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  1. Thank you, now I know what to look for to solve the problem.
  2. Below is the code in the support.php for the submit to reply button and the close ticket now button. echo"<p>"; echo" <form method=post>"; echo" <p align=\"center\">Reply To This Ticket:</p>"; echo"<p align=\"center\"><textarea rows=\"15\" cols=\"40\" name=\"reply\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br></p>"; echo"<center>"; echo"<center><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ticketstatus\" value=\"Closed\"> Submit Reply And Close This "; echo"Ticket Now<p>"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"id\" value=\"$id\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"origid\" value=\"$origid\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"timesubmitted\" value=\"$timesubmitted\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"memberid\" value=\"$memberid\">"; echo"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admpage\" value=\"support\">"; echo"<input type='hidden' name='adm_passwd' value='$adm_passwd'>"; echo"<input type=submit name=Submit class=\"form-button\" value=\"Submit Reply\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=action value=\"reply to ticket\">"; echo"<p>"; echo" </form></font><p></p>"; echo"<p> <form method=post>"; echo" <p align=\"center\"></p>"; echo"<p align=\"center\"></p>"; echo"<center>"; echo"<center><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ticketstatus\" value=\"Closed\">If the ticket is resolved and you'd like to close it without an additional reply, click the following button to close it now.<p>"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"id\" value=\"$id\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"origid\" value=\"$origid\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"timesubmitted\" value=\"$timesubmitted\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=\"memberid\" value=\"$memberid\">"; echo"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admpage\" value=\"support\">"; echo"<input type='hidden' name='adm_passwd' value='$adm_passwd'>"; echo"<input type=submit name=Submit class=\"form-button\" value=\"Close Ticket Now\">"; echo"<input type=hidden name=action value=\"close ticket now\">"; echo"<br>"; echo" </p>"; It will not allow me to reply to ticket or reply and the close ticket. The button will not respond to either action.
  3. I am working with a script and there is an error with the reply code in the admin support.php. When I put in reply information and click the the check box for submit reply and close this ticket now and then the submit to reply or if I click the submit reply button alone; the button will not respond. Can someone help me with the actual code to get the check box and the the submit to reply button to work? [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. I have several scripts that require register_globals. I do not use globals for security reasons. Is there a way to recode so the script will work without it? The code I am trying to change is: foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS) as $i) {if(!isset(${$i})) global ${$i};} and function brotator($br_rid) { global $url,$dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname; $db = mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Could not connect"); I have included the actaul file also. Thanks for any help you can give me. [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. I have two mods I cannot figure out what to do with. One is a maintenance mod and I keep getting this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function clearCacheFile() in /home/ancera/public_html/modules/deeemm/maintenance/classes/DmMaintModule.php on line 65. and the second one brings this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method MChrisMToolsConfig::init() in /home/lordsal/public_html/modules/mchristiaan/mtools/classes/MChrisMToolsModule.php on line 29 I am just starting to learn, so I need the php for dummies explanation. Thank you in advance. [attachment deleted by admin]
  6. I am trying to get a my thanks.php and logout.php to look like the rest of my script. It has echo and I do not know anything about it. Here is my thanks.php: <?php include "./header.php"; include "./config.php"; echo "<br><br><b>Thanks for making the payment , we verifies each payment manually . We will get back to you very soon after verifing your payment.</b><br><br>"; include "./footer.php"; ?> Here is my logout.php: <?php include "./header.php"; include "./config.php"; session_start(); session_destroy(); echo "You are currently logged out. To login in again <a href=./admin.php target=_blank>click here</a>."; include "./footer.php"; ?> Here is the design I am trying to add: <table class=testamonials width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="20" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFEEA" align="center"> <tr> <td> <br> Put text from each .php here <br> </td> </tr> </table> Once the code is created I need it put back where the text from above is located or know how to add it if the above code does not work.
  7. I have several scripts that refuse to post information to database. I am curious what would stop information from being posted. Does it have something to do with globals and how come it works on some webpages and not others. If you need example please send me a private email and I will send you cpanel information. Thanks ahead of time for help
  8. I am getting the following error for my php that resend activation email and passwords. I do not understand so I cannot fix. Just need understanding on how to fix as I am learning php now. Errors are For Password: Fatal error: Call to undefined function checkRefer() in /home/traffic1/public_html/resend.php on line 13 For Resend: Fatal error: Call to undefined function checkRefer() in /home/traffic1/public_html/resend.php on line 46 Here is what the errors look like. I am not sure how to fix as I do not understand what I am doing. Becoming programmer but have not gotten to this yet. Password: <?php include("phpinc.incfile.php"); include($varsfile); include($funcsfile); mysql_connect($ssqldb_rhost, $ssqldb_ruser, $ssqldb_rpswd); mysql_select_db($ssqldb_exchname); $emailincs = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT content FROM templates WHERE type='emailincludes'"), 0); $emailheader = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT content FROM templates WHERE type='emailheader'"), 0); $emailfooter = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT content FROM templates WHERE type='emailfooter'"), 0); if ($_POST['form'] == 'sent') { $http_ref_page = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if ($check_http_referrer == 1) { checkRefer($http_ref_page); Resend } if ($_POST['formc'] == 'resenda') { if ($check_http_referrer == 1) { $http_ref_page = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; checkRefer($http_ref_page); }
  9. Thanks for the help with the in_array problem all the errors on the webpage are gone. I changed to this and now I am getting the following error and it won't post to database. Line: 80 Character: 2 "null" is null or not an object Error: 0 What does this mean and can it be fixed? <? $includes[title]="Moderator Level Manager"; include('admin2/mod_manage_arrays.php');//lots of info, put it in a seperate file if(isset($_GET['action'])){ $ability=$_POST['ability']; if($ability!=''){ foreach($ability as $non_menu_check){//pulls each ability into a variable if(array_key_exists($non_menu_check,$non_menu_array)){ foreach($non_menu_array[$non_menu_check] as $non_menu_item){ $non_menu_list.=','.$non_menu_item; } } } $non_menu_list=ltrim($non_menu_list,','); $menu_list=join($ability,','); $edit_user=$_POST['edit_user']; $ad_manage=$_POST['ad_manage']; if($edit_user=='none') $edit_user=''; if($ad_manage=='none') $ad_manage=''; if($_POST['id']=='new'){ $Db1->query("INSERT INTO mod_permissions (group_name,menu_ids,non_menu,edit_user,edit_ads) VALUES ('{$_POST['name']}','$menu_list','$non_menu_list','$edit_user','$ad_manage')"); }else{ $Db1->query("UPDATE mod_permissions SET group_name='{$_POST['name']}', menu_ids='$menu_list', non_menu='$non_menu_list', edit_user='$edit_user', edit_ads='$ad_manage' WHERE id='$id'"); } } $Db1->sql_close(); header("Location: admin.php?view=admin&ac=mod_manage&saved=true&".$url_variables); exit; } if($id != 'new'){ $sql=$Db1->query("SELECT * FROM mod_permissions WHERE id='$id'"); while($db_info=$Db1->fetch_array($sql)){ $group_name=$db_info['group_name']; $edit_ads=$db_info['edit_ads']; $edit_user=$db_info['edit_user']; $items=explode(',',$db_info['menu_ids']); } }else{ $mod_array=array(); $items=array(); } $includes[content].=" <script> function CA(isOnload) { for (var i=0;i<document.frm.elements.length;i++) { var e = document.frm.elements; if ((e.name != 'allbox') && (e.type=='checkbox')) { if (isOnload != 1) { if (e.checked != document.frm.allbox.checked) { e.click() } //hL(e, true) } } } alert(\"Note: User and Ad permissions were not changed\"); } </script> <div align='right'><a href='admin.php?view=admin&ac=mod_manage&{$url_variables}'>Back to Moderator Manger</a></div> Here you can change the permissions of a moderator group. <form action=\"admin.php?view=admin&ac=mod_manage_level&action=run&{$url_variables}\" method=\"POST\" name=\"frm\"><br \> Group Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"40\" value=\"$group_name\"><br \> Select All: <input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"allbox\" onClick=\"CA()\"><br \> "; foreach($logs_stats_array as $mod_array){ $table_data_logs.="<tr class=\"tableHL2\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableHL3'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableHL2'\"> <td>{$mod_array[1]}</td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"ability[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$mod_array[0]}\"".iif(in_array($mod_array[0],(array)$items)," checked='checked'")."></div></td> </tr>"; } foreach($mod_pages_array as $mod_array){ $table_mod_pages.="<tr class=\"tableHL2\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableHL3'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableHL2'\"> <td>{$mod_array[1]}</td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"ability[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$mod_array[0]}\"".iif(in_array($mod_array[0],(array)$items)," checked='checked'")."></div></td> </tr>"; } $table_edit_view.="<tr class=\"tableHL2\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableHL3'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableHL2'\"> <td>User Manager</td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"edit_user\" type=\"radio\" value=\"view\"".iif($edit_user=='view'," checked='checked'")."></div></td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"edit_user\" type=\"radio\" value=\"edit\"".iif($edit_user=='edit'," checked='checked'")."></div></td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"edit_user\" type=\"radio\" value=\"none\"".iif($edit_ads=='' && $id!='new'," checked='checked'")."></div></td> </tr> <tr class=\"tableHL2\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableHL3'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableHL2'\"> <td>Ad Manager</td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"ad_manage\" type=\"radio\" value=\"view\"".iif($edit_ads=='view'," checked='checked'")."></div></td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"ad_manage\" type=\"radio\" value=\"edit\"".iif($edit_ads=='edit'," checked='checked'")."></div></td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"ad_manage\" type=\"radio\" value=\"none\"".iif($edit_ads=='' && $id!='new'," checked='checked'")."></div></td> </tr>"; foreach($admin_feat_array as $mod_array){ $table_admin_feat.="<tr class=\"tableHL2\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableHL3'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableHL2'\"> <td>{$mod_array[1]}</td> <td><div align='center'><input name=\"ability[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$mod_array[0]}\"".iif(in_array($mod_array[0],(array)$items)," checked='checked'")."></div></td> </tr>"; } $includes[content].="Logs and Stats: <br \> <table class=\"tableBD1\"><tr class=\"tableHL1\"> <td><b>Permission:</b></td> <td><b>Can View</b></td> </tr> $table_data_logs </table><br \> Moderator Functions: <table class=\"tableBD1\"><tr class=\"tableHL1\"> <td><b>Permission:</b></td> <td><b>Can View</b></td> </tr> $table_mod_pages </table><br \> Edit or View Functions: <table class=\"tableBD1\"><tr class=\"tableHL1\"> <td><b>Permission:</b></td> <td><b>Can View</b></td> <td><b>Can Edit</b></td> <td><b>Cannot View</b></td> </tr> $table_edit_view </table><br \> Administrator Functions: <table class=\"tableBD1\"><tr class=\"tableHL1\"> <td><b>Permission:</b></td> <td><b>Can View</b></td> </tr> $table_admin_feat </table> <br \><br \> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" name=\"submit\"> </form> "; ?>
  10. I need some help as I understand very little about php so can someone help me with this problem. am getting the following error Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 79 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 79 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 79 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 79 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 79 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 79 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 79 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 87 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 87 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 87 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 87 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/paid2/public_html/admin2/mod_manage_level.php on line 108 I am going to attach file that it refers to and maybe someone can help explain to me what is wrong. I do ot know about php so if it is not to much trouble so I know next time can someone explain the in_array definition? I have tried to find out but it is a bit confusing. Thank you, Lisa [attachment deleted by admin]
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