message from each thread would look like- From: Ed (pm_data.id=12) RE: single message (thread_id=13587) From: Ed (pm_data.id= RE: Test Number 2 (thread_id=16256) Nonetheless, I tried your new edit, and now it only displays: From: Ed (pm_data.id=12) RE: single message (thread_id=13587) Interestingly enough, it's not even displaying (pm_data.id=. Any ideas? My brain is starting to hurt.
  12. Ok, so I went ahead and implemented your edits. No errors or typos, that I could see. However, it now outputs the following: From: Ed (pm_data.id=10) single message (thread_id=13587) From: Ed (pm_data.id=12) RE: single message (thread_id=13587) From: Ed (pm_data.id= RE: Test Number 2 (thread_id=16256) Any other ideas on how to fix this?
  13. Hey Keith, Thanks for the reply. That definitely makes more sense. Do you have any suggestions for fixing/re-arranging my statement to yield the results I'm looking for? Thanks! EDIT: Nevermind, just saw your edit. I'll take a look at it and report back.
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