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Everything posted by j007ha

  1. thx^^ that is wat i want^^
  2. i got a question if i got a email which is : abc@hotmail.com but i only want to echo "abc" only which is echo the word in front @ how i do this?
  3. how am i going to generate a auto year drop down list by using php? For example : now the year is 2008, so i want the drop down list to generate a drop down list which consists the year before 3 and after 3 years of the year 2008. So what i want is <option>2005</option> <option>2006</option> <option>2007</option> <option>2008</option> <option>2009</option> <option>2010</option> <option>2011</option> i very very appreciate any help from u all ^^
  4. thx u~u r the best...love u forever ... muacks~~~
  5. no...that is not wat i want...from ur answer wat i can get is the value 0.3435 but wat i want is 3435 only...^^
  6. Ermm... For example i have a value which is 1.3435,and i only want to get the decimal value which is after the . sign so in this case the value for what i want is 3435..... how can i determine and get the value after the . sign? any help i will very appreciate~^^
  7. i got a few hyperlink text same as below <a href="www.abc.com>Tan</a><a href="www.xyz.com">Soon</a><a href="www.google.com">Keong</a> when the user click one of the link..how can i prevent the position of the link from moving...??? thx for help
  8. i have a text file which is i going to store all of the data in the text file into a database. For example: |AR_CUSTNO |AR_CUSTNME |AR_ADD1 |AR_ADD2 |AR_ADD3 |AR_ADD4 |AR_TELNO in the text file all of the column is seperate by a " | " sign...so how i using preg_replace to get rid of the " | " sign ? so i can insert all the data into the database table. thx for any reply^^
  9. $ref = ($width > $height ? $width : $height); is it mean as if $width not bigger than $height then $width is equal to $height? ???
  10. can anyone tell me how to do an access level in a system... example: accessibilty admin-can view,update,insert,delete all the data in a system clerk-only can view any idea to do with this? thx for any help
  11. oh~thx...is it any library that i can use it? or any tutorial link?coz im totally new in flash
  12. yup,i have a video folder... i have try to upload other file which is .txt and some .wmv file which is (7++kb only) n all of this can be done by easily... but i cannot upload a video .wmv which is much more big size i using print_r to debug already...it show me nothing.... ???
  13. how come i still cannot upload video? here is my script: <?php if(isset($_POST['upload'])){ if($_FILES['file_name']['size']<=0){ echo "File empty"; }else{ $name = $_FILES['file_name']['name']; $tmp = $_FILES['file_name']['tmp_name']; $size = $_FILES['file_name']['size']; $type = $_FILES['file_name']['type']; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file_name']['tmp_name'],"video/".$_FILES['file_name']['name'])){ echo "Upload Successfull"; }else{ echo "Unable to upload the follwing file".$_FILES['file_name']['name']; } } } ?> <html> <head> <title>Uploading Video</title> </head> <body> <form action="form.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table border="0" align="center"> <tr> <th>This is the upload video system</th> </tr> </table> <table border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td>Select file :</td> <td><input type="file" name="file_name"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Upload" name="upload"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>
  14. is it anyone can tell me how to upload a video by using php? i noe the different of a video file and other file(like .txt,.jpg,...) is about the file size and file type... is this the main problem which cause cannot upload the video by using same method? any help will be very appreciated
  15. is it anyone can tell me how to upload a video by using php? i noe the different of a video file and other file(like .txt,.jpg,...) is about the file size and file type... is this the main problem which cause cannot upload the video by using same method? any help will be very appreciated
  16. <?php session_start(); $user = 'xxxxxxxx'; $pass = 'xxxxxxxx'; if (($_POST['username'] == $user) && ($_POST['password'] == $pass)) { $_SESSION['islogin']=true; echo '<a href="page goes here">Clik here to view the site[/url]'; } else { echo 'Wrong username and password. '; echo '<a href="index.html?menu=all">Go-back[/url]'; } ?>
  17. //connection to db //ur sql stament $result=mysql_query($qry); echo "<select><option>Select One</option>"; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "<option>$row[cust_name]</option>"; } echo "</select>" hope this is wat u want ^^
  18. try this : echo date('d-m-y h:i:s', time()); hope this can help
  19. I have a drop-down-list and whenever i onchange the item in drop down list (select) it will call a javascript function to display 1 more new row in a table which is im going to use it to display data from mysql. So my question is how to echo the data from mysql according to the selected item into a input textbox which im create using the javascript function as i mention above. Example code is like this: var table = document.getElementById('mytable'); var tr = document.createElement('TR'); var td1 = document.createElement('TD'); var inp1 = document.createElement('INPUT'); inp1.setAttribute("value",""); tr.appendChild(td1); td1.appendChild(inp1); Im very appreciate any help from u all php genius ^^
  20. Can anyone tell me wat is this? inp1.setAttribute("Name", "Name" +inputs); wat meaning about the argument? thx for help
  21. Ermm...i think u can check this by select Tools and inside the content u can c whether ur JS is enabled or not. Hope this can help
  22. <?php if($username=="abc" && $password=="123"){ header("Location:index.php"); } else{ header("Location:login.php"); } ?> this is wat u want?
  23. kk...i will try anyway thx
  24. one more question after i have success adding a new row how can i insert the specific item information(which is store is mysql) to the follow row?(By assign a id to each column of the new row ? how to differentiate the every row?) Thx a lot
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