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Everything posted by GD77

  1. I ve removed all .js included into the web still... (locally, localhost test)
  2. Helllo: Anyone knows why I m getting #.xxxxxxxx appended to the end of my url? http://gd77-studio.com click on any btn you ll get this: ex: http://www.gd77-studio.com/contact.php#.UST2NGeaXys
  3. never mind changed the whole slider concept...
  4. http://www.screencast.com/t/gpGyJ3wG this is small screen view to know what I m facing.
  5. hello: I m using this as base slider :http://www.dreamcss....ry-sliders.html made the caption section vertical to the right but when I ve added a form button or an <a> tag I ve noticed that the text is blinking too much and disabling the button or the link... :/ anyone came across this problem? Thanks.
  6. Thanks I have clearer image now so better to drop the bad words validation on an email specify most rated...
  7. yes of course but ericbass shouldn t be considered as one word?
  8. Hello, I m using the following to check on bad words upon an email validation: $badWords=array('...','...'); $words = array_map('preg_quote', $badWords); $words1 = implode('|', $words); if(!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-\.]+@(?:[a-z0-9_\-]+\.)+(?:'.$Ext.')+$/', $user_email) || preg_match('/\b'.$words1.'\b/i', $user_email){} The email in question: ericbass213...why is it considering it as badword since it snot listed in the badwords array and yes when I ve disabled the badword validation the email workd fine. Thank
  9. need to apply many conditions from the fn0 to each variable but trying to avoid doing so manually
  10. Hello: Any suggestions how to use all variables of a methods inside an array to apply another method on each one? fuction fn0(){....}//end fn0 function fn1($x1,$x2,$x3,$x4){ $mAr=array($x1,$x2,$x3,$x4); foreach($mAr as $val){ $this->fn0($val); }//end foreach }//end fn1 In reality I have like $x12. Thanks.
  11. in Short that the html between the form tg print_r("<ul class='tbl'> .... </ul> <input type='hidden' name='dd' value='".x."'> <input type='hidden' name='ss' value='".v."'>");
  12. I have spacing problem any idea how to solve that? Each cell is a UL container .ul {width:32.3%;display:inline-block;float:left;min-width:318px;height:auto;border:0;padding:5px 5px;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:95%;letter-spacing:1px;color:rgba(30,30,30,0.95);background:rgba(187,187,187,0.1);} I had to use min-height:560px;.... Any other suggestions plz?
  13. never Mind Just old screen Res issue... Admin you can remove the whole topic....
  14. Hello: The data is being generated from the data bases the main container is a "UL" tag, how I fix that error when one container having less data that following ones would layout to the bottom left? .tbl {width:31.5%;min-width:200px;height:auto;min-height:670px;display:inline-block;float:left;border:0;padding:5px 10px;font-size:95%;letter-spacing:1px;color:rgba(30,30,30,0.95);} .tbl {margin-bottom:10px;background:rgba(187,187,187,0.1);} that s the css for the UL tag. Thx...
  15. $file = 'export'; $tbl="tbl_xxx"; $qry_expEm = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".$tbl."`"); $i = 0; if (mysql_num_rows($qry_expEm) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry_expEm)) { $csv_output .= $row['Field']."; "; $i++; } } $csv_output .= "\n"; $values = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `".$tbl."`"); while ($rowr = mysql_fetch_row($values)) { for ($j=0;$j<$i;$j++) { $csv_output .= $rowr[$j]."; "; } $csv_output .= "\n"; } $filename = $file."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i",time()); header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel"); header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Y-m-d") . ".csv"); header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename.".csv"); print $csv_output; exit; using this common script why does it output all HTML codes of the current page?
  16. <object name="cp_L" class="cp_L" data="cp_L.php"></object> .cp_L {width:15.8%;;float:left;overflow:hidden;position:relative;} It s commen problem found it on google still no solution :/ again if it was my coding problem why would it work on firefox at first?
  17. naa you only have overflow:hidden,auto,scroll,... the problem not with css it works fine with firefox... problem with chrome and opera they tend to break the css overflow tag
  18. Hello: how to fix overflow:hidden for chrome and opera...?
  19. jazzman1 thx too
  20. Christian F. thx a lot mate worked fine
  21. only need the <li> might use [li] and i ll substitute i later does not matter just don t want to allow <> for </script> or nothing else to be used
  22. what it should match is any text including new line and li tags simple ex: text tetx 1252 ext text2 text 2 <li>text2</li> text 3...
  23. jazzman1 the code is match < test it their http://erik.eae.net/playground/regexp/regexp.html even in my php page... if you type <script> or <bi> instead of <li> it returns true
  24. thx jazzman1 ya it s working.
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