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Everything posted by craigbabe

  1. Hey I was wondering how I could change the outputed 15600 seconds into the number ofd hours minutes and seconds? I need this for a count down feature. Is there a function that can do this? I have looked around but only confused myself
  2. Thankyou, Javascript is so handy :). Thanyou you are a bloody legend! It worked I figured out from there :D Thanks so much!
  3. [code] include("skins/'.$mg2.'->activeskin/settings.php"); [/code] Does the one you showed actually work? I would change the file name because its abit of a pain in the bum!
  4. I have searced and tried so many things Im just out of ideas.. My hose went down and when it came back up people could not log back in.. When you are not logged in you are redirected to a login page.. [code] $CookieUser = $_SESSION['name']; $CookiePass = $_SESSION['pass']; $domain = "http://www.simupets.com"; echo"<br> <form method=\"post\" action=\"$domain/login.php\">                   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"login\">                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name=\"username2\"  class=\"inputf\" size=\"9\" value=\"username\" onblur=\"if(this.value=='') this.value='username';\" onfocus=\"if(this.value=='username') this.value='';\"><br>                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input class=\"inputf\" name=\"password2\" size=\"9\" type=\"password\" value=\"Password\" onblur=\"if(this.value=='') this.value='Password';\" onfocus=\"if(this.value=='Password') this.value='';\"><br>                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Login\">                </form><br>"; [/code] This is what I have for my user auth [code] if($act=="login") {         require('login/login.php');         }         if($act == "in") {         require('login/login.php');         }         if(!$act) {         if(!$CookieUser) {         require('login/form.php'); // I always get this outcome         } else {         require('login/login.php');         }         } [/code] I dont know whats wrong... I used $_POST['act'] but I get a white space error.. It seems the infomation in the form is not being submitted or something? Can anyone figure the problem?
  5. All I can find is how many characters there is but I want words. Do you know how i can do this? Happy Easter btw
  6. Hey I have been working on getting rid of users cheating with my scripts. I was wondering how I can remove wierd character like  or `e I have tried using ctype_digit but cannot find away of removing it... Dies anyone know how? I know ther eis tonnes of those kinds of characters.. is there just a way i can only get the numbers out of a string? im baffled
  7. So this should work for characters like Â? if (!ctype_digit($price)) { exit; }
  8. hey I have a site where you can bet on things. But people are cheating in some scripts by betting 100% or 100* or something like that.. If it was called $bet = 100* ; how can I alter the string so it only outputs the 100 and not the * ?
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