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Everything posted by poelinca

  1. hey , works like a charm , thanks second error was made by my mistake sorry to fill the forum with uninportant stuff
  2. yup works now after i restarted mysql , thanks .
  3. CREATE TABLE `ci_articles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) default NULL, `content` longtext, `date` int(11) default NULL, `author` varchar(255) default NULL, `cat` int(11) default NULL, `is_page` tinyint(4) default NULL, `permalink` varchar(255) default NULL, `page_desc` varchar(255) default NULL, `page_key` varchar(255) default NULL, `search_content` longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FULLTEXT KEY `title` (`title`,`page_key`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=31 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 running the query SELECT * FROM ci_articles WHERE MATCH(title, page_key) AGAINST('sasa') produces Error Number: 1096 No tables used SELECT *
  4. CREATE TABLE `ci_articles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) default NULL, `content` longtext, `date` int(11) default NULL, `author` varchar(255) default NULL, `cat` int(11) default NULL, `is_page` tinyint(4) default NULL, `permalink` varchar(255) default NULL, `page_desc` varchar(255) default NULL, `page_key` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FULLTEXT KEY `title` (`title`,`page_key`,`page_desc`,`permalink`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=31 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 running the query SELECT * FROM ci_articles WHERE MATCH(title, page_key) AGAINST('sasa') produces Error Number: 1191 Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
  5. oki thanks , i'll try it out when i get to work and i'll let everibody know how it whent
  6. create table keyword_relevance ( id tinyint not null primary key auto_increment , Description longtext ); insert into keyword_relevance (Description) values ('Hello world') ,('hello friends from around the world') ,('friends from around the world') ,('hello my friends') ,('the keyword is not present'); Oki so up until now i was retreving my search results by "SELECT description FROM keyword_relevance WHERE description REGEXP '(hello|world)';" Now i need to order this result based on the occurence of the search keywords , the more different keywords found in one row the higher will "rank" in the search result query . Question is , can it be done from the sql query ? or do i need to work the php bit to search for each keyword in a different query then test they'r id's and ...
  7. well , if it's too much trouble and you can't do a generic one , i understand , i was just searching for smth that will get me started without those phpUnit tutorials that don't seam to be well organised .
  8. i'd like a tutorial on unit test , and test cases . makes sense now ?
  9. unit test , test cases. i need to release a module on expressionEngine ( it's basicly a big class ) , and i realy realy need it to be bug free from all aspects . I found alot of tutorials and such , but they make ma confused on how they should work , like phpUnit that is realy big and i have hard times seting it up proprely . Don't get me wrong , i don't actualy need to use phpUnit , any other app would be great and higly apreciated , specialy if it comes from you guys ( i don't have problems understanding any of existing phpFreaks tutorials ) .
  10. Send a link of you`re curriers API ( usualy they give you small examples ) .
  11. of course it doesn`t exist : see the spaces before the slashes .
  12. open config.php and paste (here) the 27`th line . did you edited any file before or after uploading ?
  13. oki then 7 it is , never whent to deep into this , let me check back , it should be "0660" "rw-rw----" , read write for owner and group , or "0760" "rwxrw----"for read write execute for owner and read write for group . back once more and gues what 4 is for read hahaha , so my log files never neded 0444 , but 0660
  14. chmod("filename", 0444) , worked for me all the times on different hosts ( mainly using this for log files and it never failed ) you should run it inside php file like this if ( chmod("filename", 0444) ) { //do stuff here } else { //error stuff here }
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