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  1. I solved the problem, but going to leave this up for posterity $to = 'you@you.com';$from = 'yourself@you.com';$subject = '!New Claim!'; $host = "smtp.com";$musername = "techteam@you.com";$mpassword = "pass"; $crlf = '\n'; $mime = new Mail_mime($crlf); $html = 'Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim... '; $html .= 'Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim... '; $html .= 'Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim... '; $html .= 'Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim... '; $html .= 'Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim...Hey, there\'s a new claim... '; $hdrs = array( 'From' => $from, 'Subject' => $subject ); $mime->setHTMLBody($html); $body = $mime->get(); $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs); $smtp =& Mail::factory('smtp', array('host'=> $host, 'auth' => true, 'username' => $musername, 'password' => $mpassword)); $mail = $smtp->send($to, $hdrs, $body); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { echo("<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>"); } else { echo(""); } the problem was: $crlf = '\n'; needs to be $crlf = "\n"; because php doesn't interpret the single quotes as a line break. so it was getting the mail in one huge string that was too long for it to handle.
  2. I can't believe I can't find a problem similar to this on the internet. After 1024 characters, my mail messages fail. I'm using pair. I tried adding \n 's and \r's to no avail. I get the following error code: Failed to send data [sMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: -1, response: )] I know if I get the characters down to like 984 it succeeds and sends. What gives?
  3. How does this work if i have $leads = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM leads l JOIN accountants a ON l.to_id = a.id'); $l = mysql_fetch_assoc($leads); and some of the columns have the same name on both tables, how do i mysql_fetch_assoc them out? $l['a.zip']; does not work
  4. I have a pages that has the lock with the exclamation point in FF and the unsecured warnings in IE etc. I have confirmed that none of the links are absolute links without https by searching through the source and included files for http: what else could be doing this? Is there any tools to find out what is causing the problem? A checklist or something? Thanks.
  5. yes. thanks for the help. i noticed when i was looking around the internet that a lot of people have this problem. There's a lot of "hacky" solutions, like my jquery one, but at least it works now. Thanks.
  6. When I put < in the editing textarea it showed up on the webpage as < not as an html element.
  7. No. I think that we're talking about different things. It'd be like if where I'm typing this message now I could put like <b> hi</b> and it would work and then even <textarea></textarea> and the box would show up in my post. the cms is for building websites, so when i enter this information, it outputs to the webpage. the containing <textarea> is only in the cms. it stores what i put in it in a database and then when the webpage is loaded it gets the data from the database and populates the page with html.
  8. I'm working with JSP here so that isn't going to help me. And that's what I'm saying about how they will display I'll have a set of nice text input boxes and then it'll print out <textarea></textarea> instead of displaying an actual textarea to receive input. I tried it. I don't understand how you can keep saying "they can't contain html elements" when the whole company I'm working with has based their entire cms around putting html elements in textareas. I did find a solution that's a complete work around and then another more practical solution that I can't implement. (it's not my cms) The solution I used: jquery <script type="text/javascript"> var te = '/textarea'; $("div#textarea").html('<textarea id="message" name="message"><' + te + '>'); </script> <div id="textarea"> </div> 2. the solution that's better that i couldn't use: div or section with contentEditable
  9. No, they can contain the other elements, it's just a cms for writing html pages. There are things like codepress etc that are specifically written for writing code in text areas. If I write > etc it'll just print those characters out on the html page that i'm trying to edit, rather than display the code. I just talk to someone else about it and apparently the way i'm going to try to do it is on submit look for </textarea> and change it to </textarea> and then on the way out change it back. There's gotta be a better solution though.
  10. The code is really simple. I'm working with a CMS that allows you to build websites. So I'm putting code in a textarea. Basically it looks like this: <!-- this is the text area i'm editing in --> <textarea id="cms"> <b>some stuff</b> <textarea id="mycode">stuff in the textarea</textarea> <input type="submit" /> </textarea> the first </textarea> closes the containing text area (CMS) and cuts off the rest of my code, rather than closing the "mycode" textarea and so the submit ends up displaying in the CMS, rather than in the code i'm inputting
  11. I am editing code in a textarea(A). When i end a textarea inside the code it ends the textarea containing it. It cuts off my code and screws up the editor textarea. My question is like... why doesn't this: </textarea> end the posting textarea here? how can I fix this problem with what i'm coding? I feel like I need to force the closing tag to close the specific textarea that most recently opened. Thanks.
  12. why doesn't this work $("#add_domain").click(function(){ $("div#dom_entry").append('<div class="entry_field" id="dom_entry">Domain Name:<br />http://<input type="text" name="domain_name'+ num_domains +'" id="domain_name'+ num_domains +'" onKeyPress="return nogarbageone(this, event)" /></div>'); num_domains++; it just spits out num_domains like it's text. please advise. thanks
  13. I am trying to impliment this: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/floatbar.htm but I want the div to wait until it hits the top of the window to start floating. Is there an easy way to modify this script to get that functionality? I'm looking for something like yelp has. Thanks!
  14. Yeah I also have city/state & zip -> coordinates, looking for a more detailed geocode. thanks anyway.
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