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Everything posted by Mchl

  1. FOr exampe simplexml has attributes() method: http://www.php.net/manual/en/simplexmlelement.attributes.php
  2. See: simplexml, xmlreader and xmlwriter extensions
  3. That's exactly what I'm hinting at with these numbers (in case that's not clear)
  4. For your consideration: There are 95 printable ASCII characters. To store all possible 50 character long strings you need (50^95)*50 = 1.26*10^163B = Do you have that much storage avialable?
  5. mysqli and PDO are both PHP extensions (just like mysql library you used is). They can be enabled and disabled on demand, but very often are enabled by default. The php manual has relevant instructions in each case. To see what extensions you have currently enabled use phpinfo
  6. WE've an irc channel at irc.phpfreaks.com. Join in.
  7. Welcome and thanks for sharing. You might be interested to learn about mysqli which is currently recommended API for connecting to MySQL from PHP.
  8. What's that even supposed to mean??
  9. Use mysql_error to see if/what about mysql complains.
  10. These are not ASCII codes. These are HTML entities. Use html_entity_decode
  11. This topic has been moved to Application Design. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=308048.0
  12. The phrase you need to google search for is 'database replication'. Not sure if SQLite is capable to do it though. Maybe there's some other solution for mobile apps. Definitely app design board, moving there.
  13. Note: You can also use YYYYMMDD format without quotes. SELECT needs_id, email_id, status, name, email FROM needs WHERE created_sort BETWEEN 20100701 AND 20100805
  14. Put dates in quotes, otherwise MySQL will do the substraction (2010-07-01 = 2002) SELECT needs_id, email_id, status, name, email FROM needs WHERE created_sort BETWEEN '2010-07-01' AND '2010-08-05'
  15. Go to your profile, select 'Modify Profile' > 'Look and Layout', check 'Return to topics after posting by default.'
  16. Regenerate session id on each request
  17. Yes you can use it. It uses MySQL's LAST_INSERT_ID() function, and as such is very reliable (as long as you know about it's limits as described in manual)
  18. echo sprintify($urls['default'], 46, 464, 46);
  19. You can also declare argument to be passed by reference, which makes it sort of IN/OUT argument http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.references.pass.php
  20. It's not problem with MySQL, but with your PHP code (which you should paste here). Alsp please familiarise yourself with how arrays are used in PHP Click here: array
  21. Load both files into database and do comparing using SQL features.
  22. First of all you should ask your host if they even allow for such changes. It might be, that they block all ports except 80 and 443 on their firewall.
  23. Start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_%28database%29 http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-indexes.html
  24. My inner child. Your inner child is hairy
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