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Everything posted by Paul_Bunyan

  1. Hi all. I'm maintaining a database of engineers with some php pages linked to an Oracle database. I would like to be able to maintain a record of how long it has been since a user has last logged in to update their profile and if it has been a year automatically send them a notification. I'm not sure how to implement a timer that would check each users profiles. I was just hoping that someone could suggest an approach as I haven't as of yet figured out how to tackle this. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
  2. I'm pretty new to PHP and I took over a project for someone. I modelled all my pages after his and it was just how he did things. I'll look into using $_POST instead. Thanks for the heads up. Ah ok, thank you.
  3. Hi al. I'm encountering a weird error where my form doesn't get submitted unless I click it 2 times. I don't mean double click, but only after I have submitted it twice. I just wanted to see if someone could take a look at my code to see if there is something obvious that I am overlooking. Thanks for any insight. **EDIT: I don't know where those boxes came from. I can't see how to remove em... <?php // connection statement require_once('../Connections/pubs_db.php'); // additional functions require_once('../includes/functions.inc.php'); require_once('../php/functions.php'); // build the form action $editFormAction = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']) ? "?" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'] : ""); if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["Submit"])) { if($HTTP_POST_VARS['contact_email'] != "") { $traceMsg = "email is not blank"; // check if the user id and password combination exist in database $sql = "SELECT username, password FROM user_directory WHERE contact_email=".squote_string(parse_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['contact_email'])); $result = $pubs_db->Execute($sql) or die('Query failed. ' .$pubs_db->ErrorMsg().$sql); $commit = $pubs_db->Execute("commit") or die($pubs_db->ErrorMsg()); $totalRows = $result->RecordCount(); if ($totalRows == 1) { //set subject $subject = "Geotech Account Information"; //set recipient $recip = $HTTP_POST_VARS['contact_email']; //email username and password $headers = "From: wo@email.com"; $body = "This is your account information for your Geotech skills account:\n Username: ".$result->Fields('username')."\n Password: ".$result->Fields('password')."\n\ Josh Morsel Buns"; # The format of the mail() function: #mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]]) if(mail($recip, $subject, $body, $headers ) == false) { $errorMessage = 'Email failed'; } else { // after login we move to the index page $insertGoTo = "index.php"; KT_redir($insertGoTo); } } else { $errorMessage = 'Email not on file.'; } } else { $errorMessage = 'You must enter your email.'; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <link href="../mainstyl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="../mainstyl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </div> </head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style4 {font-size: 24px} --> </style> </head> <body> <p align="center" class="xsmallnavybold"><br /> <br /> <span class="navybold style4">Username/Password retrieval :</span></p> <p align="center" class="maroonitalicbold">Directions: Please enter the contact email that you have for this Geotech skills account. Your username and password will be emailed to you.</p> </div> <?php if ($errorMessage != '') { echo $errorMessage; } ?> </p> <form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="tbl_greenbordersolid"> <tr> <td width="150" class="largebold">Contact Email:</td> <td><input name="contact_email" type="text" id="contact_email" value="<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['contact_email']; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="150"> </td> <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>
  4. I just wanted to say thanks for all the help. It turns out that even though Dreamweaver was telling me that I had changed the permissions on my folder, on my web server it was not changing. I had to SSH in and chmod it. That, and I had to use the absolute path for my destination. Thank you!
  5. I'm still trying to figure this out so I thought I'd bump the thread to see if anyone had any other ideas where I might be going wrong. Thanks for the help so far!
  6. I got a job with US Forest Service...  ;D
  7. my current playlist: chromeo the doors cut copy A-Track the police the bollweevils steed lord the bloody beatroots gangstarr mstrkrft dropkick murphys goldfrapp Death Proof OST VND & LSM Guns n Bombs
  8. Ok, so I found my temp directory for files and it's permissions are already set to 775. I'm still getting this error: Warning: move_uploaded_file(images/1215800976.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: & Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/fsfiles/ref/infocenter/fsweb/files/phpKk35Ea' to 'images/1215800976.jpg'
  9. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm now using move_uploaded_file but I am having trouble locating my php.ini so that I can see where my temp file is located.
  10. Hello. I am having problems uploading photos to my web server. I have set the permissions on the file "images" to 777 via dreamweaver but when I submit the upload I still get the error message: Warning: copy(images/1215797607.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied I am using code found on this page (http://www.reconn.us/content/view/30/51/): I thought it was a permissions error at first but now I am wondering if there is something I may have overlooked in the code. Thanks in advance. <?php //define a maxim size for the uploaded images in Kb define ("MAX_SIZE","100"); //This function reads the extension of the file. It is used to determine if the file is an image by checking the extension. function getExtension($str) { $i = strrpos($str,"."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $l = strlen($str) - $i; $ext = substr($str,$i+1,$l); return $ext; } //This variable is used as a flag. The value is initialized with 0 (meaning no error found) //and it will be changed to 1 if an errro occures. //If the error occures the file will not be uploaded. $errors=0; //checks if the form has been submitted if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { //reads the name of the file the user submitted for uploading $image=$_FILES['image']['name']; //if it is not empty if ($image) { //get the original name of the file from the clients machine $filename = stripslashes($_FILES['image']['name']); //get the extension of the file in a lower case format $extension = getExtension($filename); $extension = strtolower($extension); //if it is not a known extension, we will suppose it is an error and will not upload the file, //otherwise we will do more tests if (($extension != "jpg") && ($extension != "jpeg") && ($extension != "png") && ($extension != "gif")) { //print error message echo '<h1>Unknown extension!</h1>'; $errors=1; } else { //get the size of the image in bytes //$_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] is the temporary filename of the file //in which the uploaded file was stored on the server $size=filesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); //compare the size with the maxim size we defined and print error if bigger if ($size > MAX_SIZE*1024) { echo '<h1>You have exceeded the size limit!</h1>'; $errors=1; } //we will give an unique name, for example the time in unix time format $image_name=time().'.'.$extension; //the new name will be containing the full path where will be stored (images folder) $newname="images/".$image_name; //we verify if the image has been uploaded, and print error instead $copied = copy($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $newname); if (!$copied) { echo '<h1>Copy unsuccessfull!</h1>'; $errors=1; } } } } //If no errors registred, print the success message if(isset($_POST['Submit']) && !$errors) { echo "<h1>File Uploaded Successfully! Try again!</h1>"; } ?> <!--next comes the form, you must set the enctype to "multipart/frm-data" and use an input type "file" --> <form name="newad" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""> <table> <tr><td><input type="file" name="image"></td></tr> <tr><td><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Upload image"></td></tr> </table> </form>
  11. Ah ok. I figured it out and I feel pretty dumb. The table in Oracle was a char(20) so the value was being stored with the extra whitespaces included. So 151 was stored as "151 ". Thanks for the help!
  12. Interesting results. So, the expected value is being echoed. But the correct drop down option is not being selected. So for example, when I select a record with the value 151, the drop down box shows the default value as "Not Applicable. 151"
  13. Here is the source that is generated: <tr> <th align="left" valign="top" scope="row">Total Jumps: </th> <td align="left" valign="top"> <select name="total_jumps" id="total_jumps"> <option value="NA" >Not applicable.</option> <option value="19" >< 20</option> <option value="21" >20 to 49</option> <option value="51" >50 to 99</option> <option value="101" >100 to 149</option> <option value="151" >150 to 199</option> <option value="201" >200 to 249</option> <option value="251" >250 to 299</option> <option value="300" >> 299</option> </select> </td> <td align="left" valign="top">*ND</td> </tr>
  14. Ah, sorry I wasn't specific. It doesn't select the correct option. It always selects, "Not Applicable." . I tried your solution mbeals, but I still can't get the right option to be selected. I also tried all of the variations given by Jabop. Thanks for the help so far
  15. Hello. I am attempting to make an update page where an admin can modify existing records. I am running into a problem when I create my drop down lists with php and I can't seem to find the error that I am making or a thread with the same problem. I am reading from an Oracle database and grabbing my record with the following code: <?php $select_doc = "SELECT total_jumps FROM mars_reports WHERE rec_id=".$rec_id; $doc = $pubs_db->Execute($select_doc) or die($pubs_db->ErrorMsg()); $com = $pubs_db->Execute("commit") or die($pubs_db->ErrorMsg()); ?> As a test I have been echoing out the results to make sure that I am reading successfully: <?php echo $doc->Fields('total_jumps'); ?> I get the expected value. However, when I try to create my dropdown list in my form with the correct value selected by default, it does not work. Here is the code I use w/in my form: <tr> <th align="left" valign="top" scope="row">Total Jumps: </th> <td align="left" valign="top"> <select name="total_jumps" id="total_jumps"> <option value="NA" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="NA") echo "selected"; ?>>Not applicable.</option> <option value="19" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="19") echo "selected"; ?>>< 20</option> <option value="21" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="21") echo "selected"; ?>>20 to 49</option> <option value="51" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="51") echo "selected"; ?>>50 to 99</option> <option value="101" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="101") echo "selected"; ?>>100 to 149</option> <option value="151" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="151") echo "selected"; ?>>150 to 199</option> <option value="201" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="201") echo "selected"; ?>>200 to 249</option> <option value="251" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')=="251") echo "selected"; ?> >250 to 299</option> <option value="300" <?php if($doc->Fields('total_jumps')== "300") echo "selected"; ?>>> 299</option> </select> </td> <td align="left" valign="top">*ND</td> </tr> Thank you for any insight you may have into my problem.
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