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  1. I've got query. SELECT * FROM '.PRFX.'sell WHERE draft = "0" '.$e_sql.' AND ID NOT IN (SELECT id_ FROM '.PRFX.'skipped WHERE uid = "'.$u.'") AND ID NOT IN (SELECT id_ FROM '.PRFX.'followed WHERE uid = "'.$u.'") ORDER BY raised DESC '.$sql_limit; I want to add 3 records by the lowest number of refreshes; best on 5th position they must be unique (so if you connect two UNION ALL...)
  2. It's done. SELECT DISTINCT sell.*, follow.id as followid FROM '.PRFX.'sell sell JOIN '.PRFX.'followed follow ON follow.id_ = sell.id WHERE draft = "0" AND follow.uid = "'.$u.'" ORDER BY follow.id DESC '.$sql_limit;
  3. Yeah, but I get '1 2 3 4' IDs instead of original sell.id's i.e. 12 14 16 19
  4. I want to preserve ORIGiNAL sell.id instead of id: '1 2 3 4 etc.'
  5. Examples mess my original ID (from sell table) and i MUST preserve it. How to do it (Still waiting for an answer)?
  6. I've got. SELECT DISTINCT * FROM '.PRFX.'sell sell JOIN '.PRFX.'followed follow ON follow.id_ = sell.id WHERE draft = "0" AND follow.uid = "'.$u.'" ORDER BY follow.id DESC '.$sql_limit that orders table, but it messes with the original '.PRFX.'sell ID (exchanging it with the follow.id) How to make it back to the original one?
  7. Found already an answer. SELECT DISTINCT * FROM '.PRFX.'sell sell JOIN '.PRFX.'skipped skip ON skip.id_ = sell.id WHERE draft = "0" AND skip.uid = "'.$u.'" ORDER BY skip.id DESC
  8. I've got. SELECT * FROM '.PRFX.'sell WHERE draft = "0" AND id IN (SELECT id_ FROM '.PRFX.'skipped WHERE uid = "'.$u.'") And want to order by ID field (DESC) from '.PRFX.'skipped' How to do it?
  9. I've got a code that searches TEXT in search of e-mail addresses, i.e. "xxx@xxx.pl" etc. and replaces it, with the phrase I want (<a href='mailto: X' with some style=''></a>) How to turn it into preg_replace() ?
  10. //$x = ereg_replace('[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+@([.]?[a-zA-Z0-9_/-])*','<a href=\'mailto:\\0\' '.$style.'>\\0</a>',$x); For true, how (to update the code)
  11. Visit: http://testowa.testynarkotykowe.pl/testy-narkotykowe/testy-na-mocz (the behavior is going crazy). Has anybody got maybe any clue on how to fix it to work correctly? Code itself. http://jsfiddle.net/LYcm9/5/
  12. Found answer already on other forums. http://jsfiddle.net/LYcm9/5/ Thanks
  13. I want when onmouseover on particular section to put an OPACITY #fff 0.2 layer on everything except the selected class i.e. table Similarly as you have: .tableHighlight:hover{background-color:#eee} <table id='table-main' class='tableHighlight'> ... but inversed (puts layer on everything else, but not the table itself) --- http://jsfiddle.net/LYcm9/1/
  14. I've added function PAGE($md='',$md2='',$md3='',$md4='') { global $db; and it works...
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