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About jmelnick

  • Birthday 05/23/1965

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  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5J 2N3

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Hello Eric, Both CakePHP and Zend Framework are good but I am really liking ZF and the awesome community. I use jQuery a lot but was not forced to use ZendX_Jquery Component. ZF is business friendly and has an ever expanding, tested set of components. I do not use Zends premium (paid) products unless it is necessary or a client wants it but they do have great server and developer tools. PHP, Zend Framework and Zend Server Community Edition are all free. a CMS project based on Zend Framework would have a solid foundation from the start. Joseph Melnick JM Web Consultants Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  2. Hello el-sid, I think the problem may be with this line: set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib'); the Zend Framework is one more directory below where it usually is in your setup. I would be inclined to add that sub folder to the include path like this: set_include_path( dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/vendor' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); This this will make things right with the universe. if you need access to the directory above this add it at the end, before the get_include_path() Joseph Melnick JM Web Consultants Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  3. Hello, I would use image functions to read the image directly, get the actual width and height, and build the image tag with the height and width set to calculated to 50% of actual size. Cheers, Joseph Melnick
  4. Hello, create a table to hold all of your names and create a column for their status (lost or found) with the following schema. create table classmates ( id int not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(50) default "" not null, status varchar(12) default "lost" not null, created datetime, updated datetime ) insert all the classmates insert into classmates (name,created) values ('name1',now()); insert into classmates (name,created) values ('name2',now()); ... insert into classmates (name,created) values ('nameN',now()); when someone signs up. $query = sprintf("update classmates set status = 'found',updated = now where name='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($name_from_form_post) ); mysql_query($query) or die("username:" . $name . " was not found" ); Cheers, Joseph Melnick
  5. if the post has an array of status'/username's then you could update them. if for instance the form has inputs like so: <input name="status[]" value="" /> <input name="username[]" value="" /> if($_POST['submit']) { for($i=0;$i < $count($_POST['status']);$i++ ){ $status= $_POST['status'][$i]; $username = $_POST['username'][$i]; $query= sprintf("UPDATE profile SET status='%s' WHERE username='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($status), mysql_real_escape_string($username) ); mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query"); echo $status."-".$username."<br /><em>Updated!</em><br /><br />"; } } You code needs a way to set up the iterator ($i) to the number of usernames and statuses. Cheers Joseph Melnick
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