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  1. hi,see the query & code below, 1. rtm_name_arb is a field in the table storing names in ARABIC, when the query run directly on the query browser, names appears in arabic. when it is accessed from php, it shows question marks only. 2. if we assign some arabic value directly into this variable - $TO_ADRS_A it works correctly. help me immediately. $pdf->SetFont("almohanad", "", 18); $query = "SELECT bk_desc,bg_desc,rcd_floor_no,rcd_prem_desc_eng, rtm_name_eng,rtm_name_arb,rcm_contact_person,rcm_contr_year,rcm_contr_no, rtm_phone_off_1,rtm_phone_off_2, DATE_FORMAT(rcm_start_date,'%d-%m-%y') as rcm_start_date, DATE_FORMAT(rcm_expiry_date,'%d-%m-%y') as rcm_expiry_date, DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(rcm_expiry_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY),'%d-%m-%y') as rcm_fnl_date, rcm_tot_contr_value FROM res_contract_master cm LEFT JOIN res_tenant_master tm ON cm.rcm_tenant_no=tm.rtm_tenant_no LEFT JOIN res_contract_details cd ON cm.rcm_contr_year=cd.rcd_contr_year AND cm.rcm_contr_no=cd.rcd_contr_no LEFT JOIN es_blocks bm ON cd.rcd_block_no=bm.bk_Id LEFT JOIN es_buildings bu ON cd.rcd_building_no=bu.bg_Id WHERE rcm_contr_year=2007 and rcm_contr_no<100"; $result = mysql_query($query); if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $TO_ADRS_E = $row['rtm_name_eng']; $TO_ADRS_A = $row['rtm_name_arb']; } $TO_ADRS_A="لبب سبتسيبس الايسباسيب"; $x=10; $y=60; $pdf->SetXY($x,$y); $pdf->Cell(0,4,'TO: ' . $row['rtm_name_arb'],0,0,'L'); $pdf->SetXY($x,$y); $pdf->Cell(0,4,'TO: ' . $TO_ADRS_A,0,0,'L');
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