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Everything posted by CroNiX

  1. My how browsers are making it easy to make mistakes by not being strict enough...I can't believe that IE of all things was the app that caught it.
  2. If you are not interested in this data, couldn't you just turn the feature off and delete them?
  3. You worded it better. Its not the actual code, but the settings. Like magic quotes. A lot of code relies on this being set to on because lazy programmers use stuff like this. If you set it to off, which will be standard in php6, it will break the code that relies on it being on.
  4. I know this wasn't directed at me, but the answer is no. Its a very bad idea to try this. Your server will most likely be blacklisted by spamcop or something. It will take a very long time to undo the damage this will cause.
  5. In cPanel (for domain owner) its under "Email Authentication". Enable the domain keys and SPF record. Also a PTR record is good, but I manually added that one in (Im master admin for cPanel, so I can make direct edits to DNS entries).
  6. or just an else (if its not the first 2 conditions, it will be equal)
  7. Yes, some php4 code will break in php5. I use virtualmin for my hosting platform and it lets me use php4 or php5 (and now php6) set per virtual host, but I don't think many others do that.
  8. Sure, actually Im surprised it worked in the other browsers the way you had it.
  9. bleh...jquery...use mootools A lot smaller, more functions, and better smoother animation.
  10. Its called pagination. You will find a lot of examples if you search this site or google 'php pagination'.
  11. what happens if you change myChart.setDataURL("temp/Data_" + dataxml.value); to myChart.setDataURL("temp/Data_" + document.getElementById('dataxml').value); or possibly myChart.setDataURL("temp/Data_<?php echo $xmlsheet; ?>");
  12. A single quote is a literal quote. Anything inside will not be parsed by php and the output is exactly what is in the quote. It will also let you do things like: echo '<a href="http://somesite.com">Some Site</a>'; as opposed to: echo "<a href=\"http://somesite.com\">Some Site</a>"; (even double quotes are taken as literal so you don't have to escape them)
  13. Your server also has to have PTR records and other things enabled via DNS settings. Some receiving servers don't care, but places like yahoo do. As spam continues to grow, more and more servers require this info as it cuts back on it but makes it more of a pain to setup.
  14. How does one manipulate session data with only the ID? I understand how they can get at the session data if on shared hosting via another host that uses the same session path, but how from the client with only the session id?
  15. The cookie that the session creates only contains the session ID, not any of the session data. The session data is stored on the SERVER, not the clients machine. You shouldn't store any sensitive data in a cookie as anybody can read/manipulate them.
  16. You can't really, but you can have the link active for only x amount of time, enough time for anybody to be able to download it. Unless they were using a 300 baud modem like in my Commodore 64 days LOL.
  17. As mentioned above, unset the whole $_SESSION array, not just one element. unset($_SESSION);
  18. Or give the image an ID and use document.getElementById('myid').src=...
  19. It comes with an extension for php, so its done in there somehow. Adds debugging from within firefox and IE as well (extensions).
  20. Zend Studio has it (couldn't live without it), but I don't know if its available on the mac. It shows all variables and their values at any given time. You can set watches....etc, like any traditional debugger.
  21. We probably need to see the register-form.php page. Just a note: instead of setting $errflag = true on each check, at the very end of your checking you could just: if(sizeof($errmsg_arr) > 0) $errflag = true; since you are starting with an empty array and filling it...
  22. Always good to be able to see the errors
  23. $prices = array(8.95, 11.95, 14.95); //create an array of your prices. //then just check if the price is in the array, or NOT in the array in your case if(!in_array($_POST['item1_price'], $prices)) { $next_payment='2012-01-01 00:00:00'; } The format is: in_array($needle, $haystack) where needle is what you are searching for and haystack is the array of values to search against.
  24. No that doesn't help much. Change this line: $check_ref = @mysql_query($check2,$connection) or die("Couldn't execute referral check query."); to this: $check_ref = @mysql_query($check2,$connection) or die("Couldn't execute referral check query.<br>".mysql_error()); and post the exact error please
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