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Everything posted by GD77

  1. Fixed the problem was in the Model query I had to use LEFT JOIN on 2 tables don't know why I forgot to fix that before...
  2. the <ul> </ul> and content being duplicated so i m having 2 identical results
  3. any suggestions why i m having the duplicated results?
  4. Hello: I m having this foreach duplicated in returned data this happened when I upgraded to a news version of xammp and can t figure out why the duplicated are taking place... <?php if(isset($sess_uLOG) && $sess_uLOG==true) { $attrib = array('name'=>'fxxx','class' => 'fxxx'); echo form_open('main/profile',$attrib); ?> <ul class="cont_up"><!-- START section Overview--> <?php foreach ($u_profile as $u_pr) : ?> <li> <div class="sec_topic">Overview<span><?php $ubtn=array('name'=>'form_btn','value'=>'btn_save0','type'=>'submit','content'=>'Save');echo form_button($ubtn)?></span></div> <div class="profile_pic"> <img src="<?php echo base_url()."assests/imgs/profile/thumbs/".$u_pr->prof_pic; ?>" width="200" height="200" alt="<?php echo $u_pr->un; ?>"> </div> <div class="sec_content0"> <blockquote> <span>gender:</span><span> <SELECT name="ugender"> <?php @$u_gender=$this->input->post('ugender', TRUE); foreach ($ar_gender as $val_gender) { if ($u_gender != NULL && !empty($u_gender)) { echo "<option value='$val_gender'"; if ($val_gender == $u_gender) {echo " selected='selected'";} echo ">".$val_gender."</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='$val_gender'"; if ($val_gender == $u_pr->gender) {echo " selected='selected'";} echo ">".$val_gender."</option>\n"; }//END if else post } ?> </SELECT> <span>name:</span> <span> <input type="text" name="ufname" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['ufname']) ? $_POST['ufname'] : $u_pr->ufn; ?>" maxlength="12"> <input type="text" name="ulname" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['ulname']) ? $_POST['ulname'] : $u_pr->uln; ?>" maxlength="12"> </span> <span>username:</span> <span><input type="text" name="uname" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['uname']) ? $_POST['uname'] : $u_pr->un; ?>" maxlength="18"></span> <span>country:</span><span> <SELECT name="ucountry"> <?php @$u_count=$this->input->post('ucountry'); foreach ($country as $value) { if ($u_count != NULL && !empty($u_count)) { echo "<option value='$value'"; if ($value == $u_count) {echo " selected='selected'";} echo ">".$value."</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='$value'"; if ($value == $u_pr->u_country) {echo " selected='selected'";} echo ">".$value."</option>\n"; }//END if else post } ?> </SELECT> </span> <span>phone: +</span><span><input type="text" name="uphone" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['uphone']) ? $_POST['uphone'] : $u_pr->u_phone; ?>" maxlength="18"></span> </blockquote> </div> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul><!-- END section Overview--> <?php echo form_close(); }else{ .... }
  5. GD77


    Thanks, and I've used sprintf which is better then strn_pad in this case just need it for single digits. function add_leading_zeros($array) { foreach($array as $key=>$value) { $array[$key] = sprintf("%02s",$value); } return $array; } print_r(add_leading_zeros(range(1,14)));
  6. GD77


    Hello: Is their a way to format range single digits? ex: $ar1 = range (1,14); will return array(1,2,3...) I need to append 0 to single digits to have 01,02... Thanks.
  7. so sorry forgot about urlencode :/ *smashing my head into the wall*
  8. -.- still issue with codeigniter built n encrypt when you encrypt an email address it does not decrypt...
  9. ok I v e noticed the issue occurs when i m encrypting an email address... I ve dropped the CI built in and tried similar approach with the following: function encryptz($text) { return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, SALT, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND)))); }//END Fn encryptz function decryptz($text){ return trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, SALT, base64_decode($text), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND))); }//END Fn decryptz The data I m decrypting are returned through a url so using: $this->input->get('var'); works except if var was returning an encrypted e-mail address...
  10. Yes using CI here first time so far so good fast too only main issue having is setting the right .htaccess and encrypt decrypt issues other then that give laravel a try too looks promising, as been said you need to experiment what it s best for you. Still CI has lots of community help behind it, fast and reliable with many tutorials to learn from...
  11. nothing special simple encrypt decrypt: $txt="hello"; $r1=$this->encrypt->encode($txt); $r2=$this->encrypt->decode($r1);
  12. Hello: I m facing an issue with codeigniter encode encrypt decode, different results for the same string each time... thought the I m still on same server and same key been using for couple of days...
  13. Is it possible to trigger form validation error from the Model or Controller to target validation_errors(); used in a form? Ex: ///////////////view.php//////////// $att = array('name'=>'x','class' => 'y', 'id' => 'z'); echo form_open('.../...',$att);?> .... ...... /////////////////////////////////// ///////////////model.php or controller.php//////////// function tst(){ ....validation code... then... trigger custom error for the validation_errors() in the view.php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  14. Is it possible to trigger form validation error from the Model or Controller to target validation_errors(); used in a form?
  15. 1680x1050 just said only the editor's font ... everything else is good.. :/
  16. Hello, can you plz change this text font? it s eye killing and can t see all letter while typing and I am on 22" screen...
  17. Ya I agree I am a bit paranoid though I still think it s a good Idea if you store the encryption key in the db and encrypted since most of us are on reseller or web hosting servers.. About encrypting the config file!!! many times I had access to web servers either for new web making or editing and like everyone you ll have access to all users 's files on that server... this is my main concern...
  18. How safe is to rely on codeigniter own encryption key..? If you used encryption key do you have to encrypt the config.php file? Any ideas aside from storing the key into the db then loading it to the config.php which in turn might pose a bit of performance issue but still might be better solution...
  19. FIXED :/ can t believe I had an additional bracket at the the end of a long file wtf "}"<-- this was the problem btw as I said @pramodhkumar use autoload.php.. I had the model autoload so no need for $this->load->...
  20. That s what m using whole codes... http://pastebin.com/hqAzA5x1
  21. ok fixed one error model_Data should be model_data still it wasn't case sensitive yet can t find why m getting that error...
  22. the model is auto loaded in with the autoload.php
  23. Hello: I'm using the following from the controller to call a method from the model but receiving and erro: //from the controller function getT(){ $th=$this->input->post('the', TRUE); $this->model_data->thCheck($th); }//END Fn getT() //from the model function thCheck($th=NULL){ echo $th; } yet I m receiving that error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method model_Data::thCheck() in ....\controllers\main.php on line 20
  24. Hello: I ve .css file with background images where paths are not working :/ ex: .cmd {background:url(/assests/theme/theme1/img01.png);} any work around since we can t use base_url() in css of course...
  25. kicken Thanks man worked like a charm...
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