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Ace Jon

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About Ace Jon

  • Birthday 12/27/1989

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  1. Show line 9, and don't escape the end quote.
  2. You've only selected 'comment_image' and 'image_id' form the table but you're trying to echo a whole bunch of other stuff. You have to SELECT everything you want in your $result array.
  3. I first needed a 'username' for Mario Kart DS, as my real name didn't fit. I also needed an avatar for the game. I was looking through the avatar templates in the game and an ace of spades took my fancy. My real name is Jonathan, but I go by Jon. 'Jon' fit nicely inside the spade of the avatar, but a lot of vertical space wasn't being used so I needed a 3-letter adjective to add to my name. Ace Jon.
  4. In the mysql search, try changing: category = heating to: category = 'heating' Whether or not that works, you should do this whenever you're in doubt with a mysql query: $something = mysql_query("query goes here") or die(mysql_error());
  5. Let's say you're using POST to send the select data to the verification page. What I do is (this is if the 'values' in your <options> are integers, but you could work around that if you're doing something else): $selected = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofvaluesinselect; $i++) { if ($i == $_POST['selectname']) $selected[$i] = ' selected'; else $selected[$i] = ''; } // Stuff happens, we close PHP with ?> and we're printing the form again: <select name="bla"> <option value="0" <?php echo $selected[0]; ?>>Option 0</option> <option value="1" <?php echo $selected[1]; ?>>Option 1</option> <option value="2" <?php echo $selected[2]; ?>>Option 2</option> <!-- etc --> </select> So, if the value was selected from last time, the <option> of that value says 'selected', otherwise nothing.
  6. How long ago did you switch to SQL? If it was a short time, it's possible that thnigs haven't... connected... yet.
  7. The error is in the last echo of the file. You didn't put "</form>" within apostrophes/quotes, and more importantly, you didn't end the line with a semicolon, therefore it's trying to echo the end of your else and the end of your while, instead of ending the loops.
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