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Everything posted by HeaDmiLe

  1. latin1_swedish_ci supports croatian, latin2_croatian_ci too, but problem is that I use phpmyadmin from time to time and it shows "?" instead od "č" for example. On OS X, on Windows there is no problem. I know it's up to phpmyadmin, but it makes me mad sometimes
  2. I see many guys prefer latin1 instead od utf-8 collation. Do you know why? My problem is that I live in Croatia and we have some "special" characters like č and ć and because of that I have moved to utf-8. Thank u
  3. i forgot to write sth... i don't need a code, i just nead a theoretical solution...
  4. i want to make script that will change image source but first should get image width and height so that can slide old picture width up to a new image's width and same action related to height. the problem is i don't know how to get image dimension before image has loaded or there is some better way of doing this? (ex. moving image out of the screen until loading ended and then moving to right position) i use jquery... thank you...
  5. maybe the shuffle (http://hr.php.net/manual/en/function.shuffle.php) function?
  6. header('location:'.basename(__FILE__)); maybe this?
  7. I think you missed extract($_POST); above the if condition in _block_user.php... but i do not recomment you to use it... try if ($_POST['ip'] and $_POST['reason'] and $_POST['user']) { instead od extract... Tip: check some html rules like writing html attributes... Going to bed now, post if you success...
  8. you don't need 255... xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx [4x3+3=15]... $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  9. $sql = 'SELECT * FROM phptut ORDER BY id ASC'; $result = mysql_query($sql); function strLength($str,$len){ $lenght = strlen($str); if($lenght > $len){ return substr($str,0,$len).'...'; }else{ return $str; } } while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<div id="tutorial"><a href="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&id='.$row['id'].'">'.$row['title'].'</a></div>'; $str = $row['article']; //The fist part is the string, the second part is how long it can be echo '<div id="tutorial2">'; echo strLength($str,150); echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&id='.$row['id'].'">Read More</a>'; echo '</div>'; } } ?>
  10. Oh, you're totally right, I haven't seen it... bannally mistake, sry
  11. Simple... change the nema of function... this have been used somewhere else
  12. that means that username is not set really... problem is somewhere before this script... username isn't stored into session
  13. please copy the output of print_r($_SESSION); if there is sth or just a blank?
  14. Edit: <?php $tue = date('N',$timestamp); $day = date('d',$timestamp); if ( $tue == 2 && $day >= 7 ) { // then it's sure that is the second week and day is tuesday ..more action.. } ?> btw sry for new post, i saw edit icon after posting
  15. put print_r($_SESSION); line before if condition if(isset[$_SESSION....
  16. I think there is no way to use session_destroy without session_start... did you tested if script passes if condition?
  17. Ummm, interesting solution... Maybe i'll try to solve some of my problems on your way...
  18. <?php $tue = date('N',$timestamp); $day = date('d',$timestamp); if ( $tue == 2 && $day > 7 ) { // then it's sure that is the second week and day is tuesday ..more action.. } ?> from the head without testing... tell me if i'm wrong... i think it's better solution
  19. Tried CakePHP and Zend Framework. Both are great.
  20. You have all this stuff into cakephp cookbook. I think there is the point you're looking for http://book.cakephp.org/view/544/Prefix-Routing. Am I wrong?
  21. DarkWater is right... It totally depends. If I have to build a large non-extensible system and I have to build it quickly, I use CakePHP. If I have to build large extensible system like CMS or sth like that, Zend Fw is recommended. I suggest you to learn both and see what you like more... Cheerz
  22. I told you that sth in the include paths isn't ok
  23. Class is istanced... weird problem, some guys tells you should use require for it, but i'm not sure, require results fatal error also. I think here are many of people that is more competentive to solve your problem
  24. Look at the adress bar, you don't have the right url in php.ini, correct this first.
  25. Problem solved, right? Nice, I learned sth new... This is great community
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