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  1. can anyone pls help me how to make this one a. complete date and time b. your complete name in all capital letters(using strtoupper() function) and do the ff -Display area, circumference and diameter of the circle if the radius is 23 -Display the are of the triangle if the base is 10 and the height is 12 -Display the value in degrees celsius if the degree in fahrenheit is 50 -Display the value of 1500 pesos in dollar if the convertion factor is $1 = 47 -using the following Celsius= 5/9 (fahrenheit - 32) Diameter = 2 Radius Circumference = 2 *Pi *Radius Area(Circle) = Pi *Radius *Radius Area(triangle) = 1/2 *Base *Height someone help me ???
  2. hi everyone im krizelle or kzel im 16 and i am a college student from philippines im taking the course information technology and i really have difficulties about my subject database and java(computer programming) im really glad to find this site i think this site will help me with my problems at school so yeah,i hope to meet nice people who can help me more and more thanks. i really have bad english :-\
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