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Posts posted by Eggzorcist

  1. If I have the following in a header.php in a root of localhost.




    and my header is attached to a file in /localhost/hello/index.php


    will the phpself think its the root of localhost or in hello/index.php?



  2. This is fairly easy. I tend to do this in javascript as the user does not need to leave the page to find out if they are missing anything.

    However, a php alternative would having in the action:


    if (!$_POST['TEXT1'] && !$_POST['TEXT2'] && !$_POST['RADIO1']){
    //error message


    However that will never pinpoint the user's mistake.

    If you were to pinpoint the users mistake it's a bit more complicated. I'd use a jsp from a ready done jsp framework and mix it with php to not let the user click submit until everyting is spick & span.


    Guy above me beat me to it!


  3. I'm having trouble thinking how this could be done in php. As php does not view .swf as a picture. The only way I can think of is capturing the swf API and creating a new picture. But I'm not certain on how that's done.

  4. I suggest using require for any authentication scripts or security you want to include. Less important things, use include. That said, I just use require. As, files don't normally vanish so you won't get the error with a live website, plus it's better for testing you're script so you can see if there is an error.


    If you have any doubts about functions you can try php.net first. It has them all!  :o

  5. I agree with what's right above me.  ::)


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  6. Read the error carefully. It does not state anything wrong with you're code. You must setup a mail server for you're server. Most hosting have this configured automatically. However if you are using WAMP, LAMP or MAMP you might not have it configured. You should find how to set it up on google fairly easily.

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