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hola hola

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  1. GOT IT! I just had to change: if ($winid == $teams['teamid']) to: if ($teams['teamid'] == $score['winner']) and 'loser' for Visiting Team. THANKS!
  2. I will update that, but that field is echoing properly. I am looking at updating Home Team and Visiting Team.
  3. The Status was an example of another field that exists on the form. Here is my full code: case 'editscore': $confid = intval($_GET['conf']); $winid=$_POST['winid']; $query="SELECT s2010_wins.status, s2010_wins.windate, s2010_wins.wintime, s2010_wins.wincomments, s2010_wins.teamcomments, s2010_wins.field, s2010_wins.field_no, s2010_wins.winner, s2010_wins.loser, s2010_wins.winortie, s2010_wins.rf, s2010_wins.ra, s2010_teams.teamname AS winningteam, s2010_teams2.teamname AS losingteam FROM s2010_wins, s2010_teams, s2010_teams AS s2010_teams2 WHERE s2010_wins.winid=$winid AND s2010_teams.teamid = s2010_wins.winner AND s2010_teams2.teamid = s2010_wins.loser"; $result=mysql_query($query); $score = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $wincomments = str_replace('"','"',$score['wincomments']); $wincomments = str_replace("'",'&#039;',$wincomments); $teamcomments = str_replace('"','"',$score['teamcomments']); $teamcomments = str_replace("'",'&#039;',$teamcomments); $field = str_replace('"','"',$score['field']); $field = str_replace("'",'&#039;',$field); $status = str_replace('"','"',$score['status']); $status = str_replace("'",'&#039;',$status); $field_no = str_replace('"','"',$score['field_no']); $field_no = str_replace("'",'&#039;',$field_no); $month=date('m',$score['windate']); $day=date('d',$score['windate']); $year=date('Y',$score['windate']); $hour=date('g',$score['wintime']); $minute=date('i',$score['wintime']); $ampm=date('a',$score['wintime']); print "<form action=\"$report_page?action=updatescore&conf=$confid\" method=\"post\">\n"; ?> <table width='100%' class='tbl-border'> <tr><td colspan='2' class='tbl1'><b>Status:</b> <?print $status;?></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2' class='tbl1'><b>Date:</b> <?print $month?>/<?print $day?>/<?print $year?></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2' class='tbl1'><b>Time:</b> <?print $hour?>:<?print $minute?> <?print $ampm?></td></tr> <tr><td class='tbl1'><b>Field:</b> <?print $field;?></td><td class='tbl1'><b>Field No:</b> <?print $field_no;?></div></td></tr> // Attempted to Change to remove the DROP DOWN Menu - UNSUCCESSFUL! <tr><td class='tbl1'><b>Home Team</b>: <?php $query2="SELECT s2010_teams.teamid, s2010_teams.teamname, s2010_divs.divname FROM s2010_teams, s2010_divs WHERE s2010_teams.active = 1 AND s2010_teams.teamdiv = s2010_divs.divid AND s2010_divs.conference = $confid ORDER BY divorder ASC, teamname ASC"; $result2=mysql_query($query2); while ($teams = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "" . $teams['teamname'].""; } print "</td><td bgcolor='#FFFF00'><b>Score:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"rf\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"{$score['rf']}\" /></td></tr>\n"; ?> <tr><td colspan='2' align='center' bgcolor='#FFFF00'> <select name="winortie"> <option value="3" <?php if ($score['winortie'] == 3) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >Play - Scheduled </option> <option value="1" <?php if ($score['winortie'] == 1) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >Beat </option> <?php if ($forfeit) { print "<option value=\"2\" "; if ($score['winortie'] == 2) print "selected=\"selected\""; print ">Beat (by forfeit)</option>\n"; } ?> <?php if ($show_ties) { print "<option value=\"0\" "; if ($score['winortie'] == 0) print "selected=\"selected\""; print ">Tied</option>\n"; } ?> <option value="4" <?php if ($score['winortie'] == 4) { print "selected=\"selected\""; } ?> >Lost to </option> <?php if ($forfeit) { print "<option value=\"5\" "; if ($score['winortie'] == 5) print "selected=\"selected\""; print ">Lost to (by forfeit)</option>\n"; } ?> </select></td></tr> // Original version of Team Display in DROP DOWN MENU <tr><td class='tbl1'><b>Visiting Team:</b> <select name="loser"> <?php $query3="SELECT s2010_teams.teamid, s2010_teams.teamname, s2010_divs.divname FROM s2010_teams, s2010_divs WHERE s2010_teams.active=1 AND s2010_teams.teamdiv = s2010_divs.divid AND s2010_divs.conference = $confid ORDER BY divorder ASC, teamname ASC"; $result3=mysql_query($query3); while ($teams = mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "<option value=\"{$teams['teamid']}\""; if ($teams['teamid'] == $score['loser']) { print " selected=\"selected\""; } print ">{$teams['teamname']}</option>\n"; } print "</select></td><td bgcolor='#FFFF00'><b>Score:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"ra\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"{$score['ra']}\" /></td></tr>\n"; ?> <tr><td colspan='2' class='tbl1'><b>Comments:</b> <input name="teamcomments" type="text" value="<?php print $teamcomments;?>" size="70"> <input type="hidden" name="winid" value=<?php print $winid;?>> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2' class='tbl1' align='center'><input type="submit" value="Update"></p> </form> <?php print "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$report_page\">\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"mainview\" />\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"conf\" value=\"$confid\" />\n"; print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Cancel\"></td></tr></table></form>\n"; You can see my attempted change in Home Team display. Visiting Team display is not alterred and displays the drop down menu with the predetermined team selected. I am still getting a list of the Division Teams in Home Team echo and only want to echo the selected team in text display.
  4. I do not want the Drop Down. I am looking for the Team to be presented like: <b>Status:</b> <?print $status;?>
  5. This gets me the previously stated result. <tr><td bgcolor='#FFFF00'><b>Home Team</b>: <?php $query2="SELECT s2010_teams.teamid, s2010_teams.teamname, s2010_divs.divname FROM s2010_teams, s2010_divs WHERE s2010_teams.active = 1 AND s2010_teams.teamdiv = s2010_divs.divid AND s2010_divs.conference = $confid ORDER BY divorder ASC, teamname ASC"; $result2=mysql_query($query2); while ($teams = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { print "<option value=\"{$teams['teamid']}\""; if ($teams['teamid'] == $score['winner']) { print " selected=\"selected\""; } print ">{$teams['teamname']}</option>\n"; } print "</td><td bgcolor='#FFFF00'><b>Score:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"rf\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"{$score['rf']}\" /></td></tr>\n"; ?>
  6. That is exactly what I am looking for... Home Team: (The Respective Team) instead of the <Option> drop down menu with selected $teamname plus all teamnames of that division. I thought I had it right and al getting: Home Team: Team1 Team2 Team3 Team4 Team5 Team6
  7. I feel stupid here... I am updating my sports game report form and now do not want my drop down menu on the form. I only want it to print "<?print $teamname;?>\n"; I and getting a horizontal list of the $teamname (s) associated with the respective $divname. <b>Home Team</b>: <select name="winner"> <?php $query2="SELECT s2010_teams.teamid, s2010_teams.teamname, s2010_divs.divname FROM s2010_teams, s2010_divs WHERE s2010_teams.active = 1 AND s2010_teams.teamdiv = s2010_divs.divid AND s2010_divs.conference = $confid ORDER BY divorder ASC, teamname ASC"; $result2=mysql_query($query2); while ($teams = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { print "<option value=\"{$teams['teamid']}\""; if ($teams['teamid'] == $score['winner']) { print " selected=\"selected\""; } print ">{$teams['teamname']}</option>\n"; } print "</select>\n"; ?> Please help! My head hurts! Thanks!
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