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Everything posted by CroNiX

  1. Also, why the duplicate code? You are doing the same insert into comments AND the same header() regardless of your strlen() check. if(strlen($email) > 5){ //do the insert for email } //do the insert for comment //do redirect
  2. You called it "Java" in the thread title, but this is javascript. Java is an entirely different language. As far as your question, your code seems to be fine. 1) you load main jq library 2) you load the calx library (is this a jquery library?) 3) you have custom code that sets up the calx library Can you define "cancels each other out"?? What is happening exactly?
  3. So the notification emails are not going out? The ones listed in Settings/Notification options?
  4. This is only checking to see if the DAY is the same as today. If today is the 13th and you go to a future/previous month, 13 is also highlighted. You might want to check to see if the entire date is the same and not just the day.
  5. In your php that is processing the image, you need to ECHO the url back out to the browser, not RETURN it. You might also want to rename the uploaded file to something random, or at least check to see if a file already exists with the same name as the uploaded file.
  6. don't trust $_FILES['file']['type'][$k]; to give you an accurate mime type. It is set by the browser and shouldn't be trusted. Use this: http://php.net/manual/en/function.finfo-file.php
  7. It might help to know the purpose. What will it be used for that shouldn't be "easy to guess"?
  8. Will all of the urls start with the protocol or is it possible to have urls like www.somesite.com?
  9. CroNiX

    multi query

    2 Steps: INSERT INTO order2 SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE id_product='$id_product'; Then do your delete from order as you are already doing. Note the above will only work if the columns are identical and in the same order in both the "order" and "order2" tables.
  10. The OP is already using an array fetched from mysql though. Pravin was just showing the concept using a smaller custom array.
  11. A bit harsh, Jacques. You'd set up a single task in the windows task scheduler that runs every 5 minutes or so (I think 1 minute would be a bit much, but you can if you want). That executes a php script. There are lots of examples in google how to set this up. When the php script is executed, it checks a database to see if there are any sms to send out for the last 5 minutes (or whatever you want). If there are any present, send the sms's. You would create some form or something for your users to set a time to send a sms, along with the message, and that's what gets stored in the above mentioned database. As far as API to be able to directly manage tasks in the windows task scheduler, you could probably do that using a COM extension, but that would be much more difficult than the above. It would just be a lot easier to just have 1 task that executes your php script every x minutes.
  12. I'm sorry, I don't think I can really do that as the code you provided in your first post doesn't seem to be the complete page as when I view the source of the page there is a <style> section in the <head> of the document. There are other files included somewhere. If you can locate that file, in the <style> section you would just need to add: #header ul li a {color:red !important} it doesn't have to be "red"...change to whatever color/html color code you want.
  13. Oh that won't work for what you're doing because the form doesn't display. Do the same thing above except instead of giving the form an ID give the <h2> tags the id.
  14. Hmm haven't tried it with wordpress, but you could give your form an ID and in the form action submit with that #. like <form id="the-id" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>#the-id">
  15. I have no idea about that particular script and when I viewed the source code for it I got a headache. You could check if there is documentation for it wherever you downloaded it from. What I'd do is give your <ul> that contains all of your top links an ID, like <ul id="main-menu"> Then in the <head> of the document, look for the <style> section and create a new rule, like: ul#main-menu li a:hover {color:red !important} That basically says, whenever a <a> in the ul with an id of "main-menu" li is hovered (mouseover), change the color to red
  16. Sorry, I don't know enough about custom wordpress coding to help further.
  17. Well that can be changed with just CSS, but I think more importantly you lose your submenu. Personally, I'd just google for "css dropdown menu" and see how they do that WITHOUT the need for javascript. It will be a LOT smaller code-wise as well.
  18. No, you're correct. At this point I think boompa probably had it correct and that PLHIMMenu javascript plugin is manipulating the links. Try removing this: <script type="text/javascript" src="Pluginlab/Scripts/PLHIM.js">/* PLHIMMenu script ID:PLHIMYFUFUJC */</script> And see if the links work just for troubleshooting....
  19. right click on the page in the browser and choose "view source" (or equivalent). Double check that the links are pointing to .php and not .html.
  20. There is a LOT of customization you will have to do with that specific script. I'm sorry, but based on your original question, I think this is too advanced for you and you will need a lot of help making the script work for your needs if you are not understanding what it's doing. But in short, let's pretend this is WordPress. Each wordpress installation contains the current version number of the install, which you would need to know in order to check the main wordpress site to see if a newer version was available by comparing the 2 versions (your install vs main wordpress site). That's what get_siteInfo('CMS-Version') is doing, but it's specific to that authors custom CMS he developed. So you'd have to make your own.
  21. Well, sure it's possible. Probably the easiest way would be to create a form with a new submit (delete) button, and loop through the emails and create <input type="hidden" name="del[]" value="THE ID OF EACH EMAIL"> If they submit that form, $_POST['del'] will be an array of the email IDs. From there you can run a query to delete them.
  22. Personally I'd do checkboxes, and have 2 buttons. This will allow you to delete them all, or save some. 1) Check ALL 2) Delete Selected
  23. Next step would be to repost the header file.
  24. You can also totally leave off the action to have it submit to the current url. Like: <form method="post">
  25. $rows_per_page would just be the maximum results shown per page. If $rows_per_page = 5, and there were 3 results found, it would just be one page with 3 results. If 6 results were found, it would be 2 pages with 5 results on first page and 1 result on 2nd.
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